I don’t own Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Sniff, sniff), so don’t sue me. Warning! This story may contain one or all of the following: Yaoi/Adult themes/Graphic sex/language/material not suited for the younger sect. Please be responsible... If you are underage and reading this, don’t hassle me if the material contained herein is offensive to you? This does contain graphic descriptions of male on male sex. So don’t read if you don’t like... Okay? Remember! You have been warned. (Touma and Seiji pairing)




By Wildefyre

The story that started it all.




Dr Seiji Date let out a long sigh as he pulled his Toyota 4-Runner into the driveway of the home he shared with his best friend and lover, Touma Hashiba. He was overjoyed to finally be home after spending six long and, other wise, lonely months in the United States.

Seiji couldn’t help but chuckled at the cutout multi-colored leaves that decorated the windows to symbolize fall. “I see Touma’s been busy.” He said to himself. “God how I’ve missed him.”

Seiji recalled the day he had come home and talked to Touma about the offer that had been put to him. An offer that would take him away from his lover, his home and his normal life for six long agonizing months.


/// He was offered the opportunity to study under the guidance and tutelage of famed Micro Surgeon Dr. Robert Ashton, a pioneer in in the field of Microsurgery. He knew Dr. Ashton was one of the best in the world, and while it would be a chance of a lifetime, he was all set to turn the offer down.

“Are you crazy?” Touma had asked when he had told him he was thinking of passing on the offer.

“Touma! Six months! That’s how long I’d be away. They’ll be housing me in a dorm; it’s a teaching hospital, so it would be impossible for us to be together while I‘m there.” He gave Touma a little summary on Penn State/Hershey Medical Center located in Pennsylvania. He knew full well that later on Touma would look up all he could find on Pennsylvania for him so he wouldn’t be going there not knowing anything about the state he was in.

Touma listened quietly, nodding his head to let him know he understood what he had said. Touma then reached out to take hold of his hands. “Seiji, this is an honor you‘ve been given, don‘t pass it up. You may never get another chance at this.” He squeezed his hands and then smiled.

“I know that, but I don‘t know if I can handle six months away from you.” Violet eyes looked at him sadly. “Just the thought of not seeing that gorgeous smile of yours for 6 months saddens me.”

“Hey, I’ll miss you an awful lot as well, that part is so true, but you’ll wind up hating yourself if you don’t go and you know it as well as I do.” Touma pulled him into his arms and held him tightly. “I don’t want you to someday regret not having taken this chance, we‘ll manage somehow.”

“I’m worried about you most of all, I know you don’t like being alone.” He whispered as Touma’s lips brushed his causing him to moan softly. “I won’t be able to feel the softness of your lips... that gentle touch... None of that for 6 months Touma-san.”

“I won’t be alone. I‘ll carry you in my thoughts and in my heart and you‘ll do the same of me, it‘ll have to do. I’ll miss your warmth at night and your smiles in the morning but no matter what, you can‘t pass this up. Please Seiji, don‘t do something you‘ll kick yourself for later on.” Touma kissed him tenderly then broke the kiss to look into his eyes. “Just take some time to think about it... Okay?” He said before once again claiming his lips.

That night after making love, he had decided to take Touma’s advice and go for it, though he still had some doubts.

While it had been hard, he somehow had managed to make it through the six months. In fact, he was actually glad he had gone, he had learned quite a lot while he was there and it only enhanced the skills and knowledge he all ready possessed. Still there was a down side to it all... He wound up missing Touma more then anything and his heart ached for his lover every single night.

They did talk on the phone though, which helped a little. They also talked via the computer as well. Touma had showed him how to use his laptop’s video imaging and camera hook-up so they could see each other as they talked. He had enjoyed that most of all.

There were several occasions where Touma had gotten quite pornographic on camera much to his delight and dismay as it only made him horny with no way of relieving the ache. He was rooming with another doctor who always seemed to be there when Touma called, this meant having to be a little careful, not an easy thing to do when you‘re watching your lover pleasuring himself for your enjoyment.

One such incident found him with a wet spot on his pants, which was quite noticeable and so he had to purposely spill his water on himself to cover things up. When Touma found out later on he laughed with glee. “It’s not funny Touma-san.” Seiji had joked. It was that very same incident that had him acquiring a new love for chocolate syrup and peanut butter. Touma could get quite creative when the mood hit him and on that night, the mood had hit him hard! ///


That’s what I love about you Touma, there’s never a dull moment when you’re around.” Stepping out of the vehicle and into the cool morning air, Seiji stretched out his cramped muscles and took in the scent of the brisk early morning air. His eyes shifted towards the woods that ran behind the house and he could almost hear them calling for him. “Sorry old friend, but I’ve got something else planned for this morning. You‘ll just have to wait your turn.” He smiled as he looked towards the house.

Seiji decided to leave his suitcases in the car until later, though he did reach back in for a package that was lying on the front seat. Tucking it under his arm he headed for the house.

He knew that Touma would still be sound asleep, it was much too early for his love to be up and about. Touma was never a morning person unlike himself, who lived for the tranquility of the early mornings. It was his time to meditate and get his mind focused for the day as well as get a little training in.

It was a Good thing Touma’s job allowed him to work nights and allowed him the luxury of flex time, for Touma hated getting up early more then anything. “I’m just glad I no longer have to endure hauling your butt out of bed for classes or whatever else there was... That was getting painful.”

As an Astronomer and occasional computer programmer, Touma would stay up till all hours of the night to do his research or programming and write his papers and reports. There were many warm nights when the two of them would cuddle up on the grass, as Seiji would listen to Touma talk about the subject he adored. Seiji loved to watch Touma when he was in his element and each time out found Seiji falling more in love with the wearer of the Tenku armor.

Stepping into the house Seiji jumped a bit as he was greeted by a mass of fur that immediately rubbed up against his leg and began to purr. “So, you must be Orion.” Seiji knelt down to stroke the cat’s fur. Touma had told him about the kitten during one of their many phone conversations.

Seems the poor thing had gotten itself stuck in a tree and Touma, being the kind-hearted person he was, rescued it. Once he was sure no one was going to claim the kitten he had asked if they could keep it. The sound of Touma’s voice that night had melted Seiji; there was no way he could deny Touma of anything. [“Please Seiji? I promise I’ll take full responsibility for it, and I’ll make sure it doesn’t get hair all over the place... Please?”] Touma had begged and Seiji gave in. “What have you done to me Touma-san?

It had taken some time for Seiji to get use to his lack of self-control when it came to Touma. One look from the blue haired archer’s midnight blue eyes and Seiji was like putty... saying and doing things that were quite out of character for the swordsman. At first it wasn’t easy for him considering he had spent too many years training himself to be disciplined with his emotions, but when Touma captured his hearts, all bets were off and emotions were brought to the forefront.

“Well, I’m glad that you were here to keep my Touma company while I was away. Thank you.” He told the kitten which was now about eight to nine months old. “You are cute, no wonder Touma fell for you.” Seiji noticed that the cat had big blue eyes, much like Touma’s and dark gray fur. Kind of like an early evening sky, he thought.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, there’s someone I desperately need to see.” Seiji said as he stood and looked up the stairs. The cat meowed at him as though it knew what Seiji was talking about.

Grabbing the package from the hall table. Seiji took the steps two at a time, eager to see the man who gave him so much joy and pleasure. He had missed him so much; all he wanted now was to hold him and make love to him till neither of them could move.

Stopping off in the bathroom to pee, Seiji then quickly brushed his teeth and splashed on a bit of cologne. Running his hand through his blond hair, he quickly made his way to the bedroom he shared with his best friend and lover.

He could feel his anticipation growing already, his heart was thumping loudly in his chest and he could feel that growing need to be naked and lying beside his koibito. He felt like he was stepping back in time to when he and Touma first realized their feelings for one another.


/// Afraid of what the others would think, he and Touma would sneak in little intimate sessions whenever they could. Little did they know, but Shin had figured it out before anyone else, and did what he could to ensure that the young lovers wouldn’t be disturbed whenever he knew they had snuck off together. Shin was the most observant and perceptive of the group so it actually came as no surprise to either of them that he had known. Shin’s girlfriend at the time, now his wife, also knew and in fact was a major supporter to both of them even before he and Touma had told each other of their feelings. ///


Seiji slowly opened the door and slipped inside the darkened room, even without looking, he knew Touma was sound asleep. He could hear the steady rhythm of Touma’s breathing, something else he had missed while he was away. It was always soothing comforting to him and never failed to lull him off to sleep even on nights when he had many things playing on his mind.

Smiling to himself he walked over to the bed and saw the strands of shocking blue hair peek out from under the blankets. Touma may hate early mornings, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t respond to Seiji’s touch, in fact it was the only time Touma enjoyed being roused from a deep sleep.

Ever so quietly Seiji pulled the covers back only to let out a deep moan. Touma was lying there wearing one of Seiji’s dress shirts, a white one with thin green stripes and it looked as though he was trying to hug it to him and make it apart of his own body. Seiji’s heart felt as though it would burst from his chest and at that very moment his love for Touma grew beyond measure. It was truly a beautiful sight to witness.

Reaching down Seiji ran his fingers over Touma’s cheek, brushing the hair from his face. “So beautiful.” He said softly as he sat down on the edge of the bed. Bending over he began planting feather light kisses on the sleeping form, enjoying the feel of his lips touching the smooth flesh.

“So wonderfully beautiful.” He said again, running his fingertips down Touma’s neck and over his collarbone. Seiji then began kissing all the areas of exposed skin that his fingers had just touched.

Slowly Touma began to respond to his gentle touch and light kisses; soft moans were escaping from the archer’s throat. Seiji leaned in to plant a light kiss on the Touma’s lips, they felt so soft under his own and he held them there for a moment longer to savor them.

“Koi, I want you so badly. I need you so much, I need to taste you, feel you and love you.” Seiji whispered in Touma’s ear then used his tongue to trace its outline. He could feel Touma shiver and then stir slightly.

“Oh Seiji, yes. I want you too.” Came the response from the now half-awake figure before reality finally set in. “SEIJI?” Touma sprang up to a sitting position and almost knocked Seiji right off the edge of the bed. Looking shocked and confused he blinked several times to get his eyes adjusted to the light. Seiji couldn’t help but laugh at the expression his lover’s face held.

“Good morning my sweet Touma.” Seiji smiled, speaking very softly to him, then reaching out to push the hair from Touma’s face. “Sorry to wake you but I couldn‘t wait.” God how he loved the look of Touma’s hair first thing in the morning. It matched the drowsy look on its owner’s face so perfectly. Then again, what wasn’t there to love about him? Everything he was was breathtaking and wonderful to him.

“It really is you!” Was all Touma could manage as he reached out to touch the smooth face of his lover. Quickly Touma pulled his lover into a heated embrace just in case it was all a dream and he‘d wake up. Touma tasted the slightest hint of peppermint on Seiji’s lips as they slowly parted to allow his tongue entrance and he then knew it was no dream. His best friend and lover was finally home and the way he was responding to his kiss showed just how much Seiji had missed him as well.

The duel began as their tongues danced and searched and relearned each other’s mouths, it was a hunger they would soon satisfy. Touma’s tongue searched and explored every nook and cranny, tasting the sweetness and feeling the heat of his lover‘s mouth. Several moans escaped him as he grabbed at the fabric of Seiji’s shirt, holding onto him tightly.

Seiji moaned into Touma’s mouth as he slowly pushed him onto his back melting into Touma’s body. It amazed him just how well their bodies fit together, like two lost halves finally finding each other to form a whole. He was now exploring Touma’s hot mouth, remembering how wonderfully sweet and intoxicating it was. He didn’t know how Touma did it, but even in the morning his breath and mouth tasted delicious with no signs of the evil morning breath.

It was a need for air that finally broke the kiss, both men panting and eyes blazing with passion as they locked on to each other. “When did you get back?” Touma asked as he planted soft kisses on Seiji’s forehead, nose, eyelids and cheeks in rapid-fire succession. Touma felt the deepening need to keep the contact of lips on skin as he trailed kisses all over Seiji’s face. He had missed this man more then he was willing to admit, and now that he was home, he was going to keep the contact for as long as he could.

“Just a few minutes ago actually.” Seiji gasped as Touma’s skillful hands had managed to unbutton several buttons on his shirt and were now sliding inside to snake over his heated flesh and igniting the flames growing within him. How he had missed the warmth of his soft touch and the sensations they elicited.

“God I have missed you.” Touma said softly as his mouth closed over Seiji’s to lay claim to his lips once again.

Seiji could feel his desire growing as his sex twitched and throbbed with each touch and the burn that had started in his abdomen slowly made it‘s way downward. “I have missed you too, so very much.” He said as the kiss broke. He placed his hands on either side of Touma’s face and kissed him gently. Seiji found himself staring into midnight blue eyes that sparkled and begged for more from the swordsman.

Seiji sat up again and then reached out to unbutton the shirt that adorned his lover’s body but didn‘t move to take it off of him, it smelled of Touma but with a hint of himself inlaid. Seiji then realized that Touma must have used some of his cologne just to have that scent close to him. My secret romantic. He thought. He shuddered as Touma sat up and kissed his way to an ear to nibble on the lobe. “Leave the shirt on, okay?” Seiji said breathlessly.

Touma’s tongue flicked in his ear and he stopped trying to remove the shirt. Seiji felt like every nerve was on fire, burning through his veins awaking the sensations he had to push away for the past six months.

“Why? It may get a bit messy ya know and this is one of your favorites.” Touma asked and blushed as Seiji ran a finger over one of his nipples making it hard and erect. “Ohhh” Touma moaned. “That feels so good... so wonderful Seiji.” He arched his back as a way of asking for more.

“Seeing you in my shirt is kind of a turn on. The hell with the mess.” Seiji remarked as he lowered Touma back onto the bed and his head dipped down to kiss the nipple that he had hardened. “Do you like this Touma?” Seiji teased as his eyes locked onto Touma’s.

“Uhhnn, yessss.” Touma hissed, arching his back up towards him, his slender finger combed through Seiji‘s blond locks and he found he couldn‘t look away from the violet eyes that were beginning to blaze with passion.

“Good. What about this?” He asked as his tongue snaked a path across his chest to give the other nipple attention. No matter how much he wanted to just have Touma and end the ache they were both feeling, Seiji was determined to drag their foreplay out for as long as possible. Today was special and that called for more then just a quick shag no matter how horny he was.

He wanted to make sure Touma knew how much he had missed him, how much he missed kissing and tasting him... and missed making love to him, most of all, he wanted his lover to remember this day forever.

SEIJI!” Touma shouted, as his breathing became heavier. Seiji was driving him insane, and he hadn’t even gone below his waist yet. Skillful hands lightly caressed tender skin, while Seiji’s mouth awakened nerve endings, (all of which seemed directly linked to the hardening member between his legs) with each kiss.

“Yes love?” He asked almost innocently. Seiji slid his body up and over Touma’s so he was now straddling his hips. He couldn’t help but moan slightly and shiver a bit as he felt Touma’s arousal poke at him through their garments. “God it’s been too long!” He whispered softly as his eyes fluttered shut and he slowly pressed and rubbed himself over the bulge.

“You’re driving me insane.” Touma whispered back, panting as Seiji ran his slender fingers over his collarbone and down his shoulders, massaging, caressing and bringing him to life all over again. Then to top it off Seiji’s hips would lightly grind downward against him and his length would rub against Seiji‘s arousal. “I agree... Been too long...oh God I‘m so horny!” Touma cried out as Seiji’s thumbs once again rubbed his hardened nipples, sending waves of pleasure right to his swollen heat.

“Want you so badly... want you in me... filling me... loving me... Screwing me silly.” Touma thrashed his head from side to side as Seiji bent down to swirl his tongue around the outer ring of the pink bud, teasing the nipple but not quite touching it. “Seiji if you don’t fuck me soon I’ll go insane.”

Seiji chuckled at Touma‘s choice of words. “All in good time my love, but right now let’s have some fun.” Seiji bent down and planted kisses across Touma’s chest, taking time to suck on each nipple. His hands lightly caressed his sides, going down to the waistband of his pajama shorts and then back up. He loved the feel of Touma’s skin, which was so smooth and soft. His arms and upper body were proportioned just right and his chest, which was slightly muscular, angled down to a trim waist and hips and gorgeously long legs. Actually they were built almost alike though Seiji’s legs had a little more power to them.

Seiji rubbed his hardened length, which was still covered by his clothes, against the bulge in Touma’s shorts and watched as Touma squirmed under him. “Ahhhh! You’re driving me insane.” Touma’s hands grabbed at Seiji’s butt in order to press hip to hip and sex to sex together, grinding and rubbing and turning them on further.

“Uhhnnn” Seiji called out; the sensations of the fabrics rubbing together was causing a delightful friction against his painfully swollen sex and driving him to new heights. Long slender fingers grasped blue hair as he bent down to kiss Touma once more. “God I’m ready to explode, you‘ve got me so turned on.” He said before covering the soft velvet lips of his lover.

Touma’s tongue did a dance from within his mouth and Seiji cried out again. His breathing was coming in shallow pants and Touma’s hips lifted to meet his moves as they rubbed their erections together, wishing he could free his length and Seiji‘s so they could make that skin to skin contact. “God Seiji you turn me on... I’m so hot for you, so horny for you.” Touma panted out the words.

“I’m glad this is turning you on.” Seiji remarked, knowing full well that he was just as hot. “Touma, I have a favor to ask of you, a request actually. There‘s something I want more then anything else.” He began while at the same time, giving Touma the opportunity to reverse their positions.

“Now let’s see how you like the torture.” Touma smirked. “What’s the favor slash request anyway?” He asked, curious as to what his lover could possible want. He began kissing Seiji’s neck prideful of the moans it produced.

Touma took in Seiji’s scent; it was always so uniquely Seiji. “Mmmm I always love the way you smell, like a forest full of sunshine mixed with sandalwood and musk.” Touma said as his tongue dipped out to taste the smooth flesh along his jawbone.

“I want...OH GOD TOUMA... I want you.... HAI! OH GOD!” Touma had stuck his tongue into Seiji’s ear sending the most exquisite sensation through his very core. “I want YOU to take ME this time.” Seiji said quickly before Touma could do anything more that would cause him to lose his train of thought any further.

Touma stopped what he was doing, frozen in place by his lover’s request. “Seiji..? Are you..? Are you sure?” His eyes glowed with all the love he had in his heart for him. “It’s been a long time you know it may hurt quite a bit.”

“Yes I‘m aware of that. God Touma, I want to feel you deep inside me, I want to know that feeling again it‘s been too long.” Seiji pleaded with violet passion filled eyes. Reaching between their bodies Seiji stroked Touma’s sex through his shorts. “Please Touma, I need you so badly. I want you more then anything. I love you so much. Honor this request and make love to me?”

Seiji knew Touma rarely asked for anything, he would always allow others to make that first move and the same went with lovemaking most of the time, it was just his nature. Seiji wasn’t sure if it was the archer’s shyness or his still slightly lack of self-esteem that made it that way. That was one of the reasons he had made the request.

Seiji had always been the dominator to their lovemaking, it just seem to work out that way, it was something Touma was quite content with... for it was just the roles they played. Touma liked the arrangement since it allowed him to come up with creative ways of pleasuring his lover.

Now though, for Seiji to ask this of him, to want Touma to take him, was a gift he would long remember. Did he remember what today was? Touma wondered. He has to it’s special for two reasons, he couldn’t forget something so important? He hasn’t mentioned anything though, maybe he did forget. No Seiji is too good with things like that... Oh God what a request.

Touma answered him by placing his lips over Seiji‘s, swiping the bottom lip with his tongue as a way of asking for entrance. Showing Seiji he was ready to dominate this session. Seiji smiled, then obliged by parting his lips to allow Touma’s tongue full and complete access to his mouth’s depths.

Touma loved his taste, the slickness of pure white enamel, the sweetness of his breath and the heat that made Seiji’s mouth so exciting, all of it made for a tantalizing treat, to say the least.

Seiji then surprised Touma by wrapping his lips around his tongue and sucking on it, bobbing his head somewhat as though he was making love to it. Pleasure filled moans formed in the back of Touma’s throat. Could this be Seiji’s gift? To have the man he adored... to fill him... to love him in the same way Seiji would love him? To be the taker, rather then the taken? This was more then he had ever wanted from his lover and now emotions swept over his heart like a gentle wind.

Touma broke the kiss to look into the eyes he had come to know so well. “Seiji I promise I’ll be as gentle as I can, but I want you to tell me... no, I want you to stop me if there’s any discomfort or pain. Understood? I couldn‘t bear the thought of hurting you.” Touma explained as he made his way down the length of Seiji’s body, kissing, licking and touching as much flesh as he could along the way.

Looking up at his lover a look of seriousness crossed his face. “Seiji, you haven‘t been taken for quite sometime, I won’t lie to you, it’s bound to hurt.” Touma slid up to look into Seiji’s eyes and then kissed his chin. “I want you to be absolutely sure about this.” Reaching out Seiji placed his hands on either side of Touma’s face pulling him closer, his warm breath caressed Touma‘s face. God he smells so good. Touma thought.

With noses touching, Seiji looked deeply into Touma’s mid-night blue eyes. “I trust you; I want this so badly, please? Yes, I have thought about it, I thought about nothing else during the drive from the airport to home.” Seiji looked at Touma for a few seconds... loving his eyes, his perfect nose and his kissable lips.

Seiji kissed his nose. “I promise you that I‘ll be fine, it’s about time we start switching roles a little more often. Neither one of us should be the sole dominator, we share in everything else, this should be no exception.” Violet eyes smiled sweetly. “This is a partnership, of equal proportions; we both should give and take. Kay?”

“Okay.” Touma nearly swooned as they continued looking lovingly into each other’s eyes. Seiji smiled then kissed him with so much passion that Touma almost came right then and there. Touma found his composure and matched the kiss’s ferocity, allowing it to build to it’s crescendo.

“Well then, first things first.” Touma smiled. “Seiji my love, you have entirely too many clothes on.” Touma reached down and slowly undid Seiji’s pants, sliding down the swordsman’s body as he stripped him. Once freed Seiji’s sex sprang out, hard and glistening with the first droplets of his lust for the man who encompassed his heart.

“What do we have here? Hmmm?” Touma smiled seductively then bent his head down and ever so lightly, flicked his tongue across the head, tasting him, watching in wonderment as it twitched and throbbed and then he watched Seiji’s face.

“Ooohhh” Seiji cried out and thrust his hips up into the air. “Touch me, suck me, do what you want to me, make my body tingle and make me squeal with delight.” Seiji screamed, his eyes fluttered shut as he felt warm fingers wrap themselves around his length.

Touma was more then a bit shocked at Seiji’s burst of emotions; but then again, Seiji was full of surprises this morning. “I’m going to make you come so hard you won’t be able to think straight.” Touma teased. “And then I’m going to make love to you, I’m going to screw you like never before.”

God how he loved Seiji’s body... the softness of his pale white skin, the hardness of his muscular arms and chest, the powerful long and lean legs and the sweet taste of his skin that was all Seiji. Touma just couldn’t get enough of his blond swordsman.

“Yeesss! Please...Touma... now... PLEASE..?” Seiji tried to thrust his hips up at him, but Touma held him down. Touma’s mouth descended upon his length kissing the head and then exploring the slit with his tongue lapping at the pool of pre-cum that had risen from inside his lover‘s body. It drove Seiji wild with pleasure. “More Touma... Give me more! Make me cum for you.” Seiji pleaded.

“You got it handsome. Oh! I almost forgot! I‘ve got a little surprise for you.” Touma smiled as Seiji’s eyes flew open to peer down at his lover. Reaching for the nightstand drawer, Touma grabbed a small packet of something from it. Seiji couldn’t really tell what it was, but he swore it looked like candy. “Get ready for an explosion of new sensations.” Touma smiled, arching his eyebrows in the direction of his unsuspecting lover.

With that said he opened the pouch and poured some of its contents into his mouth and before Seiji could say anything Touma’s mouth covered his sex. “OH MY GOD, TOUMA! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!” Seiji nearly lost his mind; the sensation was totally maddening. Touma had filled his mouth with pop rocks that were now exploding all around the head of his sex.

Never in his life had he experienced a sensation such as the one Touma was now generating on his sex. It was this spontaneity that Seiji always found so enduring about the blue-haired archer. When Touma’s mouth left him, he groaned. “Don’t stop... Keep it up please?” Seiji panted heavily.

Touma looked up and gave his blond lover a mischievous laugh then proceeded to put a few more pop rocks in his mouth. Covering the head completely Touma swirled them around the tip, and just under the head.

Touma found that he had to use more strength then usual to keep Seiji’s hips down on the mattress, as Seiji went crazy from the intensity of it all. Touma could feel his own excitement growing, as he pushed his hips further into the mattress to stem the pleasure and save himself.

Seiji’s mind went wild, the feeling he was getting on the head of his sex was unbelievable, he couldn’t lie still, and for a moment he wasn’t so sure if he could remain conscious through it all. What he did know was that he wouldn‘t last for very much longer. Between the pop rocks ad Touma’s expert mouth, Seiji knew he would explode all too soon.

Touma could be creative, but this... the sensations this candy of his were having on his member was bringing him ever so close to release, and what a finality it would be. “How does that feel?” Touma asked, reaching for another packet of pop rocks and tearing them open. “I’m not hurting you am I?”

Seiji couldn’t answer; his thoughts were too jumbled to be coherent. Touma was taking him to new heights, to a place only someone like Touma could bring him to. His Touma was doing this... The man he loved was loving him back as only he could do.

“Touma... God that feels... it feels... OH GOD!” Seiji lost all control of speech as he felt Touma’s lubricated finger gently begin to slide into him. Seiji never noticed him reaching for the oil they kept on the nightstand he had been too lost in his own pleasure induced thoughts. Now his lover was prepping him gently, making sure that he could be taken with a little more ease and a little less pain.

Seiji thrashed his head from side to side as the one finger was joined by a second, stretching him, preparing him for his lover’s length and thickness, each thrust of Touma’s hand sent ripples of raw pleasure up and down his spine and his sex, making it throb almost painfully. Soon a third finger joined the other two as they slowly and gently stretched out the muscles from deep within the velvet interior.

Touma watched Seiji’s face for a few moments, savoring the beauty of it amidst the throes of passion. Violet eyes half closed, hair damp with sweat that clung to his forehead and pink flushed cheeks, an expressive mouth that opened slightly as a warm moist tongue slid out to swipe at dry lips, causing them to glisten.

Touma knew he had to be careful, his own release was close at hand just from watching the man he loved thrashing and writhing around on their bed. Not yet boy, just wait your turn. He thought to himself.

Making sure that Seiji’s muscles had relaxed enough Touma used one finger and drove it deeper into Seiji’s hot entrance, searching for that one spot that would surely drive Seiji over the edge. Filling his mouth with more candy and at the same time finding the treasure he’d been searching for, his mouth once again descended on Seiji’s length taking him all the way, thrusting two fingers now in and out and matching the rhythm perfectly.

Seiji screamed as he felt Touma’s fingers hit his sweet spot and a mouth cover his sex at the same time. He lost it then and there; nothing could ever match the feeling. His whole body was on fire, every nerve ending came to life, every vein felt like hot liquid was being drawn through it and the burn was moving towards his groin.

“Touma, I’m going to.... Uhnnn, I.... Ahhh, TOUMA!!!” Seiji felt it... the moment he had waited for, longed for... the room went bright white and his eyes blurred, his body shook with a force that even Touma was shocked to witness. “I’M CUUMMMIIINNNG!!!” Seiji felt the release gush from him, hard and fast. “OHGODOHGODOHGODOHGOD, TOUMA!” Seiji screamed like he never had before; his hot seed shot forth, burning as it made its way out of his body.

Touma held on for dear life, Seiji had never cum this hard or this much. He did his best to swallow it all, but there was just too much, and it flowed out from the corners of his mouth to trickle down his chin.

He smiled to himself, feeling good that he was able to pleasure his lover this well. It was something he always looked forward to... getting Seiji to let his guard down and to just enjoy the pure and raw animalistic emotions one felt during lovemaking of this magnitude. He couldn’t remember a time when he and Seiji didn’t put everything they had into the act.

Touma felt his own sex throbbing madly and knew that if he didn’t take Seiji soon he wouldn’t make it. Having his lover come for him like that, filled his heart and soul, but it also had him hornier he had ever been before. “Seiji, I have to do this now... I can’t hold out for very much longer. You have me so hot and horny.”

He looked at Seiji who still seemed to be on that secret climax plane, not really here, but not totally out of it either. “You still with me handsome?” Touma smiled when Seiji nodded and pushed his hips up to let Touma know that he was indeed ready for him.

Touma sat up between Seiji’s legs, lifting one over his shoulder; he reached for more oil to make sure that Seiji was thoroughly lubricated in order to cause as little pain as possible. Coating his length and Seiji’s opening Touma slowly pushed in so that the head of his sex was just past the entrance and then waited for Seiji’s muscles to relax.

“Uhn.” Came the cry from Seiji’s throat, though his eyes still had a distant stare, his voice seemed almost trance like. “Yes, Touma, do it now, please?” Seiji’s eyes focused on Touma’s face, a tear slid from his eye, and Touma bent down to kiss it away.

“If you want, I’ll stop.” Touma looked to him; the love he saw in his violet eyes made his heart jump.

Without saying a word Seiji wrapped his long powerful legs around Touma, using them and his hips he pushed Touma closer to his body causing Touma to plunge in to the hilt. “OH GOD! SEIJI!” Touma shouted as his length became imbedded deep within his lover’s body. Seiji was so tight and hot inside. Touma held still for a moment savoring the feel of the tight velvety heat that surrounded and caressed his length.

“I want it hard and I want it fast, got that?” Seiji glanced up at Touma, his slender fingers reached out to rub Touma’s nipples. “The pain is already fading; all I feel now is your heavenly presence deep within me. Please koi, do this for me.” Seiji’s passion filled violet eyes, searched Touma’s face.

It had been quite some time since he had been taken, and though there had been pain he now knew what Touma felt when the roles were reversed. Ecstasy, passion, lust and most of all, a burning need to feel that beauty moving inside of him and then coating him with the hot liquid that would spill into him.

The sensations were erotic as Touma began a slow and steady pace, Seiji closed his eyes allowing the fire that was igniting in his groin to grow and flourish. Opening his eyes and looking up into the angelic face of his lover, his heart skipped several beats. Touma’s face held a beauty one could only have when in the throes of ecstasy it was so angelic to him.

Dark blues eyes took on a deeper shade, glassy and shimmering. Cheeks were painted a rose colored hue, and lips glistened in a half opened stance. How did he get so lucky? To have this wonderfully handsome man in his life, loving him unconditionally. It was more then his heart could bear as tears slid from his eyes. Now I’m sure that what I’m going to do today is the right thing.

Touma began to quicken the pace as he felt Seiji’s hips lift up to meet his thrusts, looking down he saw the tears, but knew that they were not tears of pain, but of love. He knew far too well, for those were the same tears he shed every time Seiji took him and loved him mind, body and soul.

Touma bent over to claim the sweet mouth he so loved kissing. Seiji had lips so soft and inviting that it was so easy to get lost in a kiss with him. Tongues dueled as up stretched arms intertwined, hands clasped and clutched as the two bodies moved in perfect timing, for it was a symphony of love that was being played for their ears only.

“Harder... please Touma? Want you... want to feel your heat spill into me.” Seiji pleaded against his ear, hot breath tickling Touma’s senses. “Yes that’s it... oh god... so good... feels so good.” Seiji felt like time was at a stand still, the world around him a mere blur, only he and Touma existed at that very moment.

Seiji reached out to take Touma’s mouth, exploring the hot cavity, enjoying the moans it brought and feeling the tension begin to swell in Touma’s body. It wouldn’t be much longer. His own sex was pinned beneath their bodies and the friction was bringing him closer with each movement.

“Seiji, God I love you, OH GOD!” Touma yelled into his mouth and with that his body shock and spasm. Seiji felt Touma’s release, hot liquid filling him, hitting that spot hidden deep within him, it was all he needed as he felt his own fluid drain splashing against their abdomens.

“TOUMA!” Seiji cried out. “Ahhh, God, I love you, I love you with all my heart.” His voice sounded hoarse and weak. Seiji grabbed Touma’s face in his hands as eyes met, passion and lust burned deep within them. Two sets of lips met once again, this time the kiss was slower, more deliberate, delicate and filled with all the love two people could possibly give to one another.

“Seiji? I need to.... I need to pull out.” Touma said as he kissed him. Seiji nodded as Touma slid his body off and to the side. A low groan came from Seiji as he felt Touma leave him. How empty he felt now.

Seiji gathered the archer up and pulled him into his body, molding to him, holding onto him for dear life. His face nuzzled the soft blue hair as fingers gently traced little hearts over his stomach and chest, causing Touma to shiver slightly. Seiji chuckled softly and continued on, he could feel the goose bumps forming on his lover’s body. Reaching down he quickly pulled the blankets over them and then went back to tracing pictures over Touma’s stomach.

“Are you drawing air pictures on my tummy?” Touma chuckled. This was so unlike Seiji yet he couldn’t help but adore this secretive part of him.

“Yeah, as a matter of fact, I am.” Came Seiji’s response. “Here’s a heart... because I love you.” He said as he drew a large heart with his finger. “Now here’s a candle... because you’re the flame that flickers in the night lighting my way to your heart.” He kissed the side of his face. “And lastly... here’s a cake.” Seiji stopped to wait for the response he knew he’d get.

“A CAKE?” Touma shifted slightly to lie on his back giving him full vision of the blond Adonis lying next to him. Seiji’s eyes sparkled and danced as the midmorning sun hit them. Touma reached out to stroke his cheek; his skin was so soft and smooth, how he loved the feel.

“Yeah, a cake. It’s to wish the love of my life a Happy Birthday.” Seiji smiled as Touma’s eyes came to life.

“You... You remembered? Oh God Seiji, you did remember!” Touma felt the tears slip and then fall from his eyes, only to be kissed away quickly by soft tender lips.

“I could never forget something so important, my sweet Touma. I love you way too much for that. Besides, it was also on this day, that we got together. So it‘s also our anniversary.” He tapped a finger on Touma’s nose and Touma sneezed.

Seiji just looked down at him, a bit surprised. “Well... Bless you.” Seiji laughed, for some unknown reason it was the cutest thing to him... To have Touma lying there with a childish look on his face, nose crinkled and his eyes closed. He tapped his nose again, and was rewarded with another sneeze. Seiji giggled.

“Now cut that out!” Touma scolded, rubbing at the itch on his nose only to sneeze yet again. He watched as Seiji buried his head in his indigo locks and laugh harder. Touma’s heart filled with so much joy at hearing Seiji giggle and laugh. These traits that were rarely seen outside of their little sanctuary and so Touma savored every last one of them.

These were the moments that Touma would remember for all of eternity, cherished memories of a life with his one and only love. Moments that were shared between just the two of them where walls weren’t needed and they were free to let loose.

“Oh that reminds me, I’ve got something for you. Unless of course you’re too tired to see it.” Seiji quirked an eyebrow at him. Sometimes he loved to tease Touma just for the reactions it would get him.

“Are you kidding!” Touma said as he sat up quickly, too quickly in fact. “Oh, bad move!” He sat there for a second to regain his senses as the room swayed momentarily.

“Touma, you know better then to get up that fast. Low blood pressure equals head rushes remember? Hmm?” Seiji sat up and held him close to his body, enjoying the way it felt next to his.

Seiji then turned to reach for the package he had placed on the floor. “Close your eyes, and no peeking!” Seiji ordered him. “I mean it young man!” He laughed.

“Yes daddy.” Touma smirked and was rewarded with a bop on the head for the comment. Then like a child at Christmas time, Touma closed his eyes and threw his hands over his face with a slapping noise, eagerly anticipating Seiji’s next move.

“Hold out your hands, but no peeking yet.” Seiji prompted. Touma did as he was told and Seiji placed the gift into his hands. “Okay, you may open them.” Seiji said and kissed him. “Happy Birthday love.”

Touma stared down at the gift wrapped in blue and gold wrapping, shiny stars and moons covered the paper, sparkling like the heavens. A gold lace bow with metallic thread woven in was wrapped delicately around the item.

Slowly Touma began the process of unwrapping the present, making sure to not tear the paper. Seiji always found the neatest paper, and he of course saved it all. He even went as far as writing on it the date, time and what gift it once held, before neatly storing it away.

Seiji smiled as Touma took his time with the package. So like you Touma, you’ll probably save the paper and ribbon, turning it into one of your mementos. He thought to himself.

Touma pulled the paper off to reveal a beautiful leather bound book, gold inlaid writing adorned its cover and binding. He ran his fingers over the words. “Classic Poems to Inspire, Up Lift and to Love With.” (Made the title up, couldn’t think of a real one for this part-sorry)

Touma choked back the tears that were forming. “Seiji, it’s beautiful.” He turned to him and saw tears falling from Seiji’s eyes. Leaning into him for a tenderly placed kiss, Touma smiled at him. “I love you so much Seiji, so very much.” He looked down at the book once more. Seiji knew how much he loved poetry... How much he adored the smooth flowing words that could expressed a multitude of emotions in so many wondrous ways.

“Touma, I love you too, my heart can’t even come close to telling you how much.” Seiji whispered into his ear. “ I will promise you this; I will try in any way I can to let you know how much you mean to me. I also promise to never, do anything that would hurt you.” Seiji said, pulling Touma ever so close, stroking his hair and cheek as he spoke.

Touma felt the emotions swell within his heart. Seiji was giving off so much love, and it was all for him. “Seiji I will treasure this book forever, I can’t begin to thank you. I too promise to let you know how much you mean to me and to never allow myself or anyone else to hurt you.” Touma was cut off by Seiji’s mouth claiming his; sighing softly he melted into the kiss that he wished would go on forever.

Seiji broke the embrace to look into Touma’s midnight-blue eyes that were now full with tears. “I may have never said this before, but I love the way you read poetry and I love hearing them come from your sweet lips.” He said as he bent over to kiss him. “There’s one on the inside front cover I’d like you to read. Please?” Seiji smiled at him, his heart thumping madly against his chest. This is it-I hope. He said to himself.

With shaky hands Touma opened the book, and there in ink on the inside cover was a poem. Looking down at the script that was so Seiji... so lovely. For a guy Seiji had the most beautiful penmanship he had ever seen. Touma’s heart was beating madly as he looked at the words. Clearing his throat he began reciting the poem.

** Read My Lips **


I can

Be so shy.

I keep my emotions

Deep inside.

I try to tell you

Just what you mean to me

But I get stuck

The words

Don’t come so easily.

If the feel

Of my hand

And the warmth

Of my touch

Isn’t enough

Don’t give up.

Just Read My Lips.

If your heart

Doesn’t hear

When my arms

Draw you near

It will soon

Soon be clear.

Just Read My Lips.


Touma began to sob, tears flowed freely from his eyes as he slowly looked up into the face of the man who had written the words. His heart caught in his throat, breath driven away as he watched Seiji mouth seven simple yet awe-inspiring words to him.

“I love you, Touma Hashiba... Marry Me.”

Seiji looked at him with all the love he had in his heart as he mouthed the words. Now he waited for the reply, hoping that he would hear what his heart ached to hear. He didn’t have to wait too long as Touma threw his arms around his neck kissing him with a force that took his breath away.

“Seiji I love you, and yes, I will marry you. I’d be proud to let the world know that I am yours and yours alone.” Touma began to cry as the tears of joy fell from Seiji’s eyes as well. His life was now complete.

At long last Touma knew the true meaning of love. He finally knew what it meant to have someone in his life that cared and was there for him always.

“Thank you, Touma. I love you so much koibito.” Seiji said softly. His energy was now totally spent. Pulling his love closer, they settled down allowing the sleep that was calling to them, to wash over their perfectly interlocked bodies. Seiji kissed Touma as he heard his soft snore.

“Thanks for making me happy, you are my star shine, now and forever.” Seiji closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. Both men slept, basking in the warmth of their love.

Love that linked them Mind, Body, Heart and Soul.



The End?

No way... This is only the beginning.


Author’s Notes: The Poem I actually wrote years ago, it just seemed to fit into this so nicely I hope you liked this and will be kind enough to leave a review.

Want more? I will be slowly posting the multi-chaptered “Test of the Hearts”, (Separately) which is still ongoing, and getting lots of wonderful comments from those who have been keeping up with it. Now do me a favor and be nice enough to leave a review. Your review helps me to determine what I need to do or change to make future stories more appealing to the reader. It also lets me know whether I should continuing posting or not.

Anyone who reads anything posted on this site, should be kind enough to leave a review, we authors hunger for the feedback... So be a responsible reader and leave a review to the stories you read. Your reviews are greatly appreciated.

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