What Lies Beneath
Your typical scary movie with some added features
By Stacey Lamas

: : : Our Rating : : :

See it at a matinee

This film included all the common elements of a scary movie, but managed to include a few surprises. It tended to avoid many of the cliches, although it was at times trying to be Hitchcockesque and at other times trying to be more like "Scream". For the most part it kept me interested and hiding behind my hands in several parts. In at least a couple of places in the film, all the girls in the audience did scream, from which one can interpret what they may.

I went into the film knowing nothing about it, which of course greatly increased the power of the so called scary moments. Basically, this film incorporated aspects of several different types of films from "The Sixth Sense" to "Rear Window" to "Practical Magic" to the cheesy horror flick. I believe that the attempt to create a new film using elements of several past films and then including new twists made the movie worthwhile. If one goes in expecting nothing from this movie, I think they will be pleasantly entertained. It was well acted, well directed and had a pretty decent plot all around. On the other hand, if one is expecting to be wowed by an entirely new and different type of film, then this is not going to be it. I rate this film as a matinee for the general public, considering that most people have probably seen the previews and read the posters. Yet, if you are like me and avoid all the previews, then it is worth to see it in the evening, if for nothing else then to increase the fear factor by it being nighttime.

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