Red Ensign 2
Home Red Ensign Red Ensign 2 Blue Ensign Mr Morris of ANFA Other views Seniority Conclusion








Badges like this were sold in South Australia (and elsewhere) to raise funds for the support and comfort of wounded ANZAC's. The Digger is clearly holding a Red Ensign.

This photo shows the Australian built copy of the 'Duifken' (Little Dove) which discovered the west coast of Australia in 1595. The photo was taken in 2002 in Rotterdam >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Cardboard Australian flag improvised for the visit of Prime Minister W M Hughes to France : 7 Infantry Brigade, AIF 

Summary: Made by the staff of 7 Infantry Brigade Headquarters on the occasion of Prime Minister W M Hughes' visit Australian troops in France in 1918.

This is the old Queensland Red Ensign The British Red Ensign
A relative of mine served with the 2nd Ninth Battalion 2nd AIF at the Siege of Tobruk. Even a quick look will show that the Australian Red Ensign has a place of pride on this document. The Blue Ensign (mostly lost to silverfish) is also there on the left hand side facing.

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