The X-Men
A movie that actually translates a comic perfectly to the screen.
By Justin Bauer

: : : Our Rating : : :

Pay full price and buy it on dvd

X-men!!! Finally a worthy comic book movie. Not since Batman have I felt like a nine year old kid. Bryan Singer has created a visually stunning movie with a well thought out plot that's as fun as an "summer" movie should be.

The plot : "mutants", people with abnormal or supernatural powers are on the rise. Professor-X (Patrick Stewart)has created a school to encourage these types and nourish them a they grow into adults. The rise in mutant powers has created a backlash from freaked out regular joe's around the world who are afraid of mutants taking over. Magneto (Ian Mckellan) is Professor-X's long time nemesis and friend who is trying to convert everyone to his rash mutant life-style. Our good professor has thus asembled an A-team of superheroes to combat this mass conversion and restore peace to the world.

Sounds like this could be the worst movie ever but it isn't. The movie is well paced, there's just enough exposition mixed with tender emotional scenes mixed with pure action to create the perfect "intelligent/dummed-down" theatre experience. It really appeales to a vast audience while remaining somehow true to it's 30 year comic book history. There's plenty of glib Wolverine humor putting shame to any of Arnold's one-liners, and just enough captivating action sequences to get the Stone Cold Steve Austin crowd excited apout skinny guys in spandex. Speaking of wrestlers Tyler Mane,ex-pro wrestler ("big sky") plays Sabertooth one of Magneto's cronies. The cast is great except for maybe Halle Berry("storm")who is a little monotone and underdeveloped,we'll have to wait for the sequel to truly judge this. Aussie (I hate that phrase) Hugh Jackman plays the baddest canadian cowboy Wolverine who all but steals the show. If it wasn't for our shakespearian buddies Ian and Pat to keep us grounded, I probably would have ran around with knives on my hands for weeks! Anyway,enough of this childish behavior. If you love comic books you'll love this movie! If you love a good story you'll love this movie! If you hate fruit-cake then you'll love this movie!

See for yourself,but if you're favorite movie is "Runaway Bride" then you probably wouldn't see X-men even if Julia Roberts played wolverine!

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