Fort Weyr's Fall 2001 Hatching (Part 5)
Friday, October 26, 2001

Gold Suyinth & Bronze Yevgeth

The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.

Log courtesy of Siani
POV from the Galleries

From the sands, Cabalistic Morgaine Green Dragonet draws close to one girl, the shadow swathed sylph catching eye's attention.  Slow, tentative steps carry her in a semi-circle approach towards the object of her affections.  Drawing close, she covers the remaining distance in one quick bolt, petite body flushing forward to stop barely in time before gently butting the girl in the midsection, eyes whirling.  She has found her path.  She has found her Taire.

From the sands, Drustanth lifts his head and croons at V'len.  C'ra blinks and shakes her head quickly, "No, shush!  V'len's full of hot air.  Shush!  Don't worry."

From the sands, Anki keeps shifting from one foot to the other, head swiveling back and forth between the candidates and the dragons.  "Taire!  Congratulations!"  The manhandling did her good after all.  Anki makes a note to stay away from Fyne and Nial, though.  If she's going to get a dragon, she'd rather not be thrown at it.

From the sands, Aryion the girl's hand gets squeezed tightly as Ary takes in the proud bronze that just hatched. "He is proud, and strong, did you see how gracefully he emerged from his shell." He is so caught up in the bronze that at first he doesn't realize that Taire has impressed. "Taire! Oh, congratulations my friend! She is a beauty!"

From the sands, Razel watches all from her side; silent, pale, and sorefooted. You can almost hear her silent lamentations, as she wishes these other eggs to just hurry up and hatch! Let her return to the kitchens, where she can bury herself under mounds of tubers, flour and sweetener, and not have to worry about decisions which will effect her life forever! Just let her return to the safety of youth - where dreams come true, but you do not have to face the consequences which follow them!

From the sands, Fynelox makes a gleeful sound as the green circles them and stops before the girl imprisoned between him and Thanial. He quickly lets her go and backs up, chortling. "Congratulations Taire! Looks like she got you!" The smug satisfaction covers up the slight wistfulness as she will now have much more interesting things to do than tormenting him.

From the sands, Taire stumbles forward a pair of paces, doing her best to try to miss the dragonet that nearly runs into her. Alas, she is cast to the sands, knees cushioned by the fabric of her robe. And in that moment she comes face to face with the green, a shudder wracking her body. "Ohhhhh. Ohhhhh." Hand reach out to gently touch at her face, "Sullaketh."

From the sands, Thanial releases Taire as if burned, yes their strategy works well.  Perhaps too well.  "Taire!  Congratulations," he calls quickly, stepping back to put Fyne between himself and any other dragonets on the Sands.  Sad, but true, now Nial will have to find some place to hide after this Hatching is over, some place where Taire can't reach him easily.  Hrm, should be safe for at least two turns, and then after that, he can pack his way around High Reaches and... "Sullaketh and Taire!  Perfect."

Caitlin smiles at Ethan "Ahh that would be a problem wouldn't it, no worthy ones in your hall, I just thought it could be extra duties, the ones who need punishment I send to you, I am sure you have extra duties for you."  She pauses and glances out "Which one?"  she has lost track of who has impressed "Who'd you lose?"

From the sands, The seeming transparent depths of Water's Illusion Egg ripple to and fro with the onslaught of cracks and fissures, giving way against the sand into a heap of shattered shell as the beauty within is revealed.  Tapering muzzle pushes outward, gleaming apple-green as moist wings are shaken free, hinting at the sunlit shimmer of opal along their sails until -- finally -- the illusion fades and Enchanting Charis Green Dragon enters this reality.

From the sands, Enchanting Charis Green Dragonet
From the sands, Lucent splashes of seafoam color the unblemished hide that clings to her finely sculpted frame and delicately crafted limbs.  Along tapering muzzle and curving brow glistens the fresh green of a ripening apple, blending smoothly with the swirlings of turquoise that playfully tickle rounded 'knobs and 'ridges.  Diaphanous wings cradle sunlit opal's shimmer within their elongated expanse while sprinklings of sage fall across both leading and trailing edges.  Feminine refinement is offset by her flowing tail's mischievous mimicry and oaken talons' cunning curls.

From the sands, Nonam smiles and waves.  "Yeah!  Congratulations Taire!  And....Sullaketh!"   Ok, that's a good thing, now, only a couple more to go.  He turns his head and blinks, surprised as the green hatches.  "Wow."

From the sands, Principled Lancelot Bronze Dragonet continues his slow, gliding walk.  No stumbling for this fellow.  He is sure of himself, and his body is of itself, wings folded to not trip himself up as he walks slowly along.  He pauses briefly near a group, looking briefly up towards one of them, then another, a burly fellow.  But, he passes onwards.  Where is it?  He is here.  He knows this for a fact.  He merely has to find it.  A small mop of jet hair catches his attention.  And the bronze pauses.  Briefly.

From the sands, The weyrlingmaster meets Taire and Sullaketh and yet again guides the newest pair of lifemates to the edge of the sands with the others.

From the sands, Maeko rather agrees with Razel's sentiment, though more along the lines of the 'healer' area. Looking up at Aryion curiously, she giggles again; enthralled once more, is he? She hasn't a response that he would hear, most likely, other than 'purdy'. Eyes take in the next, green hatchling, and she smiles to herself; though attention flickers between remaining dragonets continuously. Hmph. Not long now; then she can /rest/ those poor feet.

Alizriel sighs, oh how long will it take for the other eggs to hatch? Oh wait, there's a another one, a green.. She eyes a familiar weaver apprentice and waves wildly, jumping up and down. With her voice gone she mouths, "Hey Bastien!"

From the sands, Enchanting Charis Green Dragonet steps free from the water confines of her egg's demise and begins stalking along the sands, roaming this way and that if trying to find something that's lost.  Starting at the farthest end of the remaining candidates, she begins to inspect each one in turn, sniffing at some, wuffling at others, even pushing her way through a group and knocking one or two to the ground before moving onward.

From the sands, Fynelox looks about and suddenly finds himself rather much exposed out here. Wasn't he behind someone just a moment ago..oh wait, Thanial is now behind him. Hazel eyes widen as he gulps, peering over his shoulder. Yep, that's where he went. "Hey how! Where you think you're standing!" The boy looks about and finds more dragonets heading their way, so spinning on a heel, he tries to circle around.

From the sands, V'zan comments to P'tala, "Of course, Noswaith did point out that it'll be a couple turns before this group will provide any competition, or any prizes.  His words, not mine, so don't step on my foot again."

From the sands, The cook's gaze turns from curious, to interested, to aware.. as the Water's Illusion egg bursts apart nearby. Oy, time to walk again, she supposes. But unfortunately, Raz has run out of energy. Therefore, she prods along, her feet now dragging and sending more of the searing sand across her toes. Numbness has begun to settle in, and the pain has lessened some; still... The time is near when she will finally be allowed to make an escape.

From the sands, V'len chuckles as Yevgeth's head swings around to look at the newly hatched blue Drustanth near him. "He says that he's his father's son." V'len's nearly swaggering. And what does that mean? Does anyone want to know?

From the sands, Aryion's eyes returns to the bronze as he takes his time, trying to find his perfect partner. Hair streaming behind him, Ary stands tall and proud, offering encouragement to Maeko, as a loyal friend should, eyes darting around the sands, but always coming back to rest on the bronze.

From the sands, C'ra blinks at V'len, and hugs Drustanth close.  "His father's son?  Well -THAT- is okay," she murmurs, grinning at Drustanth, tapping him on the nose.  "Nope, not a bit of V'len in you!"

From the sands, Thanial notices the bronze and the green too late.  Ugh, eep, egads... good thing Fyne is in front of him.  The only downside is the younger candidate is shorter than he is and therefore offers scant protection.  Not to mention the fact that he moves.  "Stay put, it won't hurt a bit, " he tells the former herder as he pivots and dashes behind the other.  "No one got mauled, no blood, just stay /right/ there, okay Fyne?"

Ethan points dejectedly at a brown dragon and lad. "There....  the light-haired one. What was his name.... Caerel, I believe? Although he'll undoubtedly have his name shortened to something... C'rel? Or something along those lines." Another glance is given to Caitlin as he gives her a thoughtful expression. "Well... if it's a matter of punishment, I'm sure that I can find things suitably disgusting at my hall relating to health matters that would suffice?"

From the sands, Mauled.  Hardly.  That simply would /not/ do.  Principled Lancelot's gaze flickers between tall and short lads, pausing longer upon the short.  Hmmm.  One of them, perhaps?  One might do.  Yes, perhaps.  The bronze looks briefly up, a talon scoring delicately in the sand in an oddly formal sort of movement.  Yes, indeed.  But which?  Ah yes.  That is the test, to be sure.

From the sands, P'tala straightens her back, giving a critical look to the little green Weyrlings. "You're right... a couple turns more." It looks like someone's wings are ruffled. Or, um, green with envy. "I don't think I'm worried as much about Noswaith's competition as Celaenoth's. Not as if she cares..." Much.

From the sands, Enchanting Charis Green Dragonet finishes looking over one lot of candidates before she moves onto the next, though her bronze clutchmate catches her attention briefly.  Deciding to find out what has him so enthralled, she moves closer to both him and the boys shuffling about.  *sniff sniff*

From the sands, Maeko flutters a raspberry once more, in the general direction of.. well, nothing, to tell the truth. Simply a vent of frustrations and impatience. Eyes flicker to Aryion again, and she giggles, peering at the bronze. /She/ thinks he should head over this way, 'cause it's her mandate and all, but not much chance of her will dictating her movement a'tall, now is there? Though the young bronze does seem to have his mind near made. Le sigh. Nearly finished, in any case.

Caitlin smiles at Ethan and nods "Ahh I do like you, you are sufficiently ahh mischievous enough, next lot of people I have misbehave, I will send them to the hall for ahh health classes."  She smiles and follows the pointed finger "Ahh yes probably will shorten his name."  Wine is sipped at again.

From the sands, V'zan pats Penta on the shoulder. "You're lifemate has it easy.  Every green that rises gets caught.  The odds are not nearly as good for the male dragons giving chase."

From the sands, Fynelox appears to be playing some sort of odd game with the other candidate, as the two of them appear to be chasing each other around the sands in circles. But it is the former herder that nearly trips and comes to a stop as he realizes that they're being rather studiously watched. "Uh oh." Not enough others to shove in his way this time. "Uhm, Nial? They're getting closer."

From the sands, Razel finally gives up what little energy she has left, and flops, much like a frustrated teen, onto her bottom. Legs akimbo, she sits, leaning her elbows against knees, and ignoring the searing heat now warming her posterior. Let 'em come, or let 'em stay away. She's too sore and tired to do much either way.

From the sands, Closer indeed.  Ah yes.  Wary, quiet, but there's an inner steel in that one.  And thus, with utter confidence, does Principled Lancelot Bronze Dragonet make his choice, without an iota of hesitation.

From the sands, Principled Lancelot Bronze Dragonet slows and then stops, meeting the large, gold-flecked hazel eyes of the boy who stands in front of him.  He dips his head in a motion that conveys both consideration and then respect before offering Fynelox a bow, forming an odd picture of the graceful dragonet deferring to the small boy on the sands as their bond is forged.

From the sands, P'tala snorts, nodding. "That's quite true... Though you do have to take it into account that not every green that gets caught is caught by an attractive rider. I mean, sometimes you wake up and it's just, like, /ugh/." Right, Penta. /Right/.

From the sands, Aryion watches the bronze closely inspect a pair of candidates, watching as the green also makes her way over to them. A slight squeeze is given to Maeko's hand, deep blue eyes watching the bronze, Ary stands proud and true, as the bronze impress to Fynelox. He smiles and cheers, "Way to go Fyne! Congrats!"

Keliana waves at Brell, and offers him a seat to watch the last of the Hatching with her and Zeya.

From the sands, Thanial ponders the little bronze and all but pushes Fyne towards him.  No more running for him... he has Taire mad at him anyway, what's one more weyrling?  Turning on his heel, he makes to run.. but wait, there's another one over there.  Turning around again, he beams, "Fynelox!  Fyne!"  Nial forgets the other dangers on the Sands as he cheers for his friend.  "Now you definitely have to worry about a proddy Kish... and Taire... and Menace!"  And with that, the candidate crows delightedly.

From the sands, V'zan smirks in response. "I could probably match you one for one if you want to start comparing horror stories, but lets look on the brighter side of things.  Overall, this is a pretty good group, both in personality and appearance.  Nice additions to the Weyr, and none of them are nightmarish options when it comes to flights."

From the sands, Enchanting Charis Green Dragonet scoots around all the business of her clutchbrother finding his lifemate to take a careful look a the rest of the candidates on the other side.  Back and forth she moves, almost completing a full circle of the sands before finding herself close once more to those she's looked at before.  Hmm... perhaps... yes... perhaps....

From the sands, Maeko sniffles dramatically. So much for her mandate, once more- she'll never make princess, will she? Green is remaining, and she peers- that one seems to be going for the same area. A shrug, and she sniffles at Ary next. "My feet hurt." Either that, or her pride. It's hard to tell which at this point. "I'm pretty much ready to go."

Mirenda nearly topples head-first from her seat. "What!? The little fellow!" she bellows happily, "He Impressed! A bronze!" You all know how Mire loves bronzies. "It seems that Lasa won't be able to favor him as she does..." she states wryly to herself, settling comfortably back into her seat with a grin. "Congrats!" Well, not that he could hear her, or anything.

Ethan attempts to stifle a yawn, even as there is another roar for another impression. Peering down at the sands, he observes the bronze make his choice before turning away once more. His eyebrow rises at Caitlin's speech and excessive 'ahhing' but he merely notes, "It will be enough to scare them into behaving, I would believe."

From the sands, Fynelox feels like his heart is about to leap out of his chest as the bronze bows his head before him, but that has nothing on the sensation that suddenly assails his mind. A trembling sensation through his legs makes him go to his kneels before the dragon as his expression turns into one of incredulous wonder. F'ox cries out a name that echoed through his mind with a fierce sort of joy. "He says his name is Kizokuth!"

Johanna grins at Mirenda "look Fynelox impressed, thinks he will be F'ox now?"  She jumps up and down and claps and then grins mischievously "Lasa's going to kill him now."  She giggles and claps for him.

M'hail can't help but grin at the newest bronze's Impression, but he's intent upon watching that lovely green.  "Och, who're ye gonna choose, lass?" he wonders aloud, muttering to himself.

From the sands, Nonam calls out.  "Ha!  See?  I told you so!"  He almost leaps, but from excitement or the heat of his feet it's hard to tell.  "Congratulations, Fynelox!  And Kizokuth!"

From the sands, V'len might disagree with V'zan about nightmare flights, eyeing N'cion. "Well, the dragons are lovely, I can say that much." He kicks the sand a little and then looks over to V'zan. "It's hard when you've got a bronze like Yevgeth... if he rises, I have to expect ... things."

From the sands, Aryion looks down and nods, "Aye, I agree with you there, these sands are still pretty hot. Look at the green, wonder who she is going to pick?" Ary smiles, "F'ox and Kizokuth! Congratulations!"

From the sands, Thanial sighs, "Kizokuth..."  Wistfulness rises up in Nial and out of curiosity, his eyes look around for that last, lovely green.  Where did she go?  His head cranes left and then right... curiosity wars with a slight tinge of fear as he searches the Sands for her.

From the sands, P'tala concedes the point, beaming again. "Well, that's true. Even Mena-... N'cion, when we get rid of that goatee of his, he'll clean up nicely too." The newest pairing is eyed with considerable mirth. "Oh, shards. That poor lad is on bronze... didn't Taire 'press green? Oh dear..."

From the sands, V'zan can't help but reply, "So you don't ever expect those types of things if your dragon isn't in a flight?"  Ahem...  Let's turn our attention back to the hatching now.

From the sands, So many candidates to choose upon the sands, yet careful investigation of all those before her proves that there is but one perfect lifemate.  Thus, Enchanting Charis Green Dragonet finally makes her decision.  Standing firm in front of the young man with roguish curls of midnight black, uncertainty becomes but a vague memory.  Laying claim to the candidate, she makes Thanial her own and, in turn, gives herself to him.

From the sands, Razel shifts a bit, allowing the heat to move from one cheek, ahem, to the other. Legs move back and forth too, swaying.  A smile, though weak, is offered to Fyne. What she wouldn't give for someone to sweep her off her feet now... Dragon or human, makes no difference at this point...

From the sands, S'lan dances across the sands once again to fetch F'ox and Kizokuth to the area where the others are gathered.

"Kizokuth? Kizo... hmm... and F'ox! F'ox, of course." Mirenda mumbles, nodding Johanna-ward all the meantime. "And, look. The green Impressed too. Dunno him, though." Not that a cynical thing like Mire cares, either. She's too busy contemplating how Lasarah will respond to the loss of Fynelox to a dragon.

From the sands, Thanial drops to his knees before the little green and lets out a loud gasp, tears streaming unnoticed.  "Oh Riaeth!  Riaeth, I see you, I feel you."  Nial's arms wrap around the little green's neck as he sits, awash in the new emotions and feelings that flow over him.

From the sands, Nonam can't help it.  He starts to laugh again, even as he starts to make his way towards the exit.  He's laughing with relief, and the knowledge that he was right.  "Congratulations, Thanial!   And Riaeth!"

Naralia skitters cautiously down from the viewing ledges.
Naralia takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

From the sands, Maeko yawns idly, rubbing at the back of her neck with her free hand, and tugging at Aryion with the other. "Well, now that /that's/ finished, can we head in? I want to get into some normal clothes, for starters." Sniff. These robes are, just, /so/ unbecoming. *cough* A chuckle at Thanial, and she smiles. "Good match, though. Congratulations, Thanial!"

M'hail pushes himself away from the wall against which he apparently ended up leaning towards the end of the Hatching.  Whistling merrily to himself, he works his way downwards, towards duties and weyrlings.

M'hail takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

From the sands, Glancing to the new Weyrlings, M'lan watches the last few eggs begin to hatch.  He glances then to the others, and begins to stretch, asking S'lan, "We should get them over to the Barracks..."

From the sands, M'hail ventures hesitantly away from the bowl entrance.

From the sands, Siani cheers, clapping soundly as the last Impression is made!  Letting the Weyrlingmasters do their job, she moves towards those still left on the sands.

From the sands, And with that, the ex cook... sorry, ex candidate, sighs a sound of relief. Finally, she can return to her kitchens. Razel drags herself to her feet with the help of some others who were left on the sands, and together; proudly, they go back to their old lives. A few may be teary eyed, but Raz herself is resilient, and honestly too tired to think about the circumstances at the moment.

Alizriel smiles softly to herself as Nial Impresses the green. Oh, if she could only have her voice return.. Congrats T' nial! She looks wonderingly at Ary, next Hatching perhaps?

From the sands, S'lan smiles once again as the green finds her lifemate and dutifully he walks over to guide Nial and Riaeth over to the others.

From the sands, M'hail enters onto the Sands, joining with the other AWLMs as they begin to herd the weyrlings and lifemates towards the barracks.  "Och," he murmurs, rather fondly, grinning at Sanna.  "Ye did it, lass!"

Caitlin grins at Ethan "You are looking tired there Ethan... thinking of heading home or waiting to see if you have any healers not impressed to take with you?"  She laughs softly, not caring if she speaks too much, very vocal person, she is a harper.

From the sands, Th'nial looks up towards S'lan and rises, "Come now, love," he calls softly, love finally alighting on the young man's features.  No one else could ever compare.

From the sands, Luchesi emits a small sigh of sadness as she scans the sands and realizes all that's left is egg shards. Oh well, time to get off these sands and into decent clothes. With a tired yawn, Lu follows the others off the sands.

Ethan shakes his head and rises from his seat, offering his arm. "I am tired, but perhaps some food before we retire back to our respective halls. Caitlin? Will you accompany me?�

From the sands, Aryion grins as the green impress to Thanial. "Congratulations Nial! And Riaeth!" He glances down at Maeko, squeezing her hand gently. "That was fun wasn't it? Aye, I think we head in now and change." A glance and a smile is given to Razel before he lets Maeko go before him, leading the way off the sands.

From the sands, M'hail escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, G'aela escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Razel hurries off the burning sands towards the entrance's relief.
From the sands, Calevath escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Isryn escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Maeko hurries off the burning sands towards the entrance's relief.
From the sands, Gwaedoliaeth escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Luchesi hurries off the burning sands towards the entrance's relief.

From the sands, V'len is shielding his eyes, looking up to the stands, doing his final wave thing. Give the spectators one last thrill. "It was wonderful, wasn't it? Ah, but now I can actually sleep in my own own bed!" There's a sigh after that, with an almost dreamy expression.

From the sands, Th'nial motions Riaeth closer.
From the sands, Th'nial escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, S'lan nods to M'lan and starts the weyrlings off towards the barracks.

From the sands, F'ox strolled towards the others, arm over his dragon's neck and it's not that hard given that the boy is only slightly larger than the bronze at his size. The happy expression on his face overlays the surprise that is still there.

From the sands, Nonam hurries off the burning sands towards the entrance's relief.
From the sands, Sullaketh escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, F'ox escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Aryion hurries off the burning sands towards the entrance's relief.
From the sands, Sanna escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Taire escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Kizokuth escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Teyrth escapes the heat of the sands.

From the sands, C'ra looks around and nods to Drustanth.  "Oh, come now. You're as tired as I am.  Admit it.  It'll do no good to just sit out here all night and get no sleep."  The blue dragon Drustanth croons back to C'ra and the move head off.

From the sands, Drustanth escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, C'ra escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, S'lan escapes the heat of the sands.

Pheniox appears from **BETWEEN**

From the sands, P'tala stretches out her back, sighing in relief. "Oh, that was fantastic," P'tala compliments, grinning as the Weyrlings leave for the barracks. "That was extremely fun. I'm glad for the impressees... Well. Time to go. Shards, it's hot."

From the sands, N'cion escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Amnerith escapes the heat of the sands.

Caitlin smiles and takes the arm and rises herself, empty mug abandoned "A pleasure as always to be in your company Ethan, how could I say no to such a gallant question"

From the sands, M'lan escapes the heat of the sands.

Keliana sighs, contentedly, and sits back. The waves of recurring emotions have taken their toll, and Keliana makes her way out of the Galleries to catch a ride home.

From the sands, P'tala hurries off the burning sands towards the entrance's relief.

Rho appears from **BETWEEN**

Lyllya rises and, with one last look toward the sands, turns to make her way from the galleries.  "Well.. M'dan? Do you suppose we should stay around for a while or head back to Xanadu? I'm sure Mizuth has had time sample the flowers here.."  Maybe they should run before someone discovers a destroyed flower bed?

From the sands, Murkat hurries off the burning sands towards the entrance's relief.

M'dan nods "It would be polite to join the guests in the living cavern.  And as far as the flowers go... I don't think anyone will notice anything until tomorrow.  Who can say?" he stands and waits for Lyllya to head toward the entrance "I forgot how hot it gets on the sands, even when just in the galleries."

Zeya walks over to M'dan, "Sir are you giving rides back to Xanadu?" her expression oddly torn.

M'dan nods "I suspect there will be no significant consequences if you stay and have somewhat to eat before we head south?"

Zeya nods, "I don't suppose Sir." she smiles a bit, "I am A bit hungry." Watch your fingers!

Zeya takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

Lyllya chuckles at Zeya.  "Well, we'll have you back as soon as you need to be, no worries."  A bow of recognition is given to Master Caitlin as she makes her way, another going to the healer master as well.  "But, yes, we should at least stop in and give our congratulations on such a lovely clutch."

M'dan takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

Alizriel gives a little wave to Zeya from her spot next to the wall..oops missed her. She looks towards the bowl exit and chases after her friend.

Alizriel takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.
Sylvan takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.
Lyllya takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

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