Summer 2000
That's Fish

AAUW promotes equity for all women and girls, lifelong education, and positive societal change.

Summer 2000 FloriVision
That's Fish

by Diane Baccus Horsley

Association Director for Membership Nancy Rustad energized the Convention delegates with the video "That's Fish!" Set in a Seattle fish market, it's about employees who sell the company with every fish they sell and how they make their work fun. All members of the fish market - with energy and passion - used four steps to improve productivity and commitment:

  1. Play

  2. Make their day (meaning the customer's)

  3. Be there (focus - all day, everyday)

  4. Choose your attitude (decide to be happy or not. Any job can be boring if you make it boring - or fun and energizing if that is what you bring to it.)

These are lessons we can translate into our AAUW lives. We need to be there for each other. We need to respect the differences of each AAUW member and also our differences with others. Too often we AAUW members forget to have fun or to make AAUW fun to be involved with. I think everyone who saw the video agreed that it was a great way to deliver that message.

In closing, Nancy announced that building branch membership would be the Association's number one priority during the next few years. Nancy reminded us, "Whatever we can conceive and believe, we can achieve."

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Summer 2000 FloriVision

Last Updated on June 30, 2000

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