Just for kicks, I’m going to say that I don’t own anything again. I don’t even have my legendary bamboo poking stick for it has been stolen. You know who you are!!! If you’re reading this, then I’ll give you one warning! Give me my bamboo poking stick or I’m going to shove my replacement poking stick up your ass!!!

Now that the unpleasantness is done, I’d like to say thank you to Djinn, for letting me dedicate this in her honor (and Wildefyre’s) and for liking the fic too! And to Wildefyre, who likes to boost my ever growing ego. And Tenku’s Girl, cause I like to talk to her and it’s to fun thank TG. And finally Cye’s Girl, for thinking that Kenji is just too cute. You’re all great gals and all of you have great fics that I want you to finish!!!!!

Chapter 6

Sleep refused to come to Touma on Christmas Eve as he laid in bed, wrapped in the warm embrace that the man beside of him provided. With his head resting against his lover’s chest, he listened to Seiji’s heartbeat, strong and even. It reassured him that Seiji was really there and he wasn't just a dream.

Touma should’ve been tired, especially since they had gotten up early and made the long drive up to Sendai to spend Christmas Eve with Seiji’s family. He had to admit that he was intimidated by the Dates, not because for any horrible reason, but because they were so . . . family like. Kenji seemed to fit right in with them as though they were his family, but Touma stuck out.

It reminded him of everything he couldn’t give his son, it also reminded him of everything he wanted and couldn't have. The day had been a pleasant one, yet the archer couldn’t shake the feeling that he was doing his son more harm by not letting him live with Grace and Matsuji. He couldn’t help being selfish though, he just loved Kenji too much.

Pushing those thoughts away, Touma was determined not to that ruin his mood, it was going to be the first time he was going to celebrate Christmas with Kenji. Part of that excitement kept him up, the way a child would stay up at night, anxious to open the presents under the tree. Touma couldn’t wait to watch his son open up all of his gifts, he hoped that he had gotten what Kenji wanted. He was a bit worried if Seiji would like what Touma had got him, the archer had out a lot of thought into it, but he still wasn’t sure if it was good enough.

There was something that Touma had wanted to give Seiji, however he was too afraid to even wrap it. Sitting in his desk drawer was a black, velvet box with a gold band in it, that he had bought in London six years ago. He wanted to give it to Seiji then, but he found that things don’t work out the way you plan them to be. Touma had toyed with the thought of giving it to Seiji for Christmas, but his judgment vetoed that idea. He would probably scare the blond away and he didn’t know how he’d take Seiji’s rejection for the second time.

Reaching up, the archer played with the golden locks of his lover's hair, careful not to wake him up, Seiji was a light sleeper. At nights he loved to watch Seiji sleep, he look so peaceful and innocent, oblivious to the world around him. Sometimes Touma would lightly trace the sharp features of the blond's face with his fingertips, memorizing it by his touch.

It brought back memories of nights like this he had spent with the blond so many years ago. He wondered how he had survived six years without this man by his side, without his love and compassion to help Touma along the way. Every time Touma just glanced at Seiji, he felt his heart overflowing with the love he had for the man. The love that Seiji had for him was patching up old wounds and scars from the past . . .

"Touma . . ."

The archer's hand froze, his fingers were gently twisted in blond hair and his heart skipped a beat as Seiji whispered his name. He relaxed when he realized that the blond was only talking in his sleep, blushing a little, knowing that the dream had to be about him. Seiji's arms tightened around him, pulling him closer, muttering incoherently under his breath. Touma's face totally went red, feeling Seiji's hard length grinding against him and successfully turning him on.

"Mmmmm, Tou . . . s'good," Seiji murmured, still in his dream.

Touma found it difficult to breathe, Seiji was squeezing the life out of him while dry humping him. His sex was now painfully erect, trapped in his boxers as the blond rubbed against him harder. Closing his eyes, Touma began to rock his hips in time with Seiji's hips, becoming lost in the burning pleasure that each bit of contact ignited.

Strong hands moved down and cupped Touma's perfectly rounded ass cheeks, groping him roughly. The blond kept pressing Touma closer, as if Seiji were trying to make them into one being in his sleep. Touma's breaths came in shallow gasps when he felt a finger stroke his opening through his boxers. His entire body shuddered, that finger was now pushing into his opening, but his damnable boxers were in the way.

Seiji's panting was loud in Touma's ear, now and then he'd softly cry out with lust. Touma was relieved that he didn't get too loud, Kenji was sleeping right down the hall and he didn't want his son hearing his papa and Seiji practically having sex. A groan escaped Touma's lips, Seiji's speed had picked up, the chafing of cloth rubbing on his length was causing the skin in that area to become unbearably hot. That heat seemed to spread all over his body and his desire was raising, wanting more of the delicious contact Seiji was giving him.

With a finger halfway inserted in him, trying to dig its way deeper and the insane humping Seiji was doing in his sleep, Touma couldn't hold back his release any longer. He moaned Seiji's name softly as relief washed over him and his seed shot out, soaking his boxers in it. After a few more thrusts, Seiji reached his climax, groaning Touma's name repetitively. The archer could feel the blond's orgasm drench the cloth between them with his own hot seed.

Seiji's eyes fluttered open, finding his vision a bit blurred in pure pleasure. He just had the most amazing dream, involving him and a very naked Touma. Once he could see clearly, he found himself looking at panting, exhausted Touma. He then noticed the wetness in his underwear, making it click in his mind that he just had a wet dream.

The blond sat straight up, gazing down at his lover, who was still trying to catch his breath. “Oh gods, what the hell did I do? Tou, are you all right?? Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry!”

Taking a shaky breath, Touma managed to sit up and run a hand through his sweaty hair. “You just about humped my brains out, but I’m fine.”

"I don't think I've ever done something like that in my sleep before," Seiji mumbled, trying to make sense of his actions. He felt embarrassed, he molested Touma while unconscious! Seiji was so humiliated, he could hardly bring himself to look at the archer. And he was supposed to be the one who had control of his emotions and actions, though truthfully, when it came to Touma, he had no control whatsoever.

Touma gave Seiji a quick peck on the lips. "Come on, let's change the sheets and take a quick shower. You're going to have to tell me what you were dreaming about, whatever it was, it sure sounded wild." Touma winked slyly at Seiji before climbing out of bed.

Nodding dumbly, Seiji got up and helped his love change the sheets, then followed him into the bathroom, where they took a shower. As they stood under the hot blast of water, Seiji longed to reenact his dream, but decided that it would be better to wait until Kenji wasn't home, he wanted Touma to scream his name when he took him.

So the blond settled on staring at the strong, limber, naked body of the archer as the heated water ran down smooth, pale skin. Touma turned his back to Seiji, giving the blond a good view of his butt. Seiji became fascinated with the beads of clear liquid that traveled southward and disappeared in the crack in his ass. There was no way Seiji couldn’t be turned on by the simple sight of a wet and naked Touma.

Okay, so maybe watching wasn’t such a good idea.

Even though he was facing away from Seiji, Touma could feel the blond’s gaze on his thin frame, making him feel a little uncomfortable, knowing that his every movement was being observed. He didn’t know what the blond saw in him, but he didn’t mind that Seiji loved him and showered him with affection.

Pleasurable sensations from earlier were beginning to rise again as Seiji enveloped him in his arms and started biting at his neck, leaving light marks on the pale skin. Touma could feel Seiji's once again erect penis pressing on his ass, the urge to have Seiji inside him was maddening and another part of his body was beginning to react to the skin to skin contact.

Working his way down to Touma’s shoulder, Seiji licked along his collarbone, his arm wrapped around the archer’s waist and his other hand was slowing roaming across his chest, gently outlining the firm muscles there. Then he grasped one of Touma’s wrists and started suckling on slender fingers.

“You have such beautiful hands,” Seiji whispered. “They’re so soft, no one would be able to tell that you’re an archer.”

Leaning on Seiji, Touma purred as Seiji kissed and licked his way down to his palm, lightly tickling it with his tongue. Those sweet lips sent shivers down Touma’s spine, he couldn’t get enough of the attention Seiji was giving him. He then became aware that the blond had removed his lips from his hand and was tracing his finger across the delicate skin on the underside of his wrist. Right along the path of his scar.

Touma stiffened and automatically tried to move away from Seiji, he no longer had the desire to have sex. But the blond held securely onto him, not letting go, staring down at the scar that marred perfect skin. They stood there in silence for long minutes, even with the hot water pouring onto him, Touma felt horribly cold and was slightly trembling.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” Seiji asked quietly.

Touma let out a sigh and closed his eyes. “It’s not exactly something that’d come up in a conversation.”

“But . . . why? Why would you do something so stupid? I thought you were smarter than that! Don’t you have any respect for life?”

Touma jerked away from Seiji and turned off the water, a little irritated by what Seiji was saying when he understood so little. He didn’t know what it was like at that time of Touma’s life, when there really wasn’t a purpose to go on. It was that time between when he and Seiji broke up and before he and Grace had Kenji, he'd rather not think of it. And how dare he speak to Touma as though he just decided to try to kill himself for the hell of it, when he was the one who had torn apart Touma’s heart. Stepping out of the shower, he grabbed a towel and started drying himself off, avoiding Seiji’s glare.

“Are you just going to pretend that I’m not here? Tou, tell me, why would you even think of such a thing?”

"You wouldn't understand," Touma said under his breath while putting on a clean pair of boxers.

"How do you know? Explain it to me so I can understand." Seiji started putting on his clothing as well, his concern was getting the better of him, he couldn't believe that Touma would try such a stunt.

"You would never understand!" A harsh snap came from Touma, his eyes narrowing, startling Seiji, he had never heard this usually gentle man use such a tone of voice. Tears shined in the archer's blue eyes, threatening to spill out, but defiantly staying where they were. "How could you ever begin to understand what I went through? You don't know what it's like to have your lover cheat on you with one of your best friends. You don't know what it's like to know that you never meant anything more than just a friend by the only person you're madly in love with. You don't know what it's like to be alone, to go on day after day and have nothing to look forward to.

“I didn’t think that anyone could love me! I didn’t have supporting parents or siblings to turn to for help! I had to do everything on my own and only depend on myself. I was tired . . . and scared . . . Until you know the pain and loneliness I went through, you will never understand why I tried to take my life, so don't go preaching to me about how stupid it was!"

Seiji stood there completely speechless, not knowing how to respond to Touma's words. He didn't move from his spot even after Touma had stormed out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. Once the archer's words had finally sunk in, he went after Touma.

"It was my fault, isn't it?" He felt that it was, he set off the chain of events that would lead Touma to do such a thing. Guilt that had been tucked away came rushing back, he had caused the person he loved to hurt himself. Gods, Touma could be dead right now just because of him! What was he thinking when he cheated on Touma that day six years ago? How could he have done it without thinking of how it would affect Touma?

“Don’t give yourself so much credit,” Touma hissed bitterly, sliding into bed, throwing the covers over his head.

Sitting on the edge of the mattress, Seiji slid his hand under the bankets and lightly caressed the soft blue hair he found there. “I’m sorry,” his voice was just above a whisper. “I was just surprised, you’re such a strong person, I didn’t think things could ever get to the point where even you couldn’t handle it. Well . . . except maybe the war, but that’s all I can think of.”

“There’s always something that comes along that someone can’t handle,” Touma said softly from under the blankets that couldn’t warm him. “It all just came at once for me. You have nothing to be sorry about. It wasn't your fault, how would you know I would've done something like that? Seiji, you did hurt me more than I'd like to admit, but I didn't try to kill myself just because of you. So many things were going on that I couldn't handle at the same time. Life just works out that way.”

“Touma . . .”

“Let’s not talk about this anymore. It’s Christmas, we’re supposed to be happy.”

“So do I just have to ignore the scars on your wrists and always wonder what happened during the six years we didn’t speak to each other? How am I going to be happy knowing that you hurt yourself like that?”

Touma peeked from under the covers. “I’m sorry that I acted so badly, it’s just a time of my life that I hoped to put behind me. Let’s forget about for now and not ruin the day, please? If not for me, then for Kenji. Please? We can talk about it later, I promise, love.” He pulled back the quilts and scooted over so there was room for Seiji to lay down. Touma held his breath, hoping that Seiji would drop the subject and maybe even forget about it. He didn’t want to go back to that time and explain to Seiji what he was going through.

“I’ll do it for both you and Kenji.” Getting back into bed, Seiji draped an arm over Touma’s hip. “I love both of you so much, though I have to confess that I’m more fond of you, no matter how adorable your son happens to be.”

“Good, because I’d be seriously worried if you liked my son more than me and I’d be forced to do what’s best for Ken and ask you to move out.” Touma yawned sleepily and turned to face the blond, so he could bury his face in Seiji’s chest, breathing in his sweet scent.

“I love you, Tou.” Seiji laid there, waiting Touma to echo his words, but all he got was a quiet snore, Touma was fast asleep. Resting his cheek on silky locks of blue, Seiji let himself fall into a deep slumber to the sound of Touma’s snores.

It seemed once Seiji closed his eyes, he had to open them again, an unfamiliar weight had just crawled over him and it was too light to even be Touma. A small body wiggled its way between him and Touma, and silvery, violet eyes smiled up at Seiji. A giant grin was spread across Kenji’s round face, excitement was clear in the little boy.

“Get up, Papa, it’s Christmas!” Kenji announced to his sleeping father. He tugged on the lock of hair between Touma’s eyes in effort to wake him up but to no avail. “Papa! I wanna open presents now!” The little boy was exasperated that his papa would not get up. “Seiji, Papa won’t get up, wake him up for me?” Ken flashed Seiji an darling rendition of Touma’s puppy dog eyes.

Seiji smiled at the tiny version of Touma and nodded. “It’ll be my pleasure.” Then, leaning over so his lips were just barely touching Touma’s ear, he whispered softly so that only the archer could hear. “Tou, Kenji caught us naked in bed.”

“WHAT!?” Touma just about sprang out of bed, while making sure that his blankets still covered his body. Looking wild eyed at the snickering Seiji, Touma realized that he was very much clothed. “That’s not funny!” The archer threw his pillow at Seiji’s face, hoping to shut him up, but the blond blocked the pillow and he only laughed harder.

“Papa! Let’s go open presents now!” Kenji took his father’s hand and started to drag him out of bed.

“All right, all right, hold on a sec, let me put something warm on.” Touma managed to get his flannel pajamas on before being escorted out of the room.

Seiji chuckled to himself, then put on his bathrobe, following the father and son to the living room. Kenji was sitting in front of the small tree, going through all of the gifts, looking at the tags. He took the liberty of handing out each present, proud that he could read the names on each tag. Ken examined the three stacks of brightly wrapped packages, he was pleased to see that he had the largest haul out of the three, while the other two were about the same size.

“Can we open now?” The little boy asked, getting anxious to know what he had received from everyone.

“You go first, Ken,” Touma insisted.

He needed no second bidding, as the little boy took the closest package, glanced at who it was from and ripped away the red and green paper that surrounded it. Almost as soon as he saw what it was, Kenji threw his arms around Seiji and thanked him over and over again.

“Well, I guess this means you liked the racetrack.”

“Papa! Did you see? I gotta new track for my cars!” Kenji was showed his father the new, toy racetrack for his tiny race cars.

Touma didn’t say anything, instead he smiled and watched his son grow even more ecstatic with each present he got. Soon, the stack of gifts had been reduced to two piles, one of wrapping paper and ribbons, another of books, toy cars, lego sets, new clothes and other playthings. Ken was trying to figure out what he wanted to play with first, he wanted to try out that new racetrack, however the model spaceship was just calling out his name. The little boy had totally forgotten that two other people still had yet to open their gifts.

Seiji was painfully slow in unwrapping his packages, as if he were afraid that ripping the wrapping paper would mean the end of the world. Touma could hardly stand it, the archer wanted to open his own presents, but what he wanted even more was for Seiji to get to a certain gift that Touma had gotten him. Once the blond had folded back up the sweater Shin had bought him and put it to the side, Touma shoved a poorly wrapped box in his hands. The archer could feel the vein under his eye twitch as Seiji took just as long as ever to open it.

“Touma, you shouldn’t have.” Seiji smiled warmly at his lover, he couldn’t believe that Touma had gotten the silver pocket watch his father gave him fixed and polished, he didn’t even notice it was missing. He remembered always saying that he was going to get it repaired and never did. His smile widened when he saw the inside of the cover, engraved on it was the kanji of courtesy. Giving Touma a light kiss on the lips, he whispered, “Thank you, my love.”

“You’re ever so welcome, my dear.”

“You kissed! Does this mean you’re gettin married?” Kenji asked, wondering if maybe Seiji had decided to take his advise and ask his papa to get married for his Christmas present.

Seiji cursed to himself, it slipped his mind that Ken was still in the room, or he wouldn’t have kissed Touma right in front of the four year old boy. “No,” Seiji choose his words carefully. “People still kiss even if they’re not married.”

“Are you ever goin ta get married?”

“That will have to be discussed another day. You have your mind set on your papa getting married one of these days, aren’t you?” Seiji ruffled Ken’s hair.

“Yeah, cause Momma doin that with Matsuji, so Papa should do that with you.”

“We can talk about this later,” Touma said, blushing slightly. At such a young age, his son shouldn’t be concerned about him getting married. “Let’s finish opening presents, Seiji still has a few more.”

The last gift Seiji had was in an envelope and it left him with a completely shocked expression on his face. Inside was a seemingly innocent card, but inside the card was a naked picture of a Touma in a very erotic position and a piece of paper that said:

Valid only for Date Seiji; any night of doing whatever he pleases, no questions or protests. Please show coupon to blue-haired lover and insert carefully beneath the g-string of the thong he’s wearing.

Speaking very softly to Touma, Seiji said, “I want to use this coupon as soon as possible, but who the hell took this picture? If it was another guy, I swear, I’ll ...”

“Hey, I took the picture myself with one of those cameras with the timer, no worries, love.” Touma reassured Seiji, hoping that his lying wasn’t obvious. The whole thing had been Shu and Mizu’s idea, Shu had left the room for the picture, but Mizu stayed, making sure that he was laying on the bed right and took the picture. Touma knew that Seiji would still be upset if he knew that it was Mizu who had taken the snapshot.

“Well, it’s a very nice picture. I’ll buy a frame for it, it’ll give me something to look at when you’re not around.” Seiji winked at his lover.

Touma picked up one of the smaller gifts that Seiji got him first, he tore the paper off like his son did, he didn’t have as much patience as the blond to carefully take it off. His eyes widened at what he got, his breath taken away, his heart beating like mad. He couldn’t help throwing his arms around his neck and giving Seiji a full blown kiss on the mouth, even with his son sitting a few feet away from them.

In his hand was a deed and a key for a house. Touma hot felt tears run down his pale cheeks, Seiji had just given him a house, a home.

“Seiji . . .”

“It’s nothing much and the house up in Sendai, but it’s outside of the city and you can see more stars over there than you can here. It used to belong to my parents, so they gave me a pretty good discount on it. If you don’t like it, then that’s all right.” Seiji felt his heart flutter at the joy that filled his lover's bright blue eyes.

“I’ll love it, I know I will. Thank you, Seiji, thank you so much. I love you.”

“What did you get, Papa?” Kenji asked, now very curious. His papa looked happy, but he was crying, what did that mean?

“A house, we’re going to live in a house in Sendai!” Touma picked up his son and spun him around, both of them laughing with happiness.

Kenji hugged his papa. “If we’re in Sendai, can I see Grammy and Grampa Date?”

“You can visit them everyday if you want to! We’re going to have house with a yard and everything! A real home!”

Seiji sat silently, taking in the scene in front of him, he was delighted that he had gotten such a reaction from both Touma and Kenji about the house. It wasn’t that hard to bargain out a deal with his parents, actually mainly with his mother and grandfather, about the house they owned out of the city. However the elder Date had a few conditions for selling the house, since he paid for half of it when the family first bought it.

His grandfather wanted him to teach at least one class at the dojo since he would be in Sendai and he wanted Kenji to be trained, his grandfather thought that the boy had much promise in him. Seiji agreed to take on one class at the dojo and he’d teach it after his classes at the university, but he made sure that his grandfather understood that Kenji would only take lessons if he wanted to and if Touma would allow it.

He was afraid that Touma might disapprove of the house, it was a very small one and the fact that Seiji didn’t go to him and discuss it with him. The blond thought about telling his lover, although he didn’t want to spoil the surprise. He had also wondered if Touma would want to make the move up to Sendai, now all his doubts had been chased away as he watched Touma and Kenji.

Lost in his thoughts, Seiji didn’t noticed when the two Hashibas jumped on him, embracing the blond and showering kisses over his face. Kenji sat down, watching in amusement as his papa and Seiji wrestled playfully. Touma had the upper hand and was able to get Seiji pinned to the floor, kissing him over and over again.

"I love you. I love you. I love you." Touma said between kisses before collapsing on top of the blond.

Seiji held Touma, cradling the limber body against his own. "Merry Christmas, Tou."


"You made it!" Mizu grinned as she let Ryo inside the Mouri residence, noting that he didn't bring his boyfriend, Yuji. "How are you, Ryo?"

"Pretty good," the bearer of Rekka replied, returning Mizu's grin.

"Great! Everyone else is here, we weren't sure if you were going to show up or not, I'm glad you did. Where's your boyfriend? He could’ve come."

"I would’ve brought him, but Yuji is out of the country to visit family for the holidays."

Mizu nodded and ushered Ryo into the dining room where everyone else was seated. They were gathered together the day after Christmas, it was the first time after six years that all of them had been together like this for the holidays.

Ryo was a little surprised to see a small child sitting next to Touma. The young boy looked startling a lot like the archer, except he lacked in one of Touma's best features, his midnight blue eyes. Still, the boy was a cute kid and Ryo knew right away that it had to be Kenji, Seiji had told him over the phone about Touma’s son.

On the other side of Touma was Seiji, he could tell just by the look on their faces that they were holding hands under the table. Ryo couldn't remember a time when he made Seiji look like that, so content. He should've felt jealous, but he was happy that Seiji had found the person he was supposed to be with.

"Come on, Ryo, don't stand there all day! I wanna eat!" Shu exclaimed, patting the empty seat next to him.

"Sorry I didn't come on time, I was running a bit late today." Ryo apologized as he sat down next to Shu.

"It's all right, god knows that Touma runs late everyday." Seiji rolled his eyes and Touma elbowed him lightly in the ribs.

Touma smirked at Ryo and said his hello. There was still tension between them, but as he had forgiven Seiji, he forgave Ryo. How could he not? The bearer of Rekka was his leader, not once had Ryo let him down on the battlefield and had been a great source of comfort when Seiji, Shin and Shu were captured during the war. Touma would no longer let one past mistake, no matter how much it hurt him, get in the way of his happiness anymore and he couldn't be completely happy without Ryo as his friend.

"Ryo, this is my son, Kenji. Kenji, this is a good friend of mine, Ryo," Touma introduced Ryo to his young son.

"It's good to finally meet you, Kenji." Ryo said to the child. "I've heard a lot about you from Seiji."

"Hi," Kenji lowered his eyes, acting shy for once. He had met three new people today and was surrounded by many adults, all of them his papa's friends, it was a little overwhelming for him.

"Ken, are you all right?" Touma whispered to his son worriedly. He never knew Ken to be this way, he was always bold and eager to talk to other people. Putting his hand on the boy's forehead, he checked to see if his son was running a fever. "Are you coming down with something?"

"I'm fine, Papa." Ken smiled a little for his papa's sake.

"Don't get too worried, Tou, I'm sure he's just a little shy right now from being around so many people." Seiji whispered to Touma, rubbing his knee comfortingly.

"Since everyone is finally here, let's get dinner started." Shin announced, getting a cheer from Shu.

As they ate, they drifted into different conversations. Touma and Nasuti got into an fascinating conversation about current events, while Ryo and Shu discussed sports and Shin, Mizu and Seiji talked about which room was going to be turned into a nursery for Mizu and Shin’s baby.

Kenji sat there, listening to his father and Nasuti talk, but he soon lost interest and silently at his dinner, longing for someone to play with. Though he caught bits and pieces of other discussions and found out that his Aunt Mizu was going to have a baby, he could play with the baby when it came.

After the plates were cleared from the table and the food was put away, they all engaged in eating the sweet dessert that Shin had made for the occasion. Touma was trying to concentrate on consuming his dessert, but Seiji kept poking him, wanting them to tell their friends their big news. Then giving into Seiji and leaving his chocolate mousse half eaten, Touma cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention.

Now that all eyes were on him, Touma’s speech stammered a little. “Ah, I wanted to tell all of y-you, that . . . that Seiji has s-something to say.”

“Thanks, Tou,” Seiji gave his love a mock glare. “We just wanted to tell you guys that we’re moving up to Sendai, we now have a house up there.”

A moment of silence followed, then the questions broke out all at once.

“Sendai? That’s so far away!”

“What about your jobs? Are you going to take that long commute to the university?”

“Why so close to your family? I thought you didn’t want to be so close to them?”

“Touma, do you really want to move that far?”

“What about Kenji’s mother, will she approve of the move?”

“Are you two ready to share a house together?”

“Yeah, you two haven’t been together that long!”

All of a sudden, Ryo brought his fist down hard on the table, making everyone shut up and stare at him.

“I don’t think you should be questioning their judgment on the matter. If they want to move into a house together, then that’s what they’re going to do. You should know better, they’ve probably already gone over all of these issues and then some! And it doesn’t matter that they haven’t been together for that long, they love each other, can’t you see that? I know it’s going to take a hell of a lot more than heaven and Earth to break these two up.”

“Ryo, thank you,” Touma smiled softly at his friend. “If all of you don’t want us to move into our house, then you’re just going to have to deal with it. Seiji got this house so we can live together and have a real home, and that’s what’s going to happen.”

“If this is what you want, Touma, then I’m cool with it. I’ll even help you guys move in!” Shu offered.

The others put aside their doubts and followed in Shu’s example.

“I’ll help too!”

“We can all help.”

“That should be fun! This will be Touma’s first house, we should be there from them.”

“Don’t think I’m going to be carrying any furniture, I won’t do anything that might hurt this baby.”

Touma squeezed Seiji’s hand under the table, beaming brightly at his lover, he couldn’t wait for them to move into their new home. Next to him, Ken was a bit confused about what had just happened. Why did the people object to them moving into their house? But all was well again and his papa had yet to notice that his son ate the rest of his dessert . . .


Running down the hallway like a hyper child, Touma kept looking in each room for the fifth time. Yes, the house was small, but it was beautiful, he couldn't have asked for a better home to share with Seiji and his son.

He had saw it once before and it was love at first sight, he told Seiji that he wanted to move in as soon as possible. Seiji didn't mind, he was just pleased that Touma liked the house. However Touma didn't expect to move into the house so soon, less than a week after Christmas and here he was, preparing to get settled into his first house.

He looked in the master bedroom again, this was where he and Seiji would sleep countless nights together and make love whenever possible. He saw that they even had their own bathroom, with a large tub that could easily fit both of them. Going to the room across the master bedroom, Touma decided that it would belong to Kenji, it was a good size for a growing boy. The next room would be his office, he wanted to continue to work at home. The room across that would be . . . Well, he really didn't know what it'd become, he would let Seiji determine that.

Skipping back into the living room, Touma looked out all the windows, it was a very well lit area. There were several windows that gave a great view of the country side. He could see off in the distance his neighbors' house, he would have to introduce himself later.

"I've never seen you this excited, Blue." Shu grinned as he came out of the kitchen. "It's a really nice place you and Seiji have now. Your nearest neighbor is far away, so you won't have to worry about them complaining about noise."

Touma felt a little insulted by the comment. "Kenji is well behaved, he hardly ever raises his voice in or outdoors."

"I don't think he was talking about Kenji," Ryo gave Touma a sly wink.

"Well, I can't imagine it'd be long before Seiji gets an urge for something tall and blue." Mizu had joined in with the teasing.

“You know, their neighbors will still probably be able to hear them, even from that far away.” Shin couldn’t help joining in.

“What is this? Make fun of Touma’s sex life day?” The archer demanded.

Nasuti winked. “I’ll go check my calendar, Touma.”

"Papa! Papa!" Kenji came running into the house, not bothering to take off his tiny, rubber boots, and trailing melted snow onto the floor. "Lookie! The movin truck is here! Does that mean we're goin to start movin in the house? I can sleep here tonight? Can I pick my room?"

Just then, Seiji burst into the house, out of breath, it was hard to run after a four year old boy with so many layers of clothing on. He wasn't like Touma, who could probably walk out into that weather in his T-shirt and shorts, so he was dressed for the temperature.

"Next time, kiddo, wait for me, I can't run with all this on." He said, taking off his jacket and boots.

"Seiji, did you see the truck? It's here!" Kenji then ran back outside to see the truck again.

Sighing, Seiji put his jacket and boots back on, rolling his eyes at Touma, the archer was trying in vain not to laugh at him. The blond went back outside, into the cold. There was no knowing what Kenji might do all alone.

Mizu started unpacking the boxes as they were moved inside, only doing light work, she refused to do anything that might hurt the baby as she had said before. Kenji helped her, putting things right where he wanted them. They mainly worked on his bedroom, as the others moved furniture and boxes into the appropriate rooms. Soon the tiny house had furniture and boxes scattered all over the place.

By night, everything was moved and all that needed to be done was to unpack. Sitting on the living room floor they had a little picnic indoors, some of Shin's famous cooking made the perfect ending for the moving day.

Kenji was halfway asleep by the time everyone was going to leave. Holding onto his teddy bear in one hand and his Aunt Mizu's hand in the other, he said goodbye to everyone and fell asleep in the car while the Mouri's were taking him to his Grammy and Grampa Date's house.

Touma and Seiji stood in the driveway, waving as their friends left. Touma was a little relieved that the Dates let Kenji spend the night at their house, he wanted some time alone with Seiji. As soon as all of the cars were out of sight, Seiji picked Touma up in his arms and started carrying him towards the house.

"I've seen this in an American movie once and I've always wanted to do this," Seiji grinned. "Welcome, my love, to our new home," he said, entering the house.

"I feel like I should have on a wedding dress." Touma put his arms around Seiji's shoulders and kissed him on the lips. "I love you, Seiji."

"I love you, Touma. And tonight, I'm going to really love you."

Raising an eyebrow, Touma asked, "You are?"

Seiji didn't reply as he carried the archer down the hall and into their bedroom, carefully laying him down on the bed. Sitting down and leaning over Touma so that their faces were less than an inch apart, Seiji huskily whispered, "Now that we're alone, I want to make love to you all night."

"Will someone be using their Christmas present tonight?" Touma grinned, thinking of the coupon he made Seiji.

"No," Seiji shook his head, "I want to buy a few things for that night. Let's just call this breaking in our new bedroom."

"Then I call top!" Touma tried to sit up, but Seiji pushed him back down and climbed on him, pegging him down on the bed with his weight.

"I don't think so! Last time you were on top, remember? I want to be inside of you, I want to feel you all around me."

Touma shivered slightly, he liked the sound of that. "What're you waiting for, lover boy? A written invitation?"

"No, I'm just admiring how beautiful you are, inside and out."

"Seiji . . ."

Without warning, Seiji tore off Touma's shirt while capturing his lips with his own. The force of his kiss was almost to the point to where it hurt, but Seiji was careful not to go over that. The blond's hands made their way down Touma's sides and to his jeans, massaging already trembling thighs. Seiji's hot kisses then trailed down the smooth planes of skin over Touma's well toned chest and stopped to suckle on pink nipples till they were as taunt as they could get.

Moaning, Touma rubbed himself against Seiji, trying to gain some control, but failed as Seiji began playing with his nipple again, sending pleasure through his body. His eyes fell half closed, Seiji's soft lips were caressing his chest and abdomen and every once in a while his teeth would nip at sensitive spots on the archer. The hands touching the very inside of his thighs were now lightly stroking the bulge in his jeans, making his sex stiffen even more.

Touma knew it was going to troublesome just to get out of his jeans now that they felt about three sizes too small. He cried out just as Seiji clamped his mouth over the still growing lump in his pants, he could feel the heat from Seiji even through the denim and boxers he was wearing. The restraint of his clothes was painful to his full erect penis, but Seiji didn't make any move to take off his pants, instead he sucked harder and Touma knew if he kept this up then he was going to have to wash his jeans and boxers tonight.

Finally Seiji started to unbutton his jeans, letting his penis spring out, thankfully his boxers had more room and weren't holding back his hardened organ back. The tip of his length poked out of the slit in his boxers, gleaming with moisture. Seiji didn't hesitated to lick it up, he loved the salty taste of Touma's seed. He then took off Touma's pants and boxers, throwing them to the side.

Moving between widely spread legs, Seiji began pumping his lover's erection, enjoying the sound of Touma's panting and watching his face content with pleasure. It always turned him on just by seeing Touma's expression when he was being pleasured. "Tell me what you want, Tou."

"I . . . I want . . ." Touma could hardly form any words, but knew that Seiji was going to tease him until he said something. "You . . . inside of me . . . loving me . . ."

"If you ask, you will receive." Seiji stroked Touma's sex till he felt hot semen cover his hand. He then licked up the mess on his hand and on Touma's penis and stomach. "You taste so good, Tou." Getting up, Seiji looked of their lube . . . he couldn't find it. "Eh, Tou, where did you put the lube?"

"Me? I thought you packed it."

"I thought you did!"

"We have a problem," they both said at the same time.

"Wait right here, I'll go look for something." Seiji kissed Touma's sweaty forehead and ran into the bathroom to look for something they could use as a lubricant. All he was able to find was a bottle of hand soap. It would have to do.

Touma looked at Seiji funny. "Soap?"

"We have two options other than this. One: I take you dry. Or two: We call it a night and go to sleep."

"We'll use the soap." Looking at the bottle, Touma saw some cartoon characters on it and he burst out laughing. "Oh god! We're using my son's hand soap! Oh, the stories we'll have for Kenji when he grows up, though by then I'm afraid that Kenji already might have stumbled across us doing something like this. Kind of like walking in on your parents in the middle of sex, except this will be two daddies in the middle of sex."

Seiji snickered. "Well, he's just going to have to learn that some men just happen to find men like you incredibly sexy. I can't wait till you have to give your son 'the talk', will you explain how we have sex or the kind that makes babies?"

"To be on the safe side, I'd say the kind that makes babies. I don't want to have to mentally scar my child by telling him how his papa and Seiji have sex!"

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him." Putting some of the soap on his fingers, he slid them into Touma, who suddenly stopped laughing and groaned.

"Don't keep me waiting, love." He laughed again when he notice that after Seiji put a coat of the soap on his sex that it began to form suds from being rubbed.

"And you're the one who said to me once that sex was supposed to be romantic."

"That was before I had a kid." Touma controlled his laughter and looked up at Seiji with adoring eyes. "I love you, I don't know what I'd do without you now."

"I love you, my beautiful star," Seiji carefully pushed into Touma's body, hissing as the muscles around his sex tightened. "If only you knew how you felt, then you'd know why I like to be on top." Seiji murmured.

Touma moaned loudly, unable to respond. Right away Seiji's hardness brushed against his pleasure spot, he had to give Seiji credit, he knew exactly how to angle his body to reach that spot. His body burned with the sensations that Seiji was causing him, his penis started to stiffen again from it. He loved it when Seiji was buried deep in him, it was like they were one person and soul.

Seiji pulled in and out slowly, drawing out their love making as much as he could. He watched in awe as Touma's sex came back to life in only the first thrust, telling him how lustful the archer was at the moment. Touma's hand came down grasped his own length, gradually pumping it at the same pace as Seiji's thrusts into him. Seeing his lover touch himself like that made Seiji even hotter, making him pick up the speed.

Gasping, Touma was surprised when Seiji started moving faster without warning. The blond's hand joined his and they stroked the rigid flesh between his quivering thighs together. The harder Seiji hit that spot inside of him, the harder his sex became and soon he could no longer hold back his climax. His body went limp and after a few more thrusts, Seiji emptied his seed inside of him and laid down next to him.

The archer's eyes were just about to close to fall asleep, but they snapped open as a moist mouth covered his length.

It was one of the few nights they had alone, of course Seiji wanted another round and probably a few more after that. Touma was only more than happy to comply.


"Papa! I wanna play!" Kenji whined. He was going to his mother's house the next day and he wanted his father to play with him in the snow. Looking out the window, he got anxious to go out in the snow, but his papa was scurrying around the house searching for his winter gear. Kenji already had on a sweater, jacket, snow pants, two pairs of socks and boots, his father was looking for his mittens, earmuffs, hat and scarf now.

"I found them!" Touma came running over to his impatient child, helping him put on the rest of his clothing. "All right! Let's go out! We can make a fort and have a snowball fight!" Once Touma put on his jacket and boots, they headed for the door, but Seiji stood in their way.

"Where do you think you're going?" Seiji demanded.

Kenji smiled brightly, "To play in the snow! Ya wanna come?"

"Maybe later, Ken. Tou, if you're going out in the cold, then you need to wear something warmer than that. You don't even have gloves on for goodness sakes!"

Touma shrugged. "So what? I'll be fine, you know I can take the cold."

Touma got out an eep as Seiji picked him up, threw him over his shoulder and headed towards their bedroom. "Oh no you don't. If you go out like that, then you're going to get a fever and I don't want you to be sick."

"Seiji, let me down NOW! I am not a child!" He yelped as Seiji smacked his ass hard enough for it to sting. "Seiji!" The rest of Touma's yelling was muffled as Seiji closed the door behind them.

Kenji ran up to the door and pressed his ear against it. He covered his mouth to keep from giggling, he could hear his father swearing! He didn't know what his father could get in trouble like he could. And it must be really bad to go outside without enough clothes if Seiji spanked his papa!

In Seiji and Touma's bedroom, Seiji struggled to get Touma out of his jacket and into a warm sweater and a heavier coat. It was obvious his love didn't want to have to weighted down by so much clothes while playing, but it was for his own good! Seiji knew that when Touma got sick, he'd be in bed for at least a week coughing up his lungs, he hated seeing Touma so miserable.

"Hold still!" Seiji finally got the sweater on and was working on the coat.

"I don't need to wear so much! I'm not a child, Seiji!"

"Then stop acting like one." The blond managed to get the coat on and zipped up, he sighed as Touma started taking it off. "Tou." Seiji grabbed his arm and pulled the archer to him. "Please? Just wear it for me. I don't want you to sick, I'm supposed to take care of you, remember?" Kissing Touma on the nose, he smiled gently at his love. "I wouldn't be taking very good care of you if I let you get sick."

"Seiji . . ." Touma sighed with defeat. "You should’ve just said that in the first place, you didn’t have to spank me.”

“I know you enjoyed it,” Seiji rubbed the archer’s ass soothingly. “Plus, you were being a brat.”

Touma knocked Seiji’s hands away from his butt before he got hard. “This is no time for that kind of playing, I have to go outside. Now where is my scarf and gloves?”

"Good boy." Seiji kissed Touma on the lips this time. "If you're extra good today, I might even reward you with a nice hot bath and one of my famous back rubs, how does that sound?"

"I told you, I'm not a child and I'll take you up on your bribe for my obedience and I'm only doing that because only a fool would pass up a chance to have one of your massages."

Handing Touma his gloves and scarf, Seiji escorted him out of the room. Ken was by the door, his eyes wide. "Did Papa get in trouble? Did you punish him, Seiji?"

Grinning, Seiji shook his head. "I just gave your papa a stern talk and he knows now to be a good boy like you."

"Let's go outside, Ken, before Seiji gets too fatherly for his own good." Touma took his son's hand and they went outside to play in the snow.

The archer couldn't remember ever having that much fun in the snow in his life. Laying on the cold, white ground, he looked over at Kenji who was sitting in the fort they had built, spying on his father. A short distance away was their snowman, it towered a half a foot taller than Touma and was currently wearing Ken's hat and Touma's gloves and scarf.

They had been out there for two hours and Touma was exhausted. He didn't even flinch as Ken hit him with another snowball, this time in the head. Bouncing out from behind the fort wall, Kenji ran over to his papa's still body with a bamboo stick in his hand and proceeded to poke him in the side.

"I win! I beat Papa!" Kenji jumped up and down with his bamboo stick, then poked Touma a few more times.

"What happened to your papa, Ken?" Seiji asked, coming from the warmth of the house to see how the two kids were doing.

"He's beaten," Kenji kept poking his father.

Seiji smiled, "I think he actually fell asleep." Kneeling down next to Touma, he patted his chilly cheek. "Wake up, Tou, come on, time to go inside." He only got a snore in response. Shaking his head, Seiji picked him up and took him inside with Ken following.


//"Seiji? Ken? Anyone . . ." Touma looked around him and saw nothing except for a black void. "Seiji!!" Touma shouted, his voice echoing off into the distance.

"PAPA!" Kenji's voice called out to him.

"KENJI!" Touma started running towards where he heard his son. He caught a glimpse of Kenji being carried away by someone, screaming for him. "Kenji!" His lungs burned as he ran faster, trying to catch up to them, but he could no longer see his son. He could still hear his son's screams.


Turning around, Touma saw Seiji, tears streaming down his face. "Seiji . . ."

"Touma, I need you, please . . ."


Turning towards where his son had disappeared, Touma started running after him again, but stopped, remembering Seiji. Looking at the blond, he could see Seiji's image begin to fade.

"Touma, I need you."


Touma could no longer hear Kenji and he couldn't see Seiji anymore. His heart was beating with urgency and he was shaking with fear. Kenji, Seiji . . . his family. Where were they? Seiji was one direction, Kenji the other. Who did he go after? His four year old son or the man he loved? Who should he go after?


The dead silence of the void swallowed up his voice.//


"Touma, wake up, love," Seiji looked down at his lover worriedly, it was obvious he was having a nightmare. Touma sat straight up, gasping for air, his hand clutching at his chest. Seiji was afraid that Touma was in the middle of a heart attack, but within a few seconds, his love managed to calm down. "Are you all right, Tou?" Seiji embraced Touma, holding him closely.

"Yeah, just a dream," he murmured. "You're here. Just a dream."

"I'll take Ken to Grace's house, you stay here and get some rest, okay?"

"I'm fine, I'll take him." Touma got out of bed, found some clothes and started getting dressed.

"Are you sure? You look awfully pale, Tou, even for you."

"Don't worry, I'm fine. It was only a dream," Touma kissed Seiji.

Seiji had an uneasy feeling in him, like he should stop both Touma and Kenji from leaving, but before he could say anything, Touma had already left the room. Seiji made it out of the room just to see Touma and Kenji going out the door. "Touma!"


"Touma . . ."

The archer met his lover's gaze and he was concerned about Seiji. Maybe he should've just had Grace come pick Kenji up, but it was too late for that. "What is it, Seiji?"

"Just . . ." //Just what, Date? What am I feeling?// "Just be careful, Tou."

"Okay," Touma nodded, a little unsure about what Seiji was getting at. "Come on Ken, let's get going."

Seiji watched as the door closed and he could hear Touma's car pull out of the driveway. "Why do I feel like I shouldn't have let them go?" Pain shot through Seiji's lower chest for some unknown reason, making him double over. "Touma . . ." he whispered, looking for the phone. He hoped that Shin would be home today.


"Momma!" Kenji ran up and hugged his mother.

"Ken!" Grace hugged the boy back. "Why don't you go to your room and play? I need to talk to your papa for awhile."

"All right," Ken ran to the back of the house where his room was.

"Hey Touma!" Grace said, forcing a smile as she let him inside. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Touma didn't like how Grace was acting. //Too much cheer for her, not enough sarcasm, even for a welcome. Maybe she and Matsuji had a fight again . . .// "I can't stay or anything, I think there's something wrong with Seiji, so I want to get home as soon as I can."

"Of course, but there's something I need to talk to you about, now. Please, sit down," she gestured to the couch.

Touma sat down and looked up at her. "What's on your mind, Grace?"

"I wanted to ask, one more time, if you'd let Matsuji and I have custody of Ken." //Just say yes, please say yes.//

Touma ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "You know I can't do that, Grace. I think how we have things worked out is good, why can't you see that? If you want more time with him, then I'd be happy to let him come over here more often."

"No, it can't be like this anymore, Touma. I'm sorry," she muttered, turning away from him and disappeared down the hall.

"Grace? What’s wrong?"

Touma stood up and was about to follow her when he saw Matsuji, Grace's boyfriend. Shock filled him when he saw the dark haired man point a gun at him, a cold, disgusted look on his face. Touma didn't even make a sound as a bullet tore through his lower chest and out his back, he was too stunned that people he considered his friends would do this.

His body made a dull thud as it fell on the floor.

"PAPA!" Kenji screamed, tears running down his face, unable to tear his gaze from his father's limp body and the puddle of blood that was starting to form around him. He had heard the gun shot and ran out of his room to see what had happened, Grace didn't have enough time to stop him. “PAPA!!! PAPA!!! WHAT DID HE DO TO PAPA!?!?!”

“Let’s get going.” Matsuji said flatly, heading out the door.

Grace gathered her son in her arms and hurried outside, tears streaming down her cheeks as well. She ran outside, so Kenji could no longer see the body on her living room floor. //If only you would’ve said yes, then this wouldn’t have had to happen.//

Kenji screamed in protest, the image of his father’s body still in his mind. “NO!! PAPA’S HURT!! MOMMA, GO HELP PAPA!!! PAPA!!!”

Tears rolled down Touma’s cheeks and onto the floor. Faintly he could hear his son shouting and his vision was so blurred he could hardly see anything. The pain from the gun shot was now a numbing sensation that took over his body and he could feel himself drifting away. Fear gripped his slowing heart.

"Kenji . . . Seiji . . ."

Then the world went black for Hashiba Touma.


Hiruma: So, what do you think? What do you think!? Did ya like my cliffhanger??? Huh? Did ya?

Trunks: Hiruma, your writing makes me want to throw myself out the window.

Touma: This chapter has yet to amaze me.

Hiruma: Hey! Do you want to have sex with Seiji again!?

Touma: O_O I love this chapter, it’s Buddha’s gift to chapters!!

Hiruma: Good Touma, here, have a Seiji cookie.

Trunks: What did you think? Please send Hiruma e-mails or review this! If she doesn’t get enough responses, she might take it as a sign that she should let Touma die.

Touma: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I must live to have sex with Seiji and take care of my son!

Seiji: Please review! I don’t want my Touma to die ....

Hiruma: Oh yeah! Happy holidays happy readers! Consider this my gift to you all, even though this story is already dedicated to Djinn and the lemon scenes to Wildefyre ... 1 1

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