Bethani's Gone with the Wind Fortress
"But Bethani, what will I do now?"  Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.  *Sighs*  I love that movie.  What was that?  Oh, you're asking me what movie I'm talking about!  Gone with the Wind, of course!  Only the best movie ever!  Let me explain.  The movie starts with Scarlett O'Hara talking with her two beaus.  It goes on, and on, and on, for two whole tapes, about the hardships of the civil war.  No, I won't tell you how many times Scarlett gets married, that's for you to find out.  By the way, I'm currently reading the book, the one by Margaret Mitchell.

Frankly my Dear
An interesting site

Fun Stuff

Gone with the Wind isn't exactly fun, you know!


Scarlett O'Hara Cartoon Doll
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