Lady & the Tramp 2: Scamps Adventure
Avert your eyes!
By Megan Welch

: : : Our Rating : : :

Don't see it

There should be a list entitled "What Were They Thinking", and the people unfortunate enough to make this list should be forced to explain and apologize for their actions. Disney should be on the top of this list for Scamps Adventure. Eisner needs to ask himself the following questions: Was Walt a genius? Should one of Walt's classics be messed with? Let me answer for him, yes he was and no they shouldn't!

It might not have been quite so bad except the cartoon (I refuse to call it a film) can't even come up with an original idea. The main villain, Buster, is supposedly from the original yet no one I've talked to remembers him, Scamp is traumatized to learn that his dad is not the house dog he thought he was, and the biggest atrocity of all is that they recreate the spaghetti scene with Scamp and Angel. Scott Wolfe, the man can barely put a character across in front of the camera, once he's behind a microphone all emotion is lost. The only redeeming fact of Scamps Adventure is that Don Knott's voices the dogcatcher.

Long story short - don't mess with one of Walt's classics, the man knew his stuff. The next atrocity to come forth from Disney, Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True. No I am not joking.

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