What are chakras?

Chakra means " wheel of light" in Sansikrit and a chakra is a centre of power and energy in the humam body.

Our bodies are alive with universal energy that flows in and through them. The Cinese cal it Oi and the Indians Prana.

Our physical bodies are surrounded by energy called Aura which is divided into seven layers. The one closest to the surface is the etheric body wich is where the charka's exist.

Ther are seven main chakras - listed below - nine minor chakras and several hundred chakras
which correspond with acupuncture points.

Acupuncture points are specific points on the body where the energy flow throgh the body meridians can be adjusted.

Meridians are channels trough which vital energy flows throgh the body.

Open and balanced chakras help us to maintain our health and sense of harmony, because they allow energy to flow freely throughout our system. They feed and norush our physical organs with the energy they need to function properly.

When there is an imbalance because  of illness or emotional upset the chakras become blocked and dysfunctional. Energy will become stagnant and congested. We can become unhappy, confused and ill.

We can use relaxation, meditation, visualisation, positive thinking and affirmation, massage and essential oils to activate the chakras and restore the balance within the subtle body.

Chakra Massage

Chakra massage is very gentle and non - intrusive. It has however the ability to shift and release large amounts of energy which may be blocking and congesting your energy syste. It can be done with or without your clothes on. No oil or powder is required but essential oils may be used to stimulate the chakras.

It is an ergetic massage which uses only the friction of the hand. It gives a deep sense of relaxation and can feel very pleasurable. It will help to restore the natural flow of energy by releasing blocked energy from the chakras.

The seven main chakras

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