Flute and Piccolo Equipment

This page suggests some of the equipment you may want if you are a flute or piccolo player. You don't need to have all of this equipment, but it will help you out. If you have a suggestion, send it to [email protected] - Thanks!

  • A well-maintained flute and piccolo

  • A flute and piccolo stand - Can be seperate or together - great of you play both at a concert!

  • Tuner -You have to see if you are in tune, after all!

  • Metronome - Helps you keep those beats!

  • Combination flute/piccolo case - So you don't have to carry 2 cases around, it's really your preference.

  • Mirror - You never know how you do when you practice until you see yourself

  • Cleaning rod/cleaning cloth - This is necessary to clean your flute and keep it playing its best

  • Cigarette Paper - Flute players use this to help sticky pads

  • Music stand - portable and one for home

  • File Cabinet - to organize your music

  • Flute Recordings - It helps to listen to flute players playing your music.

  • Pencil - Mark that music! I suggest copying it and marking the copy (try not to mark the original unless you know you'll forget it)

  • Tape Recorder - It helps to hear yourself...you may catch a mistake you didn't hear the first time!

  • Music Dictionary - If you ever wonder what something means, look it up in the dictionary.

  • Practice Journal - This helps you keep track of when you practice. You might find out you need to practice more, after all.

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