Samhain Realm !
halloween bar
For October 31st !
jack-o pumpkincelebrating the mysteries of the universejack-o pumpkin
Joyous Samhain & Happy Halloween to All !Green Eyed Black Catspumpkin/ani-bar
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pumpkin/ani-barjacko pumpkin  ani-gif

A Wee Bit About Samhain !
"Samhain (pronounced sow-en )
This is one of the most important, though least understood,
of the Celtic festivals.
Unlike the standard modern adaption
of "halloween" or " All Hallows' Eve,
the true holiday of Samhain
has nothing to do with evil practices or ghoulish costumes, etc."
In ancient Celtic times , everybody practiced &
embraced natural "magic" & "women's intuition"
EVERBODY lived a "magical-life", which was & still is a living religion
& a way of life.

kitties lovely-amber-fairy-facing left-image

Faery Magic !
In Honour of: "The Children of The Goddess Danu"
"Tuatha de Danann"
"To the ancient Celts, the Faery World
was a real place, a magical Otherworld
or time out side of time,"..
made up of a race of gifted beings.
"All Celts" are said "to have Faery blood, even to this day."
(and there are also other cultures who are familiar with the Fae.)
"Faeries" are said to "dwell in the Faery
mounds or hilltops,
& often encountered at sacred junctures,
usually magical places on Earth
that are actually between worlds."
" Samhain above all, is a time to build on your imagination."
Let yourself feel the very core of your beings ,
"what it is to wonder."
Let everything you take part in on Samhain
appeal to "a sense of mystery & magic "

celebrating the mysteries of the universe
More About The Celtic Samhain
GreenMan-like eyes/ani-image
"To the ancient Celts, this great holiday divided the year into two seasons, Winter & Summer." "Samhain is the day on which the Celtic New Year & Winter begin together, so it is a time of beginnings & endings." "On Samhain the veil between the worlds of spirit & matter is lifted & the living & the dead are more likely to exchange psychic information."

Happy Fay  Flower Burst/ani-image

"On Samhain, the ancient tribes celebrated the Celtic Feast of the Dead. Today we continue to honour the memories of our ancestors." ("This practice has directly influenced countless other religions & folk customs.")
hopping bunny

"Rituals" are performed "to keep anything negative from the past -- out of the future." "Spells are cast to psychically contact one's deceased forebears & retrieve ancient knowledge, thus preserving the great web" that reaches "through many generations of human families."
"Samhain is a time for change & a time to look to the future." Today, as in the past, beings may dress for Samhain in a costume reflecting what they hope to be, or achieve in the future." In a "manner of speaking,"
as a "New Year's Resolution."
Happy Fay Sun-Shine/ani-image
If someone wishes for spiritual "beauty" & joy they might
"dress as a butterfly or Faery Queen to ensure that their spiritual journey through life has power & sweetness."

Fay's Butterfly/ani-image

Perhaps a mermaid or merman could represent deep mystery, etc..
Neptune /ani-image
If they "hope for prosperity & success," they might "dress as a princess;" or wanting to experience "more confidence & strength," they could dress as a tigress or a wolf or bear....

tiger-kittie & butterfly play/ani-image

Some are happy as they are & so come dressed as they regularly do to Samhain festivities. After the rituals of the Magic Circle, they need not go to the houses of strangers, "but to the homes of friends
to show off their costumes & sample treats."
Cool Fox/ani-image hello !
alien elf tourist to earth/ani-image

Samhain is known as a "mystical & enchanted night,
when magic can be done to benefit our personal lives
as well as our planet."

Earth Magic/ani-image

Samhain helps keep beings "steadfast" in their "understanding that human life parallels the changing of the seasons."

Leprechaun Rainbow
It is also the "time to project for beneficial change on the Earth."Spinning Earth/ani-image

References :

Faekith Find The Magic Moon
By Kitty Chatoyant and The Flower-Fey Kith & Kin.....

Celebrate the Earth-
A Year of Holidays in the Pagan Tradition
by Laurie Cabot w/ Jean Mills
Dell Publishing 1994
quotes from the chapter:" Samhain "
refer the book for more info
& pleasureable reading
Happy Halloween & A Joyous Samhain To All !

With the faith & joy of The Goddess & God energies
living in harmony
Holidays may truly be infused with positive energy
and filled with real hope for our planet !

Love really is the answer !

Harvest Moon Face/animated



elf cartoon image

Child's Disney-Tinkerbell-w/some added fairy dust & longer hair

Stop The Burning/Image Sign

cute bluebird flys/ani-image

Free Speech/Animated Image

earth religion freedom banner

Earthearth email/ani-image email buttons for youemail/holloween/cat/ani-gif

A Tweety Bird for You !tweety bird

animated playing clown image

We hope everyone will be able to find some gifs here to enjoy ,
whatever their beliefs !
This Samhain Realm is offered in a spirit of happiness
& is in no way intended to offend the sincere beliefs of anyone-
nor to detract from the joyous meaning
of the true original pagan-holiday that
used to be celebrated around this time of year.
(& is still celebrated thus for many)
Native Americans & Many Others, have beautiful
Nature Based Spirituality/s &/or Earth Religions
&/or traditions that they treasure also, which may vary
from this Celtic Samhain Tradition.
We have chosen this Celtic Samhain Theme here
in honour of The Mer/Faery Faiths.
(& w/ fondness for the ancient Catti-Tribe of Ireland, also)

catpeople pawprints/ ani-image

ani image/puppy play

To Email Us

cute tweetie bird/ ani-image


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tough guy ? /ani-image

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