The information here is pretty standard
& the common courtesy info. described here,
will apply to most websites you visit.
Our Page Defender-L.O.L. ;o) (yes, she is copyrighted-tee-hee

Copyrights & Disclaimer
flwrfey© 99

We Are Sorry To State The Obvious
But The Need Has Arisen:
We are *not* a free graphics site !
*Please do not take
or ask for, any unoffered images.
Graphics here are for your viewing pleasure only.

This is a non-profit site for your enjoyment,
so please be nice.

This is NOT a free graphics site.

Copyrights & Disclaimer
flwrfey© 99
Graphics are for your viewing pleasure only.
Please Read Disclaimer: Instead of Taking Pictures.
This is a non-profit site for your enjoyment,
*so please be nice*.

Please use you search engines and your own internet time
to find free graphics for your own use,
from legitimate free graphics sites.

There are lots of great graphics sites out there,
so please go have fun visiting them for yourselves 1st hand.

Please be nice to those who have shared things.
This goes for us too, please don't try to send us anything that you think is stolen
from someone else's page or that you know that you stole. That is not a real favor.
Also, if someone shares some original images with you willingly,
that does not mean you can take anything & everything unoffered from them
& pass it around, either . Please do not take advantage of them,
so that it spoils it for us all. Let's try to be nice to them.
Also if you remove images from people's home pages,
you don't know whether they have it by mistake either,
or even whether they want to (or can) offer it or not.
Others are still learning too, of course.
If you go to the free graphics sites 1st hand, then it is better.
You must go there for yourself to get instructions for use.

We are here for your free-viewing enjoyment or friendship only.


Copy Right & Disclaimer Notices

Be Creative...
One of the reasons we make alot of our own graphics
was so that we could have some things different
or original for Beings to enjoy seeing here.
Also please do not remove or copy any other images
from our pages on this web site,
unless permission to do so is outlined & is specified clearly.
Images are either created by us,
or their use was negotiated with their respective owners or agents.
Please visit graphics sites for use of images that they may offer to suit you..
Use your search-engines for reputable free-graphics sites, there are many.
(Although you may wish to be sure they have permission to share the images too,
& that they are not just collected from other people's pages,
since this can get confusing for all of us.)
Remember all modern works are automatically copyrighted,
whether the copyright is displayed or not.
Also see disclaimer & copyrights instructions & info.
on front "Disclaimer Page 2" , if need be.
Also please out of courtesy, don't ask us for images
that are obviously being used to represent
a special Character or Being at our site, since that spoils it.

Thankyou For Your Consideration :o)

We need more time to spend creating our own new images
and updating our own websites for our visitors too.

We used to create alot graphics for people,
but it turned out that they just started taking everything instead.
Because so many people ask for or took
our favorite personal website graphics,
we had to make out a standard reply,
i will include some of it here,
since it also has links to places where you can find
other free-share Fairy Images
& related images that might also suit you better.
Some of them are really beautiful. Blessed Be ;o)

We hope at least some of the information will assist you anyway,
especially the links. Hope this helps. :O)

Brightest Blessings ;o) wink

If You are looking for some extra Graphics Links
Move on to Here:
Graphics Links

If You Are A Kind, Friendly Being Here Just To Visit & View
Click Your Back Button on your tool bar,
to Go Back To Where You Came from
or you can go Home & click on another link:


Safe & Happy Traveling
& Brightest Blessings ;o)

A Magical Merfolk & Faekith Vale
........Emerald Forest Isle
Copyright 1998 & 1999 & 2000
The Flower-Fey Sisters
FlwrFey ™


Or For More Help:

Try your search engine for "free graphics* sites
and then bookmark them for future use.
These sites offer graphics & explain how to use them
& give any needed credits or terms for use.
Also you could enter *free faery graphics*
or *free fairy images* or something like that for your search.

For books with faery/fairy art, you could try amazon books.
They have many selections to choose from.
(Our original Faery/Merfolk/Otherkin art & poems & tales,
will be appearing/published in a book in the future too.)
This is the notice we have about our graphics that appears on our website:click on:

Also at the bottom of our main page we have a link for beginners to help with these issues,
called Sissi's Newbie Page etc..

Here are some more helpful links:

Also for Basic Netiquette, try:

If there is something in this notice that does not apply to you,
please do not be offended.
We know we are not perfect either and that everybody needs help sometimes.

We Hope These Links Helped :O)



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