Hello everyone! Welcome to my column, Rate-A-Date. Basically, all of the articles I write will be about a particular man. I will look at some pictures of him and provide my personal analysis, then rate him at the end of the column on a scale of one to ten, with one being the lowest score possible and ten being the highest. It shouldn't be TOO hard to follow... so here goes!

The first man I rate will be the one who graces the banner for this article: Adam Garcia. Before I really get into it, though, I have to say that I think this man stands around and has hot pictures taken of him all day. The ones I have seen from friends, on the Internet, and other resources are proof that Adam might spend a little too much time in front of the camera... but that's a good thing! That means I have more sources to review from. But, anyway, on with the article!

The first thing is this man's face... it's so cute! It's kind of innocent looking, but something about his eyes shows he might have a wild side, too. Adam has an adorable smile that could make almost any girl melt if it was directed at her... heck, I almost die every time I see it in a movie.

Another thing I love about Adam is his hair. I'm not a big fan of long-haired guys, so Adam has just the right length for me. It's not TOO short, but it doesn't look like it should be on a woman. His hair is dark, which is also a good thing, and he doesn't look like he would have to do much to make it look good.

Next is his body. ~drool~ You can tell Adam has a nice body by the fact he was willing to do the striptease in the movie Coyote Ugly. I mean, lets face it, would most guys do that if they DIDN'T look hot? I think not... and, luckily, Adam is hot and he did get on the bar, providing the single greatest moment in the movie. Now if only that auction would have gone on longer... heehee... ANYWAY!

Adam's clothing is another wonderful thing. From the pictures I have seen of him, and I've seen MANY of them, he doesn't look like he wakes up in the morning and thinks "Hmmm... how will I shock the world today?". Adam looks like he dresses comfortably, with enough class not to run around in a T-shirt five times to big and dirty shorts all the time, and that's always something I like in a man. His outfits in Riding in Cars with Boys left a little bit to be desired, but so did the movie, so I can forgive Adam for that one. Otherwise, he almost always looks great in whatever he wears.

His attitude also a great thing. I haven't heard too much about him, but what I have heard has been very good. Adam sounds like a very nice guy who would be a joy to meet and speak with sometime if you can make it to a movie promotion, autograph session of some sort, or anything else.

Finally, the last hot thing about Adam I will talk about is his voice. I love it! His accent in Coyote Ugly is endearing beyond belief. I like it when a man has an accent, and that was definitely a plus. But even in Riding in Cars with Boys when he downplayed it, Adam still sounded great. That would be another good thing about meeting him: listening to his voice! ~swoon~

One thing that I find NOT so adorable about Adam is his choice in movies to work in. Now, I know it's his choice and I'm all for him being in movies that he wants to be in and not one he's forced to be in, but could someone read over his shoulder the next time he's reading the script for a potential role in a flick? Coyote Ugly? Despite the fact he was hot the entire time, and was in the best scenes of the movie, he was basically just the boy toy of the main character. Granted, he's also what helped her find the courage to sing, but almost the entire time they were going out, she was dancing around like a stripper on a bar. What's up with that?!? It doesn't make sense to me because I would have dumped her if I was him... but maybe I'm insensitive... oh well...

Then there was Riding in Cars with Boys. Yet again, another Adam Garcia movie disappointed me. He is, basically, the only intelligent character in the movie (don't get me started on Drew Barrymore's role... don't even) and he's also sweet enough to haul his mother around everywhere and take care of her. But, even though that does help him a little bit, the rest of the movie did not. I was happy at the end when Drew decided to go out on her own and let Adam have a life, but the ending doesn't make up for the rest of the crappy movie.

lol All right... after my examination of Adam's face, hair, body, personality, voice, and movies, I give him a 7.5. He's got everything going for him in the looks and personality department, but when you're an actor the movies you play in affect how you appear to others. Unfortunately, Adam has been the victim of two bad movies that were just enough to lower his score. But overall, Adam is DEFINITELY a hottie!

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