Thankyou for coming to see our greatest creation.
Callum MacKay Thornton was born at 7:31am on Wednesday the 16th of April 2003.
At about 4:00am that morning Megan's waters broke. Megan convinced me that it was a false alarm and sent me off to work. I was about 10 mins away when my phone rang with Megan telling me that I'd better come home because it was definitly going to happen now.
So off to hospital we went. It was a pretty relaxed drive in, so much so that Megan even had time to be interviewed by Hughsy, Kate and Dave on Nova100 (One of Melbourne's top rating radio stations)
It wasn't long before I was in medical scrubs and standing at Megan's head waiting for the arrival of our baby. Due to non life threatning complications Megan was unconscious for the birth. It was only a matter of minutes before Callum was before my eyes. This was a hard moment for me because I was in a room full of strangers and overwhelmed with emotion.
So we got Callum cleaned up and into the Nursery while Megan was recovering. I had half an hour or so to ring everyone on Megan's list.(Sorry if you got missed). It was a struggle but I think I did them all before I raced back in to see Megan. We both were smilling from ear to ear that day.(Megan's grin helped by the morphine shots they gave her every hour or so)Megan and Callum are both fine and enjoying the hospitality of the staff at Berwick Hospital.
Thankyou for visiting us.
Keep coming back and we will keep you informed.
Bye for now,
Ross, Megan and Callum(Macca)
Life, The Universe & US!!
Callum waves to the world
Megan and Callum's first photo together
We are both over the moon with Callum's arrival
Mum's Belly 7 Days Before.
Updated 18/4/2k3
Callum's first big day out.
It seems that Callum has found his own reflection in these photos
First Bath.
(No tears at all)
Asleep on Dad's Knee.
It's been a long and hard day!
Food's Good
Phone us at Home on
(03) 5942 7741
The Thorntons
[email protected]
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Made in Australia with Kiwi know-how!!!
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