October 2001
Volume 7 - Issue 9


I doubt that any of us will forget where we were when we heard the horrific news on September 11. In a bizarre twist of fate, I was on my way to the airport to return to Tampa, only to hear on the radio half-way there, what had happened and that all US airports had been closed. This was an appalling act of violence, and all of Florida AAUW mourns the innocent victims and feels profound sympathy for their families and friends who must cope with such a senseless loss.

Since returning to Tampa, I am comforted by mindless activities � I�ve ironed, cleaned, painted a bedroom, read guzillion books, and played stupid computer games for hours on end. Anything to escape the horror. Today, however, the deadline is upon me for this Update, and as I write I begin to feel re-energized.

The events of September 11th will forever change the texture of our society � in ways we can�t even imagine. One of the short-term changes has already been a heightened sense of community. As we begin to get our lives back to some kind of normalcy (whatever that means anymore), let�s embrace that sense of community in our AAUW activities � whether it�s holding Interbranch meetings, planning meetings and activities with other branches, or planning programming that reaches out to those outside AAUW who need us most. Now might be a good time to call your PACE Centers or other girls� programs and offer to set up informal chat sessions about what has happened in our country. The same would be true for Women-to-Women dialogues, or even inter-branch discussions. This is a time to share our insecurities and fears.

As amazing and gratifying as it is to see our Congress put aside partisan politics, they have reached this unity over one issue: eliminating terrorism in the world. For a while, at least, domestic, especially social, issues will be put on the back burner. It is more important than ever, then, that AAUW maintain a concerted focus on educational, personal, and professional equity.

This is a trying time, and it will be difficult to get back to business as usual. Be good to yourselves and to each other. We all handle tragedy and stress differently � your membership might seem unnaturally irritable or emotional � or even agoraphobic for a while. Give each other �space�, and then gradually, let�s go to work. There�s lots to do out there!


Statement of Jacqueline Woods, Executive Director, AAUW
CARD Coalition Press Conference
National Press Club, Washington, DC

AAUW supports the President in his war against terrorism. We recognize that we have begun a war unlike any waged before. We are not fighting an easily identified enemy, but a network that lives in the shadows and employs violence as a weapon to further their goal of a world constantly in conflict. New means must be employed and powers altered, but in doing so we must also reconcile the requirement of security with the demands of liberty.

As we move beyond the overwhelming emotions over last week�s terrorist attacks, we begin the difficult job of securing our nation and seeking justice. Time and again, America has proven that we are a resilient nation, and as we have so many times before, we will rebuild our communities and restore our faith in democracy. In this time of national crisis, we must ensure that those vital efforts are not undertaken at the expense of the freedom and liberty that are the hallmark of our democratic society.

AAUW has long championed the expansion of hate crime protections; today we call on all Americans to resist the urge to target people because of their race, religion, ethnicity, or appearance. Already we are hearing reports of people targeted for violence because they are perceived to be Arab or Muslim. Such attacks have no place in our society; indeed such hateful expression would mean that the terrorist assault continues to tally its score. p> Today, we stand in solidarity with a broad coalition of organizations. Some of these groups have never before shared a political podium. Yet, in this time of national crisis we have come together to offer our political leaders the guidance and support they need to fulfill the difficult task of providing for our national security while protecting our democratic institutions. Incorporating these guidelines will ensure that our nation emerges stronger than ever from this crisis and that we will continue to serve as a beacon of liberty to the world.

Submitted by Joy Bove Lurken, Director for Public Policy

The new census data force us to re-visit a question the Supreme Court tried to deal with following the recent Presidential elections. How do we ensure that our state legislature protects the one citizen-one vote rule? This rule means, essentially, that every voter in the state has an equal say in electing his or her legislators. How do we divide up the state so that every registered voter gets a fair shake?

Nearly 200 years ago, in 1812, Eldridge Gerry carved out a district north of Boston so artfully that it looked like a salamander. The editorial cartoonists of the day called it a Gerrymander. Admiring legislators have followed his example faithfully ever since. Our legislators make all the changes in terms of their own redistricting. Should we be surprised that they want to make it as easy as possible to get themselves re-elected?

What can be done about this? The State Legislature is holding redistricting hearing all over the state. They state they want to know what we think and ask the public to come and speak. Public Policy chairs or Branch Presidents can attend and speak to this issue. You may also submit recommendations in writing.

Your State Public Policy Director stood up and was counted on behalf of AAUW on September 5, 2001. She spoke at the State Legislature redistricting hearing and asked the legislators to maintain a compact county for the best interest of the community and pointed out this should be done throughout the state. She stated that in her community there was a small portion of the county that voted for a different State Senator and many voters didn�t know who their candidate was on election day. This happened because of gerrymandering by self interest groups. At the Women�s Consortium in Tallahassee AAUW members attended the Reapportion Committee meeting. Legislators are instructed by computer experts on how a simple click of the computer mouse could get information on how may Republicans, Democrats or Independents were in a small area, and how easily a district could be changed. It is unfortunate that taxpayers money is spent on encouragement of gerrymandering.

AAUW of Florida is a part of a consortium to have an impartial committee to select districts in the future. This petition is being circulated and we encourage everyone to sign it. But what can we do to influence redrawing political boundaries with fairness? AAUW has signed on with �Statement on Fairness.� This diverse group from various viewpoints demands fairness in the redistricting process. Some of their requests are:

  • Hearing be held in more areas of Florida
  • Subdivisions , cities and counties be considered in districting
  • State Legislature committees hold public hearings after plans are drawn
  • Sufficient time be provided before any legislative action be taken
  • No plan be made until a full public specific guideline is adopted and published
  • These guidelines provide districts meet all legal requirements
  • All legislative actions take place at location that maximize citizen participation

Submitted by Alice O�Keefe & Shirley Hagland, Co-Directors for Program

If one goes to the dictionary, �program�, among its variety of meanings, is said to be a �set of organized activities planned by or available at a particular place or institution.� It is not listed as a synonym for �project.� Project, on the other hand, is defined as a plan, proposal or task/activity that is to be done. Enterprise and undertaking are its synonyms. The meanings of project, enterprise and undertaking are detailed. All imply a venture organized for a specific goal and stress the joint efforts of several or more people from an organization to bring to fruition. Moreover, the definition includes a caveat that mentions a �carefully planned effort� and a �systematically planned venture.�

We, members of FL AAUW, speak of a variety of programs, local, state and national. As branches, we conduct our own set of monthly programs, whether they involve speakers, presentations, events, or annual fundraisers. Branches are encouraged, above and beyond those kinds of programs, to venture into the universe of both national and state published programs. It is important to realize that these programs are, in reality, projects.

The latest edition of AAUW�s publication, Education Equity, Choices for a Changing World�, calls upon us to �implement a project from AAUW�s Choices portfolio, which prepares women and girls-- and the institutions that serve them � for the challenges females face at school, work, and in their communities.� The following is a brief outline of the AAUW projects, often referred to as programs, for your consideration. It is with these projects that the branches can truly make a difference for girls and women.

Signposts: It provides a road map to enable schools to become gender-fair. This project suggests goals for schools in such topics as math, science and technology education, dropout prevention and school-to-work programs. Recognition is given to schools that meet these goals via certificates.

Sister-To-Sister : These summits give girls an opportunity to talk to each other about issues that affect their lives and learning but often cannot be adequately addressed by schools. Girls leave the summits with an action plan that becomes an agenda for change in their schools and communities that girls and adults can carry out together.

Tech Check: It is a survey that notes the breakdown of males and females taking AP computer classes. The Tech Check provides a guide with suggestions for ways community groups, such as AAUW, can attract more girls to high-tech fields and information technology.

Transitions: Transitions Conferences help women overcome obstacles in returning to school. They provide information and support on financial aid, study skills and issues related to balancing life with school and work. Many conferences form coalitions with local colleges/universities.

Woman-To-Woman: This is a forum, sponsored by a branch and at least one partner organization, that brings together diverse women in local communities to talk about social justice issues of common interest. It offers women an opportunity to form and expand alliances, gain new perspectives and devise actions to address the group�s concern.

At least one of these outstanding programs will rivet your branch�s interest and attention for yourselves and your community. All of the programs/projects promote the health and growth of our AAUW organization. All are vital and valuable to the quality of life for girls and women in this state, nation and world in this century. Say �YES� to program and think project ! Leslie Henderson has just received confirmation from the Educational Foundation that they are sending her 28 copies of the latest Community Coalitions Manual. This is a coup, since there are not many copies left. Every branch should have a copy of this wonderful book which is chock full of the how-to�s in building coalitions and dealing with coalitions in AAUW programming. She will be sending them out on a first requested basis starting the week of September 17. HOWEVER, please note that there are not enough for all 53 branches, so if you already have one for your branch, please do not request another. One last caveat: each is the property of the branch, not one�s personal copy, and should be passed down from president to president, or program VP to program VP. Your cooperation in this is appreciated.

The actual cost of the manual is $14.95. This is a one-time offer of only a shipping/handling fee of $5.00. Please make your checks to Fl AAUW and send to:

Leslie Henderson
13608 Lytton Way
Tampa, FL 33624

Please include the name and address where it should be sent. Any manuals not requested by branches will be returned to the Foundation on December 1. Any net gain from sending these manuals will be returned to the Foundation to cover its shipping cost and the rest as a donation from Florida AAUW.

Submitted by Sally Bailey, Director for Educational Foundation

Five outstanding Florida women have received an Educational Foundation Fellowship or Grant! They are Kim Delrance, Melissa Hyde, and Dervla Reilly from Gainesville, Alma J. M. Dean from Miami, and Lenore M. McWey of Tallahassee. Why not invite one of them to speak at a branch meeting or special event? I have their addresses and phone numbers as well as names and phone numbers of previous Florida grant and fellowship winners. Let me know if you�d like to contact one to make a presentation at one of your meetings.

I have just received an itemized listing of Florida branch contributions to the Educational Foundation. Unfortunately I am unable to check the accuracy of the report because many branches have not sent copies of their contributions to the Foundation to me (or before July 1, to Beverly Fraser). I need to have copies of contribution forms from the following branches: Boynton Beach, Central Brevard, Clearwater, Daytona Beach, Flagler County, Gainesville, Key West, Lake Wales, Lake/Sumter, Manatee County, Marco Island, Melbourne, Niceville-Valpariso, Palm Beach County, Pompano, Punta Gorda-Port Charlotte, Sarasota, Seminole County, Stuart Area, Sun City Center, Tamiami, Tampa, Venice and West Pasco. All branches need to remind members who have sent contributions directly to the Foundation to tell their EF chair. These contributions should also be on the list of contributions credited to each branch.

If your branch has not already sent in a contribution to the Educational Foundation send it as soon as possible to insure that it is correctly recorded before the end of the year. If you need a contributions report form you may email me and I will send it to you or call 1-888-603-7116, follow the directions, and a form will be faxed to you. Please send me a copy of the form so that I can help straighten out any mistakes or omissions that occur.

Have questions? Need information? Let me know!
Sally Bailey [email protected] or 561-748-9909

Submitted by Alex Sterling, Director for LAF

All the Florida AAUW branches are in successful mode. The November 10 Legal Advocacy Fund and Awareness Day in Florida is steaming along. If you have not yet sent me your plans for the event, please do so � [email protected] or .

December 3 is the deadline for 2001 contributions to the Legal Advocacy Fund to be counted for the year. Be sure all your branch�s contributions are counted and accredited to your branch, and don�t forget the contributions are tax deductible. Read about current cases and how your money is at work for women who are fighting for their educational futures on the website, www.aauw.org, clicking on LAF Case Support. The challenge � 5% increase over last year�s donations!

Thanks to Pat McCabe, Corporate Director of LAF, and Meghan McQuade, LAF Program Associate, Florida AAUW State Convention plans are now firm with a new plaintiff to be one of our speakers. For now we are keeping her name secret, but she currently resides in Florida.


Knitters, we need you! As a fundraiser at convention in April, we are planning a raffle for the LAF luncheon. If you have knitters in your branch, please send me their name, e-mail or home address and I will forward a very easy pattern. Your knitters will enjoy this easy, fun project!

Submitted by Carol-Lynn Bevc, Director for Communications

The Florida AAUW State Directory will be mailed to branch presidents and state officers during the week of October 8, 2001. The technical problems (hard drive corruption, etc.) have been corrected and we are now in the production phase.

Thank you for your patience.


The Association just contacted Leslie, listing the following branches who have not submitted either their Branch Officers Report or their Branch Dues Report. Please send them ASAP to Washington, or contact Tiona E. Rodgers, Member Services Representative, 202/785-7782, [email protected], if you have questions. It is vitally important that these forms be filed in Washington!!

Branch Officers Reports missing:

  • FL3003 DeLand
  • FL3049 Brandon
  • FL3054 Marco Island
  • FL3062 Boynton Beach Area
Branch Dues Reports missing:
  • FL3009 Jacksonville
  • FL3012 Lakeland
  • FL3013 Lake Wales
  • FL3015 Melbourne
  • FL3017 Northern Palm Beach County
  • FL3021 Palm Beach County
  • FL3023 Pensacola
  • FL3028 Tampa
  • FL3029 Clearwater
  • FL3036 Fort Pierce
  • FL3041 Pompano
  • FL3047 Punta Gorda Port Charlotte
  • FL3050 Tamiami
  • FL3052 Venice
  • FL3053 West Pasco
  • FL3063 Mid Pinellas
  • FL3065 Flagler County
  • FL3067 Deltona
  • FL3069 Port St. Lucie
Both forms missing:
  • FL3035 Lake City
  • FL3071 St. Lucie County


Unfortunately, a delay has occurred in obtaining the Community Coalitions Manuals that Leslie ordered from the Educational Foundation. As soon as they arrive, she will be distributing them to the branches who have sent her a check for $5 (made out to FL AAUW) on a first come, first served basis.


If your branch/interbranch is interested in having a Leader-on-Loan, be sure to contact Martha Miller, [email protected], or 2053 Greenwood Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32303 for a LOL form.

LOL�s are not only current officers and board members, but can also be EF Fellows, LAF plaintiffs or former plaintiffs etc. If you know the topic you are interested in, we�ll try to find you an LOL!

Submitted by Ren�e Ramsay, Director for Membership

The �Shape the Future� campaign is up and running and so are the membership vice presidents. Remember to promote the State incentive of a free State membership to all branches earning free Association memberships. These MUST be used together, not separately.

The process to redeem these free memberships is simple�When your branch is ready to claim the free Association membership, make a copy of the membership award information you received from Association and send to the State Treasurer, Carol Newnam, 906 golden Beach Blvd., Venice, Fl 34285. Be sure to include the name and address of the recipient. For more information, contact Carol or me.

Remember last spring when the �Give-a-Grad-A-Gift� program resumed? The push was on for all members who knew recent grads to enroll them for a free MAL. It worked! 738 new members have been recruited! That is a 276% increase over last spring!

The result was a state wide impact as these new members are now searching for a branch in their area to join. Florida has currently 14 potential new members for our local branches. Keep up the good work and continue identifying those graduates.

The College/University efforts have stalled over the United States in the past couple of years. The Association is currently updating the process and application for branches to use in this recruitment effort. Elinor Crawford, former Florida President, has willingly agreed to chair this position for the coming year. Watch for details and information on the new thrust in coming months.

Submitted by Barbara O�Connor, Bylaws & Resolutions Chair

Bylaw changes voted on at the Florida Convention in April, 2000, which changed the structure of the Florida AAUW Board, affect your branch bylaws. This is because most branch bylaws mention membership in one of the clusters. Since the clusters no longer exist, any reference to clusters MUST be removed from branch bylaws.

This is also a good time to look over your bylaws and make any other necessary changes. Please put a date on these changes. Please remember that bylaws are only supposed to give structure to an organization. Information as to where and when an organization meets, and other easily changeable information should not be in the bylaws. The AAUW website, (www.aauw.org) has a set of model bylaws in the Members Only section. If you have questions as to what does and does not belong in bylaws, please look at that. It is an excellent resource. If you do not have access to a computer and the internet (even at your local library) please let me know and I will send you a copy of the model branch bylaws.

Many thanks to those of you who have already sent me your branch bylaws. If the bylaws you sent are up-to-date and include the 2000 changes, please send me a note saying that your bylaws are current. That will take care of your bylaw �obligation�. IF YOUR BRANCH HAS NOT SENT ME A COPY OF YOUR BRANCH BYLAWS, OR IF THE ONES YOU SENT DID NOT INCLUDE THE 2000 CHANGES, PLEASE NOTE: CURRENT BRANCH BYLAWS ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 1, 2001.

Thanks very much for your cooperation and help.

Barbara O�Connor, Florida Bylaws Chair
1489 Landings Lake Drive
Sarasota FL 34231
[email protected]

Submitted by Joan Maloney, Chair, Nominating Committee

All branches are urged to encourage their leaders and members to apply for the positions to be filled at the state level for the term 2002-2004. The slate needs nominees for President, Director for Educational Foundation, Director for Membership and Secretary. In addition to officers, four nominees are needed for the expiring terms of Directors-at-Large.

Nominations are due November 15, 2001.

Prerequisite for candidacy is simply being a member of AAUW, except for the office of President. A candidate for Florida President must have served on the Florida Board of Directors at some point in her AAUW career.

Nomination and vita forms were included in the September Update. Please contact me if you require more forms. Also, send all completed forms to me:

Joan Maloney
607 Cherry Tree Lane
DeLand, FL 327245
[email protected]


The Winter Board Meeting will be held at the Radisson Hotel, Orlando, on January 5 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The Executive Committee will meet the night before. Those who need to make reservations should call 1/800-327-2110 before December 5 � be sure to mention you are with AAUW. The cost of a double room is $99. In addition, please send your check for $30, made out to FL AAUW, to Carol Newnam as soon as possible. This covers coffee, break, lunch, rooms and incidentals. Look for directions in the next Update.

Submitted by Beverly Kelly and Sally Lewis, Co-Chairs

Mark your calendars today for the Florida AAUW Convention, April 7-9, 2002.

Our fabulous NEW location is the Embassy Suites located on the University of South Florida Campus, Tampa. The suites accommodate two to four people comfortably and a full breakfast and nightly reception are provided at no extra cost to hotel guests.

Jacqueline Woods, AAUW Executive Director and Ronnie Williams, South Atlantic Regional Director, will be leading sessions and filling us in on the latest from AAUW across the country.

Watch this space for further information, i.e. opportunities to buy ads in the program, names of more speakers, program notes, etc.


1 Deadline for N. Palm Beach reception for Jacqueline Woods
17 Deadline for Branch Update - Florida

1 Updated Branch Bylaws due to Barbara O�Connor - Florida
10 Legal Advocacy Fund and Awareness Day � Florida 14 Deadline for Branch Update - Florida
15 All Nomination forms for 2002-2003 due to Joan Maloney - Florida

1 Applications for Spring mini-grants due to Co-Directors for Program - Florida
2 Deadline for Branch Update � Florida
3 Educational Foundation & Legal Advocacy Fund donations due � Association

1 You many now collect half-year dues for new members and student affiliates - Association. Begin working with your Branch Board on a budget
4 Florida Executive Committee Meeting (TBD, Orlando) � Florida
5 Florida Board of Directors Meeting (TBD, Orlando) - Florida
18 Deadline for Branch Update - Florida
31 Last day dues can be received by the Association to be included in the February count - Association

1 Community Action Grant Proposals due � Association
2 Deadline for Branch Update � Florida
23-26 Lobby Days in Tallahassee - Florida

1 Recognition (ex-5 Star Program) Applications due � Association
2 Deadline for Branch Update � Florida

1 Finance and Membership VPs check Branch Dues Report Package for accuracy � Florida
7-9 72nd Florida AAUW Convention, Tampa � Florida
19 Deadline for Branch Update - Florida

7-8 Branch election of officers
15 Deadline for Branch Update � Florida

1 Officer forms due � Florida and Association
7-8 South Atlantic Regional Conference, Tampa � Florida and SAR
14 Deadline for June/July Branch Update � Florida
15 Fiscal year ends � Association

Last Updated on October 24 2000

Copyright �2000, Florida AAUW

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