Band History
Ever wondered how Five came togther? Well, wonder no longer, because here are all the facts you'll ever need to know!

Five began in 1997, after a national theatre magazine asked for young male singers/dancers to audition for a new boyband. This band would be like no other- it would have attitude and edge.

3000 singing hopefuls were there to prove they had the potential to make it. After being narrowed down, the boys had to work in small groups and work on a routine and song. It worked. They impressed the managment team so much they made it. They were no longer Five normal lads- they were famous!

After signing a  six-album contract with RCA/BMG, the boys were flown to Sweden to record their first album.

Their first single, Slam Dunk Da Funk, was released in November 1997. Jusu under a year after Five were formed, they already had a top ten single, and an award for the best new tour group. Things had got off to a good start...

By 1999, the group's popularity had spread worldwide. As their schedules got busier and busier, it became more of a strain. However, this didn't stop the lads. No way. the singles kept coming, and in 1999, their hard work finally payed off.
Keep On Movin' went in at no.1.
Five's first number one!

Their following singles, also did well. In July 2000, We Will Rock You (recorded with Queen) also hit the top spot.

The Five boys took the next few months relaxing and recording their third album, Kingsize. It was released the following year, in 2001.

After releasing Kingsize, Five spent the following few weeks discussing the future of the band. After a month of talking, it was decided that they had reached the end of the road.

So, on Spetember 27th 2001, Five appeared on MTV and announced they were calling it a day. There was tears all around, but Ritchie assured viewers that they were all still good friends.

Their last single, Closer to Me/Rock The Party was released a month later, with exclusive footage of the boy's past four and a half years as Five. It went in at number four.

For more information on the band's music releases, please visit our Five Discography page.
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Five Discography
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