Christian Unity
by Jon Burnett
As we look around us today, we see tens of thousands of Christian denominations.  Each of these "churches" varies in organization, worship, name, and authority.  But shouldn�t we as Christians be united?  Let�s look at the Bible answer to this Bible question.

The word "church" is first used in the New Testament in Matthew 16:18.  In this passage Peter confesses Jesus as the promised Messiah, leading to Christ�s response, "on this rock I will build my church."  Christ�s church is to be built upon the foundation of the fact that Christ is our savior; it�s by him we live a new life.  It is first through our salvation in Christ that we are to be united.  Later in Ephesians 1:22 & 23, Paul declares Christ to be "head over all things to the church which is his body."  Again Paul says that Christ "is head of the body, the church" (Colossians 1:18).  As Christians, Jesus is the king of our kingdom (the church) requiring our allegiance to him through a life lived according to his laws.

Not only that, but Christ built one church.  Paul referred to �the church�his body�.  We can also see the exclusivity of Christ's church in Ephesians 4:4.  Christ did not build churches, but a single church, his church.  In 1 Corinthians 12:13 we�re told we have been baptized into �one body�.  In Romans 16:16, the individual congregations of the Lord�s church are identified as churches of Christ.  Even in our name we must represent our unity in Christ, our king.  We must give credit to him as our savior, and live truly as Christians.

Christ�s body was told to be one "through their word" (John 17:20,21).  So can denominations be teaching different and contradictory doctrines and still be united together as followers of Christ?  Paul called for unity among the brethren at Corinth "in the same mind and the same judgment."  His justification for such admonishment is that Christ is not divided (1 Cor 1:13).  Paul said it was wrong to cause divisions by names like Paul, Apollos, and Cephas, so why do we think it is acceptable to cause divisions by names such as Luther, Wesley, Smith, and John the Baptist?  Christ is not divided!  We must accept Christ alone as the head of his people and not cause unmerited quarreling based on extra-biblical followings.

The only division Christ brought was between those who had been baptized and those who had not (Luke 12:50,51).  But in Christ we are to have no divisions, �that the members may have the same care for one another� (1 Cor 12:25).  Division is not only against the nature of Christianity, but condemned in the Bible.  We are told �to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them� (Romans 16:17).  Those who cause divisions are motivated by �ungodly passions� (Jude 1:18,19) and do not abide in the teaching of Christ (2 John 9).

As Christians today we must be united to represent the strength and peace present only in Christ in this increasingly uncertain world.  We must accept Christ alone as the head of the church.  Christ established but one body that we are all required to be baptized into.  As Christians we are to be united through our teaching, through our thoughts, and through our judgments.  We are not to set obstacles in front of our brethren that are �contrary to the doctrine� which is found in Scripture (2 Tim 3:16,17).  If we do we have succumbed to the same ungodly passions as those who divide us.  Christianity survives only by two things, God�s providence, and the unity of its followers.  Let us take to heart the words of Christ, �Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.� (Luke 11:17)  We as Christians should stand united together in the truth of God�s word to confront the evil of Satan and false teaching.
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