Preservation (cont.)
If we seek to build a better government, we better make sure the roots are well secured; otherwise, the tree will wash away with the next flood.  This means we�ve got to get back to our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and bold Declaration.  We have to get back to true federalism where states act like states and the nation, united by patriotism not government; to the republican Spirit of �76 (that is 1776) that united our country into demand for change; and to the style and principles of leadership that built our country.  The funny thing about progress is that we often find that the traits and principles that bring us to the top are no longer needed to stay there.  And friends it should not be so.

�We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.�  -- Preamble to the US Constitution

Our government was founded to ensure the preservation of unity, justice, order, common defense, prosperity, and liberty.  They handled the public, not private.  Our lives were up to us to live.  They left you to yourself.  These are not thoughtless or uncompassionate tyrants writing, these are Americans who were united in one belief:  the strength and ability of the American people.  It is America who established the strongest republic in history.  It is America who fought off the superior British army� twice.  It is America who fought a Civil War still held elections, and then in the end reunited a nation.  It was America that preserved Western democracy in two world wars.  And it is we, the people of these United States who must make it so again.  We can�t expect the government to solve it�s own problems.  Again, why ask the problem how to solve itself?  We must realize though that since America is a republic, a government by the people, for the people, and of the people, we have to change the people before we can change our government, we must change ourselves.

We ourselves have to look to the Constitution to gain our ideas of government, not to prove ourselves right.  It is we that have to change our policies, not merely our politicians when it comes to election time.  In order to truly preserve the inestimable glory of the United States we must restore the proper means to achieve that great end.  If we emphasize the problems we�re just being pessimistic, but if we seek solutions we share in that optimism that brought our country to the magnificence it was intended for, as it ought to be, as it is written.  We need to restore our founding principles, ideals, and goals.  So find out what they are and when they startle you; just smile, because beauty does have that effect.

As I remember those houses in Manchester I see now the true splendor of what the builders saw.  I can touch, walk, talk, and sit where they did.  And I can marvel in the simple elegance of its grandeur.  You know what, whoever said it was right:  they just don�t make them like they used to, so we better take care of what we�ve got.
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