There were quite a bit of things that went into making this site possible. We provided a list of links, 'thank yous', and etc.




  • Roxy the Head Webmistress


  • Made with Adobe Photoshop 6.0


  • We've been on hundreds of servers, such as,, and I recommend not using any of these. Right now, we're having a difficulty with our nearly 5 KB of webspace on geosh* So, we're thinking about moving... again. If you find a nice place, please let us know. ;o)




  • Thanks to many of the sites that have provided pictures for others to view. It's because of your generosity that many now get to look at hot men because of you. You're truly a big help in this world.

    ...Thank Yous...

  • Thank you to all the women that have helped with this site. It's really a great thing to be working with such fun and amusing women with raging hormones like mine. Thank you all. Your unforgettable wit and opinions make this site great. ;o) I love you each very much.
  • To all the hot men of the world... Thank you for looking so damn sexy. Thank you for being so hot. Thank you, for being our 'Devious Delights'. For without you, this site would not even exist. So, thank you.

    ...Crappy Things...

  • Thank you, Internet Explorer, for being such a b*tch and saying I have errors on my website every five seconds. Because when I go and check it and see there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, I'm thinking of you.
  • Thank you, crappy computer, for being such a burden-- err, blessing in my life. I have known computers that freeze and need to reboot when I'd work on important graphics or html files, but none as... 'special' as you.
  • Thanks to the POS scanner that I have that does not allow me to scan in the numerous photos I have of hot men. No really, thanks a lot. It doesn't piss me off. Not one bit.

    ...Link to Us...

    If you would like to link to us, please send us your lovely banner/link so we can link back to you as well. Just save the banner and upload it to your server because does not allow direct linkage. Copy/paste the text, removing the asterisks (*'s).

    Devious Delights
    <*a href="" target="new"*><*img src="hunkyosbancopy.jpg" alt="Devious Delights"*><*/a>

    Devious Delights
    <*a href="" target="new"*><*img src="wetcopy.jpg" alt="Devious Delights"*><*/a>

    Devious Delights
    <*a href="" target="new"*><*img src="twistcopy.jpg" alt="Devious Delights"*><*/a>

    Devious Delights
    <*a href="" target="new"*><*img src="sportscopy.jpg" alt="Devious Delights"*><*/a>

    Devious Delights
    <*a href="" target="new"*><*img src="devious1copy.jpg" alt="Devious Delights"*><*/a>

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