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Meet your Mount Carmel tour guide

Sister Miriam-Dvora, OCD

Sr. Miriam-Dvora l'Yeshua is an American woman who was a Discalced Carmelite novice in the Monastery of Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Haifa, Israel. She entered formation with the Carmelite Nuns on July 16, 1991. In October, 1994, she freely chose to withdraw from monastic formation because of significant health problems.

Since her return to the United States, our Carmelite has made her profession in the Secular Order of the Discalced Carmelites. She continues to remain in close contact with the Sisters who became her friends and extended family.

Her formation years on Mt. Carmel have become the source of many great life experiences. In these pages, she will show you around Our Lady's holy mountain, and will give you a glimpse of the joys and sorrows of life with the nuns on Mount Carmel.

Sr. Miriam-Dvora, OCD

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Updated 30 August 1998

Copyright 1998 Deborrah Thurston, ocds

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