Summer 2000
$100,000 Donation to EF!

AAUW promotes equity for all women and girls, lifelong education, and positive societal change.

Summer 2000 FloriVision
$100,000 Donation to EF!

The power of AAUW? The power of women and girls? The power of one? The power of the press? All of these generated a donation to the AAUW Educational Foundation of $100,000!

The Northern Palm Beach County Branch was preparing for its annual EF fundraiser (as do most branches!) It was to be a style show at a local restaurant. ONE member, Doris Karlick, sent a press release to the local newspaper. She included the phone numbers of Jan Barker, the VP Membership, and Marion Knapp who was in charge of reservations.

ONE woman, Margaret Strauss Kramer, read that ONE article, called Jan and offered a donation. (She had tried to call Marion who works. Moral: always include two names and phone numbers in your press releases! Also, Jan received eleven calls from potential members.)

When Jan and Doris went to her home, Margaret Strauss Kramer handed them ONE check - for $100,000! A bio-chemist who has first wanted to be a doctor but was denied entry into medical school because she was a woman wanted to "...aid AAUW because they help women and girls."

Margaret Strauss Kramer created a treatment for Addison's disease. She managed her own finances and used the fortune she accumulates for the benefit of others. A generous philanthropist, who had no children of her own, she gave millions to charities all over the world.

Northern Palm Beach Branch contacted the Association Educational Foundation concerning her donation. As Margaret Strauss Kramer had lived her life in the sciences and desired to assist women and girls, it was felt fitting that her generous donation should help to fund the newest EF publication, "TECH-SAVVY, Educating Girls in the New Computer Age" which was issued in April.

The title page of this report states, "This report was made possible, in part, by the generous contribution of Margaret Strauss Kramer, Special thanks to the Northern Palm Beach Branch of AAUW."

Mrs. Strauss Kramer died April 21, 2000, at age 90. But her legacy will live on. AAUW will forever be grateful to a woman who wanted women and girls in the 21th century to have an opportunity to attain a goal she was denied in the early 1900's.

And all of this because of ONE woman who responded to ONE article in ONE newspaper placed there by ONE woman. Never underestimate the power of AAUW - the power of women - the power of ONE!

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Summer 2000 FloriVision

Last Updated on June 30, 2000

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