Masters Apprentices

Masters Apprentices - Choice Cuts - 1971
Remastered Choice Cuts can be bought at The official Masters/Jim Keays site

Hear Samples here
Doug Ford - Guitar/Vocals
Jim Keays - Vocals
Glen Wheatley - Bass
Colin Burgess - Drums

The Masters Apprentices are now officially one of Australia's Rock Legends. See Info
Formed in 1965 in Adelaide they began as a R&B outfit, moved into the psychedelic era and after going through line up changes and back to R&B ended up winning a trip to England. While there they absorbed the local scene and recorded "Choice Cuts".
(released in UK as "The Masters Apprentices")

They returned to Australia, got off the boat and recorded "Nickelodeon" the second live rock album ever to be recorded in Australia.

The band actually broke up just before the Choice Cuts release, but after getting good reviews in English magazines (NME & Melody Maker see below) they quickly reformed and set off for England (on a boat) only to arrive too late. All the fuss had died down. They did record another classic album "A Toast to Panama Red" in England before the final break up.
To Quote Ian McFarlane* who says it much better than me

"Choice Cuts is a masterful work, chock full of energetic material and inventive playing all enhanced by Jeff Jarratt's distinct and spacious production values. At the time the album stood out like a diamond in the rough, and it has lost none of its power and clarity to this day"

Melody Maker Review by Ray Hollingworth "Don't know much about this band but from this album I can tell you that they conjure up some extremely listenable material and, wait for it, actually produce that rarity of delights these days - originallity. Maybe it's the strong use of acoustic guitar, maybe it's the blowing energetic scores and vocals 'Because I Love You' is one of those splendid shifting things.

NME Review "An inventive first album...thier songs in the main being riffy and generally above average. The playing is of a high standard - giving it an unpredictability that makes it stand out from the pile.
On April 19, two days after the MM review, Jeff Jarratt rang with news that the album was EMI England's second biggest seller that week and had moved 2000 copies. It was getting heaps of radio airplay and was breaking out all over Europe, particularly France and Denmark. By the time the band got back to England it had moved a healthy 12000 copies. (The above reviews and info comes from Glenn A. Bakers extensive liner notes for the Hands of Time compilation)

It has recently been officially released on CD packaged with a best-of the early days.
See Discography

Album Tracks
Rio De Camero
A fast tempo, Latin rhythmic blend of electric and superb acoustic guitar soloing, driven along by congas and drums. Jim's lyrics match the mood perfectly. Later released as a farewell single.

Starts slow with acoustic guitar, haunting chorus "Michael is my name he said and sighed". Mainly instrumental that builds with electric guitar riffs and good soloing.

Easy To Lie Tab
Best track on the album (my opinion). Superb riff (heavy rock), eerie vocals and lyrics, great bass and brilliant soloing.

Because I love You Tab
Acoustic ballad (the single) Builds nicely to a crescendo in the chorus, great use of the bass. To quote Ian* again "It really is a magnificent song with a superb arrangement, stunning musicianship and a complex, shifting quality that never ceases to impress."

Catty Tab
Another heavy rocker driven along by Colin's fine drumming. A great riff with an inventive solo and interesting effects with the vocals .

Our Friend Owsley Stanley III
(Ian- Jethro Tull style?) unusual rhythm, drumming, vocals. Great use of percussion. This takes the longest to get into, but persevere it is a great track. (Owsley Stanley III was a pioneer in the development of LSD. This might give an insight into the lyrics)

Death of a King
Passionate, innovative, heavy, a great blend of electric and acoustic guitar (listen to the nodes being strummed). Jim and Doug share the vocals to great effect. A song about the death of Martin Luther King and the Panthers get a mention too.

Song for a Lost Gyspy Tab
Another good heavy riff that rocks along and a great melody with unusual vocals effects. (dedicated to Jimi Hendrix)

I'm Your Satisfier Tab
Jews harp over the top of a bouncy, boogie riff. A great example of Doug's slide guitar work. Written on the boat on the way over to England.

Song for Joey Part II
On vinyl this was a short acoustic piece.(There was never a Song For Joey Part I unless Doug's still got it up his sleeve somewhere)
When Raven reissued the album in 1988, to coincide with the reunion, "New Day" (the flip to live single "Future of Our Nation") was added to it. Not a bad acoustic rocker but a bit out of place on the album, I think. The German Bootleg has "New Day" as well. (The album is still sought after in Europe & the UK)

A final Quote from Ian
"This album boasts just about the best guitar and bass sounds ever captured on an Aussie progressive album" (I think the accolade should include the vocals and drumming as well)
And why stop in Australia? This is a world class album that deserves much wider recognition.

Thanks to Ian McFarlane who writes/edits a magazine- Freedom Train dedicated to "Oz Progressive Rock" Ian has kindly given permission to reproduce any part (within reason) as long as I acknowledge the..... source Okay. The above Quotes come from Freedom Train Volume 1 Issue 1 1994 pg 34-41 & Volume 1 Issue 3 pg 18
At Last EMI Australia have given permission for the full catalogue of Masters Apprentices albums to be released on CD. Ascension records have issued remastered, excellent quality CDs with the original art work. Panama Red even has the original lyrics sheet that was only issued with the overseas releases and never before seen in Australia.

More information/buy the these CDs can be found at The official Masters/Jim Keays site

Just a word on the German bootlegs which have been a continual source of frustration to the band. The Masters signed a typical '60's contract with EMI Australia for the territory of the world. For years, the Masters have been aware of the popularity of their music on the continent. The Masters are very popular with the rock/heavy metal fans in Germany and the bootlegs have sold very well without bringing in any revenue for the band.


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