My Betty Gear
  I love Betty Boop, and my friends know it!  And they show it when they give me gifts.  So I have a LOT of Betty Boop 'stuff'.  You can look at it here.  SOOOO CUTE!
My stylish Betty Boop fleece my friend Laura gave to me for Christmas 2001.  It has a cute Betty Boop thingy that says 'Team Betty' on it, which is featured below.
My Betty Boop lunchbox, which I also got for Christmas 2001.  My parent's got it off E-bay.  I don't actually put my lunch in it, but someday I might.
My Betty Boop tee.  It's the height of fashion for 2003.  Just another one of my thrifty thrift store finds.  It was only 99 cents, and it was so hideous I HAD to buy it.  I just wear it to bed because it's really big on me, and I'd rather die than wear it in public.  :)
This is my Betty Boop poster my mom got me.  It's hanging over my computer.
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