Scary Movie
Funniest movie of the year? Maybe if you're stoned.
By Julie Williams

: : : Our Rating : : :

Wait for cable

Having been a horror movie fan for over 20 years, I went to "Scary Movie" thinking I would see some of my all-time favorite scenes retooled with a little comedy thrown in. Perhaps I was expecting too much from the folks who brought us "The Wayans Brothers" show.

In "Scary Movie," the brothers Wayan couldn't think of a single new situation to make their story interesting or engaging. Instead, they just copied scenes almost verbatim from two 90's horror movies, "Scream",(which already served as an intelligent, tongue-in-cheek take on the genre), and "I Know What You Did Last Summer", (which was a joke in and of itself). The only new ground this movie covered, besides the addition of a lot of farting and pot jokes, was the addition of a gay sub-plot culminating in a very funny bathroom scene about 3/4 of the way through the film. Unfortunately, having to trudge through a two-hour bad Wes Craven remake for a five minute chuckle was asking too much of this reviewer.

Regrettably, I went to this movie forgetting one very important detail: I HATE stupid movies! The scariest part of "Scary Movie" was when I heard that the Wayanses have already been signed to write a sequel. At least then, you can use your doctor's "medical marijuana" note to create a few giggles of your own.

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