Roxy Music

Roxy Music
Stranded & Country Life

Thanks to Michelle & Mandy who gave me Stranded as a 21st present
Bryan Ferry - Vocals, keyboards
Andrew Mackay - Oboe, saxophone
Phil Manzanera - Guitar
Eddie Jobson - Violin, strings, synthesizer
John Gustafson - Bass
Paul Thompson - Drums

Choosing one out of these two albums was too hard.
Bryan Ferry has to have one of the all time great voices. Add to this his clever lyrics and the bands experimental, innovative textured style you come up with two great sophisticated albums that did well in the UK. Both these albums take a few listens (maybe several) before you get into them but they are well worth the effort.

Tracks - Stranded 1973

Street Life
A fast moving rocker with good lyrics and guitar work
Just Like You
Slow tempo, clever lyric with Ferry's great vocals maintaining interest all the way to the end. Listen carefully.
Just has to be listened to. A brilliant track that defies description. Innovative, original and well worth the effort it takes to get into it. Superb guitar solo and effects.
Goes too long and will be the first you'll be skipping over.
Fast tempo rock with clever lyrics
A Song For Europe
First impression "A dirge", but Ferry's lyrics (some in French) and vocals plus the sax will win you over if you give it enough time.
Mother of Pearl
Explosive start with Ferry lamenting the party life and the slow down to the brilliant Mother of Pearl section. Listen to the way the effects and fills match the cryptic lyrics. Builds nicely as it goes. Again this takes time but persevere.
slow, sparse song dedicated to a sunset. Great vocals.

Tracks - Country Life - 1974
Thrill of it All
A fast rocker to start things off with a simple but effective riff (see tab)on the piano and some firey guitar work from Phil
Three and Nine
Beautiful tune, cryptic lyrics all about 3 and 9. If anybody knows what "3 and 9 to 45. Decimal romance. If you've warmed to Centigrade, you stand a sporting chance" means. Let me know.
All I Want is You.
Great rock, cleverly crafted with brilliant guitar work. This is the one that makes it onto all the best ofs.
Out of the Blue
Innovative, original, superb guitar/bass and effects. Has to listened to over and over again with the volume up loud.
If It Takes All Night
Bouncy blues/rock beat, clever lyrics, piano driven rock. Good solos
Bitter Sweet
Ferry's German is not as good as his French in this slow, harsh track that has a few good moments.
Another slow one that builds nicely.
Heavy rocker with great guitar and lyrics. Far superior to the remake for Ferry's solo efforts.
A Really Good Time
A cleverly crafted tune. Listen to the lyrics and vocals
Prairie Rose
Infectious rocker that gets better every time you listen to it. Good solos.

The next album "Siren" was a good follow up and has comparable material on it. The later stuff was good but aimed more at the commercial market and doesn't endure as long as the above albums do. Never the less there is some really good tracks amongst it. Avalon, for example.

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