Pemandangan Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

History Of UteM

       How UteM is exist?

            UteM is one of the University that was established Of MTUN.

History And Establishment Of MTUN

                    Malaysian Technical University Network (MTUN) started with the establishment of University Colleges in the early 2000. MTU specialises in higher technial and technology programmes which are practical-oriented. The four university colleges then were KUiTTHO, KUTKM, KUKTEM and KUKUM. For mutual benefits, the Technical University Colleges Network (TUCN) of Malaysia was officially formed in March 2006. In February 2007, all four university colleges underwent a rebranding initiative and henceforth emerged as full universities. The universities are UTHM, UTeM, UMP dan UniMAP. Pursuant to this , TUCN is rebranded to MTUN or Malaysian Technical University Network. Subsequentl, in 2015, MTUN is redefined as MTU which is in line with its aspiration towards a consortium.

                The establishment mission of MTU is to educate, train and prepare highly skilled human resources who are capable of contributing towards the country vision of a world class industrial nation. The establishment of MTU also complements the current conventional education system. MTU, which is industry driven aspires to be different and unique from existing HEIs.

                The education system at MTU is Practical Oriented and focuses towards Problem Centred Teaching, Action & Experiential Learning. The formation of the University-Industry Centre (UIC) as a teaching factory with similar concept to teaching hospital provides a perfect platform for students to gain adequate industrial training and experience.

                MTU graduates not only has commendable personal qualities but are also highly knowledgeable in teories that are further applied in the practical component. This factor enhances their knowledge and renders an upperhand to the MTU graduates for they require less retooling compared to their counterparts from other HEIs. This not only reduces employers training allocations but also ensures that MTU graduates are highly relevant and industry ready.

Introducing MTU Members

Malaysian Technical University (MTU) brings together four technology based university in Malaysia :