Life, The Universe & US!!
Updated 25/05/03
Six weeks later
The Thorntons
[email protected]
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Well it's hard to believe that 6 weeks has nearly gone by.  Callum continues to gain weight rapidly and weighed in on Wednesday at 10 pound 11 ounces, little porky. Mum's Milk Bar must be good!!!
We have had lots of visitors and were sad to say goodbye to Nana and Grandad last Saturday.  We had a wonderful time and travelled a quarter of Victoria to visit some Graders with Grandad.
My first Mothers Day was wonderful with 5 Mothers here for lunch and about 15 people in total and I was very spoilt and I think it was the first Mothers Day I've had with Mum for about 5 years.
Callums Cousins are in love and still find it amazing where the milk comes from. Georgia has now worked out how to feed her baby.  Continually being caught with it up her top just like Aunty Megan.!!!
We have 2 exciting weeks ahead as Ross is on Leave and the Great Grandparents arrive this Sunday and will stay with us for a few nights.
Callum and I are enjoying the good weather and have had several walks with the front pack and the Dogs.
Well, all our love to everyone.
Megan, Ross & Callum Thornton
Click The Buttons Below For Megan's Radio Interveiws On
Nova 100
On the way to the hospital
Callun is born.
God bless Jess
One of the first photos at hospital
Very proud Nana Reid
Aunty Lorraine and Rachel with Callum
The smallest baby I've ever seen!!!
Cousin Alyssa and the little man.
Jail Bird!!!
Going out and already very drunk!!!
Boobs, that's all I want
Daddy Long Legs and Baby
Mum thinks I'm rather cute
Thanks for my toastie warm sleeping bag
Great Nana Thornton and Babe
Cousin Georgia and the Pies Supporter
Cousin James and Callum are Best Mates already
Grandad Reid on his third circuit of the farm tour. (Kids under control!!)
Adult Supervision!! "I can handle that with a stubbie".
Web Cam
Proud Nannie Thornton gets a smile.
There you are!!  Papa Thornton.
Go on, Pick me up, I'm soooo cute!!!
Playtime is great Mate.
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