Fort Weyr�s Spring 1999 Hatching (Part 4)                        
Sunday, March 21, 1999

Gold Suyinth & Bronze Dorvath
Gold Isoldeth & Bronze Noswaith

The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.

Log courtesy of Valora
POV from the Galleries

Seli smiles at the newest queen on Pern, "They'll have an interesting weyrling class with all the impressions." then a quick count of the eggs, "Not many left," she says anxiously.

From the sands, Shirar looks over at Ysobel, and just blinks a bit. "They look like they'll be quite happy together." She looks to the Underworld again. When will spring approach so Hades will set the other free. "I think one of my straps is giving me a blister," she states, scowling down.

From the sands, Egyptian Tomb Egg moves... it's time within are nearing an end, so much like the receding tide of the Great Nile, a delta of fisures appear: red clay and desert sand.. soon.

From the sands, Ettia manages snatch up hold on cousin's hand again as she hops a step back from roaming gilded arrow; then turning another pensive glance towards few remaining wobbling eggs. "Shardin' hurry.." is mumbled under southern girl's breath - how dare they inconvienence Tia? Nevermind it's their hatching, of course.

From the sands, Champion's Portion Egg's sumptuous display dissipates in a furious scattering of shards: subsumed, but not consumed, by the dragonet within.  Neither proud fanfare nor petal-strewn path awaits the inhabitant, for it's no hero that emerges, but rather a craftier sort of creature altogether.

Silver-Tongued Fox Brown Dragonet
Unmistakable crafty charm works its chestnut convolutions along dragonet's wily frame, accentuated by hypnotic whorls of hazel chasings along either flank.  Translucent wingsails lie easily secreted against his body's leanness, while a slick of titian polish over neckridges veils the barbs therein.  Oversized headknobs lend a vulpine appearance to his triangular head, a suggestion echoed in long limbs and the brushed russet of his silver-tipped tail.  Still, sincerity is almost reflected in those beguiling eyes -- until betrayed by a momentary glint of mischievous mockery.

Mirchon mulls at Seli, before musing, "Well, you know what they say. Your egg has never hatched, or something." Personally, it sounds like someone's raising wherries; but the apprentice manages to keep his voice just enough. Eyes are on the gold... there's his meal ticket going.

Atuarre oohs at the appearance of the brown. "Look at his tail! It's silver!" she exclaims

Seli nods to Mirchon, "Or more like your dragon just hasn't cracked it's shell? But still.." then catching the hatching of the brown, "He's interesting..."

From the sands, Ysobel gives a final, silly smile that cuts her face in half at ear to ear, and steps to the sidelines, Calineth following right beside her. Her arms are wrapped around him and she brown emerges, before turning complete attention to  scritching eyeridges on the sidelines.

Kebria takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

From the sands, "Too..." Juliana can't find anything wrong with this brown. Nope. But, then, she can't really see it. "Move, Flad," she says to the tall candidate. "You're in my way." He moves. The voice works all the time. Now she's watching the eggs, though. She didn't see the brown. Nope. Honest.

Triacia smiles. "Indeed. He's a handsome one."

Rimrockias nods slowly, resting her elbows on her knees.  "He has beautiful lines."

From the sands, Mikhail grins as a brown hatches nearby.  "Look at that 'un, Jaren, a lovely silvery brown."  He winks a blue eye at the new dragonet, and adjusts his tunic slightly � the excitement of the day has caused even more of the stitching to pull - and some of it is beginning to unravel.

From the sands, Tirion's gaze hazards a settle on the gold who searches, then shifts towards the brown in curiosity. "That one's nice," she says, touching Juli's arm and indicating. Shift feet, shift feet.

From the sands, Breo-Saighead Gold Dragonet  weaves and winds her way through and about as she tries, will her best effort, to find the straightest path to /her/.  The topaz of her muzzle gleams dewey bright as she moves to and away from a group of girls with fists clenched in anticipation.  Onward she continues, small sounds issuing from her throat as maze's center is sought.  To the target she flies.

Atuarre turns to Seli. "Look at that Brown. D'ya think that Mikhail has a chance?"

From the sands, Shirar looks over... but the brown is not half as interesting as Mikhail. Oh, that's very interesting. Someone, tug on that string there. It'll unravel just nice there.

Shirchon glances down at the brown. "Maybe that one'll seek out Mikhail you think?" he directs to Seli, eyes still pinned on his larger wager of the gold.

From the sands, Spryte peers out from around beefy waist to risk a peek, pulling Ettia a bit to one side as she does "Brown Tia, a brown just hatched. Nice looking one as well" eyes sweep the sands but she has lost sight of the golden shaft. Back she goes to hide behind the Tillek lad, nose crinkling a little as she does "Tia?" her voice is almost a whisper "Please tell me I don't smell as bad as..ahem.." eyes glance towards their wall.

Yanger looks back to see where Zella has gone and what she is doing, "where did Zella go?" he ask look over the sands.

From the sands, Jitter, yet again, step back is taken as another hatchling appears, Ettia just siddles a step 'cross hot sands, rocking from toes to heels repeatedly as searing heats are attempted escape. Mpph. But then chuckled look is gone to SPryte, "Ain't that why we all searched in first place? smelled or somethin'?" Lookee! It's scratch n' sniff candies!

Seli looks ernestly at the brown, "I would hope one will...But the choice belongs to the dragons themselves."

From the sands, "I don't know," sighs Juliana. "She seems awfully...glittery to me." Nevermind that Tiri was talking about the brown.

Mirchon hmms softly. "Maybe. Maybe." Another meal-ticket, right there. He watches, brows furrowing for a moment, before pushing his hair out of his eyes.

Triacia shrugs. "Mayhaps she found someone new to hide behind..."

Ethan enters the galleries sedately, his expression one of quiet interest as his emergency has been tended to and he is now free to come and observe the hatching, what is left of the eggs and dragonets. A frown as he realizes he will have to look over a multitude of shoulders in order to observe the 'goings on' but he resigns himself to a place somewhere in the back where in front of him are mostly short people.

Calia watches the brown hatch in anticipation eyes go back to the queen. Just /where/ is she going and to whom? Calia wonders to herself. Giving Seli a nod "Aye all we can do is hope and watch." yup fingers are still crossed and turning red from such a tight crossing.

From the sands, Jaren cuts his attention from the sumptuous gold, and eyes the  brown with an appraising eye.."Indeed" he smiles, eyeing the bulging muscles that look ready to pop out anytime...a slight colouring as a young smith is obviously getting a different kind of impression from the sight, then another look to brown "Lovely" though, unconscious straightening of back and attempt to look a little bit sterner..

Atuarre frowns. "But if the gold's looking for her... how will she find her?"

From the sands, Tirion pauses, surprised. "She....?" Mental shift. One can almost see the gears working. "Oh! She is," she agrees. "Very pretty, too." She points again. "But I was pointing at that one. Brown."

From the sands, Zella casts about rather desparately- with Yso gone, who's gonna protect her? She scuffs her sandpile up even higher in hopes that dragonets will keep their talons away. She gives a short stretch, then folds to a sitting position behind her mound, carefully tucking robe beneath to shield from sand's heat. She's a smaller target that way.

From the sands, Darannan plants those feet firmly in the sand, her own toes nearly as scarlet as Kiyo's Joceth's.  Not the candidate dance.  She glances at Mikhail--but Dar has no sympathy, not when she had to wear the 'lucky' robe.  With the two or three foot length of /her/ ravelled hems, he doesn't even come close.  At least, it admits a breeze...

Seli glances over at Atuarre at the comment. "The gold will find whom she wants, even if that person is  hiding." and she smiles.

From the sands, A'raen ventures hesitantly away from the bowl entrance.

Atuarre wrinkles her nose. "I guess..."

From the sands, Silver-Tongued Fox Brown Dragonet quickly abandons feast's tainted remains, trampling crimson wine and roasted flesh underfoot as he unhesitatingly heads directly for the largest clump of candidates, dreadfully intent gaze immediately focused on one young man in particular, or perhaps on the boy's bright red mop of hair.

From the sands, Sitric peers around himself owlishy. Hm.. Still quite a few left. Both Candidates and Eggs. His wandering gaze settles on the brown, for a moment, before moving on. Nice, very nice.

Yanger grins when he finally spots Zella and points at her " There sitting on the sand, she sure is hard to see."

From the sands, "What brown?" Juliana watches the brown. "Oh, that one? I don't know, he looks kind of...quick." Nevermind the convenience that he's choosing quickly. Growl towards the lingeringly slow eggs. "Hurry up and /hatch/," she mutters.

Atuarre looks down and counts the eggs. "Three leaft. I hope... at least one will find Mik... he's so nice."

From the sands, Spryte continues to crinkle her nose as she quirks her mouth at Tia "Very funny" hand flips dampened hair back one more time as she lifts one foot and then another. Hop shift, do the dance, try to save the feet. Broad back is glanced at again with longing, she's small, he'd not be inconvienced. White teeth nibble at her bottom lip as she considers asking politely and then thinks twice.

Triacia nods. "You're right, hiding as usual..." she snickers, then looks back at the sands.

From the sands, Kerryn latches onto a new, intriguing thought.  "Maybe I could get a few shards and make a bracelet or two out of them..  Though..  Hm."  She stores that tidbit away for future reference, and fends off a grimace as she hops openly now.  At least she needed really worry about people staring at the way the robe clings to her.  Nothing really to see here.  "All this time in the cold and they stuff us out into the hottest possible spot?  Not logical, but effective, I suppose.  My feet?"  Someone said something about her feet?

From the sands, Tirion follows the brown's progress with her eyes, chewing on her lower lip again. "Aren't most of them wuick?" she asks. Pauses. "And don't you /want/ them quick?" Tiri is confused.

From the sands, Hades' Underworld Egg does that *bounce* one more time...and a crack can certainly be diserned in the side that rolls nearest to the waiting adults.

Atuarre spots the rolling egg. "Look! That one has a bunch of cracks in it!"

From the sands, Juliana shrugs. "Not /too/ quick, though. They hurt people that way." Nag, nag, nag. And a glance towards that bouncing egg. "That one," she says, "Is most certainly odd."

Mirchon continues to watch, scrawny elbows on equally scrawny knees, before he nods. And again. A yawn comes a second later, before he shakes his head. Another yawn escapes, before he glances over to his twin. "Forgot how tiring this could be." Tired. From watching.

From the sands, "I try.." Ettia quips drolling in return to cousin as she jerks along side steped roll on hell by Spryte, "We need ta find a bigger block. Maybe with bigger feet ta stand on?" assessing, anything and everyting, Tia is. Anything to keep mind off hatchlings roaming and searing grains of sand beneath feet.

From the sands, Shirar thinks on that a moment. "Would shells make good jewelry?" she asks Kerryn absently.

From the sands, Breo-Saighead Gold Dragonet  finds the tide of candidates about her ebbing at last.  Nothing will quench the strength of this flame as it burns ever-bright, ever-lasting.  She presses past still another throng of white robes as she spies, /at last/ the fiery glow of hair that marks her target.  There....   soon.....

From the sands, Tirion says, slyly, "What if you Impress the one out of it?" Evil Tirion. Her gaze slides back towards the gold as she arrows her path as well, but also lingers across the brown.

Misty glances downwards at the gold with eager eyes she wonders who shall be lucky enough to Impress such a fiery dragon.

From the sands, Sharp snort on Juli's part. "Hey, it looks like the yellow one's choosing." She changes the subject. Not gold, afterall. Yellow.

Shirchon grabs his twin's arm and he beams with glee or is that greed? "Look! Look!" he exclaims eagerly. "The gold's going to choose soon!"

From the sands, Sitric also glances at the bouncing egg. Hm.. It must have a fosterling. They're always bouncing. And they always do the impossible. For who ever heard of a fosterling hatching out of an egg? The evidence seems to fit. Then his gaze slides on, across the sands.

Yanger begins to frown and wish Zella would get up before she gets stepped on by a hatchling, "I do wish Zella would move, I don't want her getting stepped on or any one getting stepped on at that"

From the sands, Siani finds her own fist tightening in her hands. "Do you think she'll choose soon," she asks of those around her, anxious in her gaze.

Mirchon is awakened by that, as he's shook, eyes rounding rather quickly. "Jays, Shon," is hissed, before his attention is brought down to... "I'll be." Definately for the money, this time.

From the sands, Mikhail watches the gold dragonet spiralling her way amongst the candidates, grinning.  "T'lass has someone in mind, I think," he remarks, bouncing in time with underworld egg.  "And what about t'brown?  He seem t'be heading straight fer them candidates over there."  He points.

From the sands, Silver-Tongued Fox Brown Dragonet reaches the coppery-headed lad, pausing to peer closely, inspecting young man closely.  Apparently finding some fault, he abandons the candidate, instead turning towards another, then another.  He pauses again before another red-haired candidate, though this lass's hue has been achieved through artifice, not nature.  Perhaps it is this artifice which draws the dragonet's attention, but it proves to not be enough to retain the brown's notice for long.  The trek continues, past Juliana, Tirion, and countless other candidates, each one discarded in rapid succession.

From the sands, Jaren's tense form starts, and gets even tenser as brown starts rush toward..., a nervous chuckle as he realises his all too nervous stance, and deliberate breath out, before eyes wander to the form of gold..."Yes..who is it??" tone curious, but hopeful for someone..  

From the sands, Shirar eyes the gold dragonet warily. She nudges Kerryn a bit. "Hey, what do you make of that one there?" she asks, a glance spared for the brown foxy one there as well.

From the sands, Katrina hears Siani and nods. "It won't be much longer, I think." From the sands, Egyptian Tomb Egg doesn't bounce.. It's too smooth, too slick and oily for such a thing.  Rather it nearly glides across the shard-scattered sands as it rolls nearer to the remains of the mound.  It's time is drawing nearer, but tis not its turn... yet.

From the sands, Tirion hisses out a breath. "shards," she says to Juliana, as the brown passes too-close, so-close. she's forgotten about the gold, now, watching the search of the brown.

From the sands, Bouncing, why bounce? Slinking is so much more amusing. Or lest, that's what Ettia has found, "Where that one goin' to?" southern reb bright eyes a moment as she peers around - she's going /away/. that's a good thing.  Lest, for Tia, then again slowlY Egyptian Tomb Egg is eyed - most all are by the skeptically watching Ettia.

Atuarre gasps as the brown passes up the two candidates. "D'ya think?"

From the sands, "See," remarks Juli, nodding towards brown. "He's gone." Gone, but not Impressed. And while he's not Impressed, and he walked in /front/ of them, there's still that lingering possibility that Juli won't go home. Dread the thought. "Too bad," she says. "You'd be a great brownrider." Poor Tiri.

From the sands, Zella glances to the side furtively, figuring her chances of making it over to a clump of other candies without being trod on, bitten or otherwise maimed. Catching her breath, though, she huddles behind her sandpile and decides to wait until the brown passes.

From the sands, Kerryn considers that, looking over the growing pile of shards.  "They might.  I don't know how easily they'd be cut to fit the settings, but I'm sure there's some way to trim them into pretty little.. What one?  That one?"  The gold?  Interrupted, but as unconcerned by it as ever, she peers thoughtfully towards the intent gold.  "She chose, I think.  Just trying to get there now, maybe?"  She looks the other way to see which girl caught the gold's gaze.

Rimrockias chuckles to herself, "Picky.  I wonder who they'll choose.  I do so hope that Juliana and Jaren Impress."

Brekka grins a bit and nods "Yes me too."

From the sands, Tirion blinks in surprise. "What?" she asks Juliana in burgeoning surprise. "He came by you, too. And besides, he's down there." Don't pin it on her. Not yet. Not unless it comes /back/.

From the sands, Silver-Tongued Fox Brown Dragonet halts abruptly in mid-stride, whirling to confront a chubby little girl with a tangled mass of corkscrew curls.  Is this the one?  Is it?  Staring deep into her eyes, the brown seems to pour his heart out to her, luring the insipid little creature closer, then suddenly, maliciously, turns away.  This is not the one, either.  Merely a temporary diversion.

From the sands, "Nah," says Juliana. "He was closer to you. Trust me." She does keep one eye on the brown, though. For Tirion's sake, honest. Nevermind that silly, slow egg that's going to delay her homecoming.

From the sands, Spryte bounces around, hand clenched tight in cousins as she does, quick grin flashing "Just what I was thinking Tia, someone to ease the heat from"

From the sands, Breo-Saighead Gold Dragonet  draws nearer to a particular pair.  Golden mahogany is noted, perhaps even softly touched with muzzle as she finds, at last, arrow's true path to arrow's true target.   Too-old robe, dulled in color.  Tarnished perhaps, like she?  But young queen's own warm flames find companion in /her/ short hair's brightness.

From the sands, Darannan is positively gleeful as the brown passes by, rubbing her patchy hair between two fingers with happily.  This is good.  Dar is sure she'd make any dragon pass her by, but that's all to her advantage.  "I don't know you, and since you do seem to like him, you might make a good pair.  I wouldn't wish a dragon on anyone, but..."  Poor, yearning Candidates.  Some are doomed to be paired with a beastie. 

Triacia lets out a tired yawn. She walks over to Calia and Lilian and says, "I think I'll be goin' home now. I'm pretty tired."  She smiles and waves at Atuarre and Seli and Yanger, takes one last look at the sands, then leaves.

Triacia takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

Fingers crossed in lap, Rimrockias grins nervously at Brekka, then gazes down at the Sands once more.  "Look!  I think the gold is choosing!"

Shirchon watches intently, impatient. Will they be rich or paupers? As the gold chooses, his grip tightens on Mirchon's arm. "Look!"

From the sands, Shirar watches the foxy brown a bit again, warily watching the gold as well. Yes, she's pretty, but really. A sigh of relief when the gold moves on. "Uhm..., Kerryn?"

From the sands, Pah, toy with the poor candidates, will you? Ettia knew she was suspicous of dragons for some reason, but short young woman is just jerked by bouncy cousin for now - oif. bouncy cousin and bouncey eggs. Is there no end? "Hey..ya know, shoulda got some o' them shells and stood on 'em..though woulda been goopy..but...hey! Where's that 'un going to?" interest perks as head of dull copper curls swings around to catch sight of various dragonets again.

Mirchon gives the faintest smile to his twin. "We did it." At least, that's what it looks like, though he doesn't wince at the pressure on his arm -- used to it, by now.

From the sands, Jaren sighs...he tensed he thought he..was wrong. Stretching to loosen muscles, eyes close slightly, and hands run through hair..eyes flicker briefly to those watching from besides the sands, a realisation of what it means...gaining composure, he breaths out, with a wry grin,  he looks to Mikhail and Dar, managing to sound semi-normal "I think it's one of those..."  before a silence and huge smile...

From the sands, Tirion shakes her head to Juliana again. "Was /not/" she insists. "It was the same distance. " she was watching. Really. And gold... "Kerryn...?" she breathes. "Is it really? Juli!"

From the sands, Mikhail peers intently towards the crowd of girls, trying to see which one is chosen.  "I think tis Kerryn, Jaren," he says happily, and holds his breath to see if he's right after all.

From the sands, Spryte spies the golden arrow as it finds it's mark, chosing well in her candidate pal "Oh Kerryn, congratulations"

Brekka nods and watches quietly not answering Rim

From the sands, Hades' Underworld Egg is rocked by a subterranean shudder that sends cracks ripping across its circumference.  As the portal begins to crumble a wisp of melody escapes and sends its tendrils curiously into its new world.  Another convulsive lurch and the underworld's ceiling gives way, exposing the twilight musician to the mortal world.

Enchanting Lyre's Song Blue Dragonet
Nightfall's descending cobalt thrums soft melody along dragonet's slight, finely-tuned frame, sculpting bones' mock fragility against aesthete's cyan hide.  Sensitivity glissades along the demure width and breadth of his dawn-tipped ridges and 'sails, rising to a harmony of coruscating azure strumming over spars and reaching to touch tail's tip.  Slate-blue runs counterpoint over head and muzzle's tapering form, ending in the play of his talons in never-ending rhythm.

From the sands, Silver-Tongued Fox Brown Dragonet strolls on down the line again, sniffing at this one, prodding at that one, but none meet his standards.  Jaren and Darannan both receive another cursory appraisal, along with half a dozen other hopefuls, but apparently none possesses the spark he seeks.  Or mayhaps he's just having too much fun toying with these silly creatures to actually make up his mind.  Past Juliana and Tirion he strides again, to take another look at the rather dull girl with those ratty curls, then again back to his first choice, the tall carrot-topped boy.  Is anyone here equal to him?

From the sands, Kerryn blinks at Shirar, then blinks downward.  Stares downward.  "She stopped.."  Duh.  "Um.  What does she.."  She tries to glance around again, hearing her name a bit, but ..well, she's never had the chance to study a lovely little gold before.  That's it.  "Um.  Hello..?"

From the sands, Body and mind born of forgefire and tempered by the mastersmith's art, but gentled by femininity's nurturing spark -- this is what the Fiery Arrow seeks.  Paired strength, shared warmth -- these are what she offers in return.  Sunset's fiery glow and flickering topaz hide conjoin, as Breo-Saighead Gold Dragonet lays her head upon Kerryn's shoulder, two minds made one.

Atuarre smiles at the newly hatched blue. "Look! He's like a Harper's song! Point, counterpoint... beautiful harmony."

Seli waves belatedly to Triacia, as she watches her curiously then counts the number of herders still remaining in the galleries. Her eyes fall back to the sands as the blue hatches, "He's got some interesting markings!"

From the sands, "I /think/ so." Juliana answers the last thing first. "And no, it was closer to /you/, Tir. Honestly." See, Juli's backed up a step. "Congrats, Kerryn!" Wrinkles nose at blue. "Too...small," she decides for this criticism. And she glares at the brown. "He's cruel Tiri, really cruel." Cruel to Tirion. Juli wants no part in Impression, really.

Ciaran stands and bursts into in applause as the young smith impresses, then slowly his face goes from smiling to a sad frown as he realises that another bird has flown his nest, and he won't be seeing her smiling features around the workshop anymore.  Subdued and brushing an imaginary bit of dust from one eye, he sits back down.

Shirchon whoops it up, nearly jumping off his seat as he hugs his brother. "Oh, the marks will be pouring in!" he snickers, dropping his twin to pounce on the mark dealer. "Pay up." he hisses in anticipation.

Calia grins "He is interesting. They have all been interesting actually." The golds choosing makes her call out in congratulations.

From the sands, Katrina relaxes, and gestures with a smile. "See, Siani? She's done it."

From the sands, Mikhail catches sight of the underworld egg's final moment, and breathes delightedly at the sight of the musical blue.  "Look, Jaren, Dar, t'blue there - what a charmer!"  He stops the dance for a moment, then resumes in rhythm with the beat of the Sands once more.

From the sands, "Kerryn?!" Yet another echoed disbelief and Tia-style congradulations comes from the cousin's corner, Ettia shifting to spin a hop in place as she's jerked around by cousin � or is it vice versa? Gold joined with friend is given some lessening to gentle look -- well, if they choose such wonderful people, maybe can't be all bad.
Mirchon wooops! "We did it!" Yes. Marks. Lots of marks. Hand them over. Looks like putting up that half did wonders, as he watches the collection with wide eyes.

Seli nods to Calia, "Yes, but then there doesn't seem to be such a thing as an ugly dragon, does there?" she asks with a tease in her voice.

From the sands, Tirion claps her hands together. 'It is!" she says, delightly. "Oh, no, she'll be making gadgets all the time..." She casts a glare to Juli, though. "Wa snot!" she declares, oh-so-maturely. "Same distance. But I wish he'd make upo his mind." Fret fret fret.

From the sands, Shirar steps a bit away, but asks Kerryn pointedly, "What's her name?" Her voice cuts through the din, hopefully penetrating that crazy smith's mind enough to respond.

From the sands, Mikhail jigs for Kerryn, nodding in satisfaction.  "I was right, I was right," in time, no less.

From the sands, Enchanting Lyre's Song Blue Dragonet  looks rather startled and lays on the sands for a bit, getting his bearings, before staggering to his feet, wingsails akwardly tripping him up.  Dischord! And then the tune rights itself back to melody.

Atuarre shrugs. "That bronze that Impressed with the er, tubby, guy wasn't that beautiful." She reamrks.

From the sands, Siani grins, far too wide it seems.  "Took her time about it though," responds Siani.  "Hmm... should prove an interesting pairing."

From the sands, Zella doesn't stand, so to avoid unwanted attention, but does whole heartedly shout out a congratulations: "Kerryn!" She peers about at the remaining eggs and hatchlings, and puffs a relief-sigh. Almost over.

From the sands, Kerryn sinks downward slowly, staring into those gorgeous eyes.  "Yes you are, aren't you, Tanrhith?"  She grins rather goofily up at Shirar for a moment, not exactly expecting the cheering.  But that lovely hide begs for attention.  And petting.  "Tanrhith.."

From the sands, Darannan shoots a venomous glare at the vulpine hatchling.  "Stop it.  Let me be happy for a few minutes, won't you?"  The brown is really getting on her fraying nerves, and Dar doesn't like being scared like that.

From the sands, Juliana taps her toe. And almost loses the sandal again. And mutters, almost under her breath, "He was closer to /you/," before she gives up.

From the sands, Silver-Tongued Fox Brown Dragonet seems to notice Juliana's glare, and stalks right up to her, returning the glare in equal measure.  Tirion, too, is subjected to the unpleasant stare, if only because of her proximity.  He then turns away, dismissing both as beneath his continued notice, and begins to stride away again, abandoning them both.  Then suddenly, he whirls again...

From the sands, Silver-Tongued Fox Brown Dragonet, for all his pretended careful perusal, has been toying with these Candidates.  He knows the one he wants - has known since the moment he cracked shell, and it's neither the handsome, red-haired lad, nor the chubby blonde lass with the corkscrew curls.  It's /that/ one.  There.  The girl with sandy hair and golden eyes.  Tirion.  His.

Atuarre says, "Oh!"

Calia blinks and oohs "Look!

Seli smiles as the brown impresses closely after the gold..."I can't imagine how nervous the remaining candidates are..So many have already impressed."

From the sands, "I /told/ you he was closer to you," says Juli with cool satisfaction. "What's his name?" No cheering for her. Only a slight moan as she realizes..."What'll I do if my sandal falls off again, Tir?"

Atuarre smiles sadly. "I suppose that many must be disappointed."

From the sands, Sitric waves excitedly. The heat must be baking his brains. " Congratulations, Kerryn! Congratulations, Tirion! " Oh, this is so... nerve racking. Not that he really thinks a dragon would choose him... But watching other people get nervous makes him nervous too. In a round-about way.

From the sands, Spryte blinks and then grins as the brown finaly makes his choice, Tirion. Her voice calls out over the sands towards her "Congrats Tiri"

Calia shakes her head at Seli "More nervous than me I'll bet." her gaze sympathetic. Her hands /hurt/ from squeezing so hard. She doesn't know the candie but she calls out "Congrats!"

From the sands, Tirion eyes Juliana. "Was not! He's looking..." And then she's lost, dizzied drawn in. "He /is/." A pause, and she's torn away, towards the brown alone. "Gwalth." Delight, towards Juliana, "He's Gwalth."

From the sands, Barely quieted from Kerryn's shout, Zella can't help but smile as she voices another: "Yay, Tiri!" Realizing the sand's abrupt lack of dragonets, she abandons her sandpile to skitter quickly over near Spryte. Protection! "Hey..."

From the sands, Slain Bull Egg battles itself in a tremendous last surge of bloodthirsty rage, hooves tearing, horns ripping...

From the sands, Ettia rocks on heels yet again, back and forth, heel to toe, it really seems like some kind of odd dance, actually. Spinning around on spot - no doubt jerking poor Spryte with her, to blink surprisedly with usual comment called, "G'nough, Tiri!" it's a Tia-compliment, really.

From the sands, Sepia and ivory halt, enmeshed, and try to draw aside--all to no avail.  They would not give way quick enough, so the imperious ruler within makes her own way, crushing her hapless captors into the Sands.  Hatching fluid stains the ground like blood, and both creatures lie still, a victim of Her Majesty.

Queen of the Sidhe Green Dragonet
Dark beryl is ethereal upon the miniature beauty of her, sleek flanks smooth as a quiet pool.  She seems fragile, delicate, the near-iridescence of her poplar-leaf hued wings as thin as tissue paper.  But there is iron in those slender bones, a deadly strength in the slim, wedge-shaped head, and the porcelain-fine lines of her forest-shadowed muzzle bears sharp teeth.  Curving, raptorlike talons compliment foot's trim spread, while slender limbs are tight-wound power, a potential energy waiting to be released.

From the sands, Mikhail bounces higher as Tirion Impresses and claps his hands in joy.  "Congratulations, Tiri!" is called out, echoing in the cavern in his enthusiasm for his fellow candidate.

Yanger smiles and hollars "Congrats!" the new pair.

From the sands, "Gwalth," mutters Juli, still glaring. Deprive her of her friend like that. "My congratulations, though." Like she said. Her friends /always/ leave her. 

Yet another smile breaks free on Seli's face at the hatching of the latest green, "She has some very tender-looking wings."

Yanger smiles, "A Green." He looks for Zella, and yet again she has moved and is hiding.

Seli glances over at Calia with a laugh, "I wonder what Mikhail would do if he impressed a green."

Ciaran simply remains seated to applaud this time. It's all too much. Two of his best taken by the dragons. But for their sake he's pleased. And with that, it's time for him to make his departure. There are apprentices still at the Hall that require his attention. Notes of congratulations will be sent later.

Kindria looks to the journeymen herders talking about Mikhail and lets out a soft laugh as she thinks about Mikhail impressing a green and smiles.

Atuarre considers. "He'd not care. From what I hear, every dragonrider considers his or her beast the most perfect one."

From the sands, Spryte grins at Zella and points to the broad back "Seems to work well, none have noticed us over here, always pick a big un to hide behind " soft voice intones gently. Tis the secret ya know.

From the sands, Jaren hides overwelmed face slightly, before looking back, watching the two pairs..the conflicting ways it happened..the hunted and the sought out...he grins, tone a little misty, a hope that voice master doesn't hear it "Congratulations Kerryn!, Tir!" a brief eye at the rambucious brown, before a look to newly hatched dragonets...slight quiet wonder to Mikhail "The eggs are thinning now, it seems..."

From the sands, "Another o' them green types?" Ettia calls this time comment to her cousin as bob-cut of copper hair flies around head, southern candidate spying it as egg hatches, peering cautiously around the bulk of Tillekian candidate before hopping back another tentitive step on hot sands.

Seli nods to Atuarre, "So I've heard. But there's other things involved in riding than just riding."

Atuarre turns an interesting shade of pink. "Y-yes, there are. I'd forgotten."

From the sands, Enchanting Lyre's Song Blue Dragonet  takes a few more tentavive steps as his newborn body learns this new dance.  Left here...right here...he stops to look up, eyes whirling in his fierce joy.  This is life?  This is mine? 

From the sands, Spryte peers as well and nods "Yup another green, pretty looking one too. "

Calia groans "I dunno and I'm not sure I wanna know." she replies to Seli's words, the threat of her kidnapping by him very real in her mind.

From the sands, Mikhail nods back to Jaren.  "Aye, not many more t'go, lad."  He peers over the Sands and points.  "Still a few eggs unhatched, tho'."  Contemplatively he stops dancing for the moment, and just watches the drama unfolding before him.

Atuarre smiles tenderly at the little blue's innocence. "Look at him. He's just learning the world."

From the sands, Zella nods her thanks, ducking behind the broad back happily before turning to Spryte. "Hey... didja see Yso? And Kerryn? And Tiri? Pretty neat." She dares an occasional peek around back's broadness to scope out the situation, then ducks back behind.

From the sands, Kerryn has found a new obsession, and that grin of utter delight proves it.  Enthralled by Tanrhith, she absently walks the young gold to the side, joining the others.  Few things can make her speechless, but for once, there just are no words.

Ethan applauds as well, and while he sees there are still eggs to crack and dragonets to be hatched, he still has much work to be done. With a polite and quiet murmur to part the way for him to pass, he exits to the stairs.

Ethan takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

From the sands, Ettia seems suddenly recompose act with alittle pause and nod, "Well...s'ok. She's so.../small/, though." girl notes speculatively, tossing a little grin to Zella as she joins the lurking, though southern reb herself does peep head around seeming oblivous Tillek candidate to take another cautious glance.

From the sands, Spryte grins broadly "I sure did, see they weren't hidden so they got found easily" her own twisted bit of logic going on there, like hiding works? Well, it has for her and that's all that really matters.

From the sands, Other impressions continue to happen.  That wheezy little girl from Keroon to a hefty-looking blue.  Another brown stumbles into a clutter of candidates, coming up with a Vintner apprentice as a new lifemate.

From the sands, Shirar watches Kerryn depart to the side with the others, and sighs to herself, shifting her feet a bit to new divits in the sand. At least this will be over soon. Her silence is unnoticed as the din roars on.

From the sands, Queen of the Sidhe Green Dragonet bears those gleaming teeth at her trampled subjects, glaring with one beautiful, garnet-hued eye at the shattered remains.  /Don't/ hold me when I want out!  Graceful, even as she unfurls her wet, fragile wingsails, the light leaving rainbowed patterns over the expanse of delicate sails.

From the sands, Tirion's still lost in strands of sneaking silver, although her smile shows true delight. She and Gwalth, Gwalth and she? She stumbles towards the side, mere following, one hand never leaving the brown's headknobs.

From the sands, "Too pretty," says Juliana, watching the green. Not glaring, anymore, though. Not Gwalth's fault, anyway. "Flad...move over. I can't stand in your shadow if it's covering other people." Gangly boy moves obligingly. "Thank-you," she says, shuffling carefully to coolness. Escape of the killer Candidate...

Shirchon stuffs the wagered marks into his belt pouch, splitting off half and handing them over to Mirchon. "Oh, can't wait till the next gather.  Let's see if we can double this on the runner races." And of course, they'll have nothing to do with doctoring up any of the runners before hand. Of course not. ;)

From the sands, Enchanting Lyre's Song Blue Dragonet  sways slightly to his own inner music.  A waltz, a tango, a jig?  A stately dance of courtship?  He makes his way forward, past several candidates, tiny body thrumming with the effort of his search and his longing for his partner.

From the sands, Mikhail remembers to breath as the little green unfurls her gorgeous wingsails.  "Rainbow wings, Jaren," he murmurs, licking dry lips in wonder at the sight.  "Lovelier than that last gold, I think."  Scuffed sandal strap finally gives at the abuse, and his right sandal falls off, unseen, unfelt.

From the sands, Well, when you know where your going, you can't let anythin' stop ya. Lest that's what Ettia believes, but right now; girl's belief is mainly centering on playing this peek-a-boo game on the sands - peeking a look, then going back to foot shifting, ball, heel, toe, ball, heel, toe...switch!

Mirchon wouldn't do that. No, not at all. Doctoring runners? The nerve. Though he nods at the thought of a gather, musing, "I think we can do that." he replies, before putting his marks away.

From the sands, Egyptian Tomb Egg lurches as the time approaches.  The Nile churns, the sand shifts, and sandstone fortifications fragment and fall away.  The heavily resined wrappings crack and split as the One within prepares...  is it time?  It's time.

From the sands, The sandstorm of activity subsides and for a moment Egyptian Tomb Egg grows silent.. a final benediction for what was, or perhaps an offertory for what is to come.  Stillness prevails until a mighty /crack/ splits the shell into two equal halves.  The balance obtained, he steps forth and the hunt begins.

Keeper of the Scales Brown Dragonet
Liquid-black deepens the earthy brown that rings this dragonet's hide, oiling the sleek copper of a poised neck and plated ridges.  Subtle gold and blue bandings twine and tangle, knotting at the sloping indentation of throat's hollow before dissipating into the tiered sweep of his narrowed wingsails.  Lifting the darkness of his keenly pointed muzzle and clipped headknobs, underlying sandstone drifts to the surface, its scorched color both reflecting and refracting the heavy brass of wingsail spars and weighted talons.

From the sands, Jaren smiles to Mikhail, moving closer to the others as thinned numbers show gaps, and brings the group smaller, a smile to the others before an element of wry humour returns, though face is a little haggered by heat, and feet...well..eyes go over the imperious green, "A looker her, indeed" looking past her, and focusing on the dreamy blue, a slight look of hope on his face "There..that one too..." 

Atuarre stares at the prismatic brown. "Look at that one! He's so.. sharp."

From the sands, Zella returns Ettia's smile, then risks another head peek. Lessee... blue, green, brown. Head darts back again, and stays there- perhaps Spryte has the right idea?
Shirchon nudges Mirchon again, "Wagering isn't over yet, there's still that other Mikhail lad and a few dragonets down there." he grins. You can almost see his eyes lighting up over this. "We could eat ourselves sick in bubblies after this."

From the sands, Juliana eyes the eggs. "One, two, three..." she counts, and at the egyptian egg's place, she notes the brown. "Finally," she grins, a smile of satisfaction un-pursing lips. Fladaminago is nudged, she having no one else to comment to anymore. "Too many colors on that one, don't you think?" But is that admiration in her gaze? Nah.

From the sands, Sitric stares blandly at al the gaping faces around him. Not another gold, he hopes. Peering -- he likes peering, you see -- around the bulk of a Holder Candidate, he gapes as well. Not  at the green however.. Tis the brown that catches his attention.

Mirchon hmms at the thought of bubblies... but that brings the attention back to Mikail, a nod to his twin. "Aye, there is that, as he tosses another half mark to the keeper. Might as well up the stakes, while he's got the marks to.

From the sands, Darannan cocks her head and gives a martyr's sigh.  "Good dragon." Dar murmurs to Gwalth.  "Tirion wanted you."  Yogurt-pale face turns toward the green, and even Darannan must admit that this one is lovely.  "She's a bit tempermental, hey?"  The splotch-haired Candidate mentions, to nobody in particular.  "Nice talons."  Ethereal girl watches the green warily, still watching the poplar-winged lovely's feet.

From the sands, Shirar watches as the tide of dragon seems to be ebbing a bit, the young emerging at a less then hectic pace. She studies the newest brown... or is he? He's a little bit of everything, it looks like. Depending on how the light hits him. "Interesting," she murmurs... to herself now.

Calia thinks those twins bear watching however, she notes the pocketed marks and smirks slightly but eyes go back to the hatching and wonder of wonders Mikhail.

From the sands, Keeper of the Scales Brown Dragonet lowers himself into the oily fragments of what was, only to lift his gaze into what is to be.  That elongated mussle twitches, sniffing, tasting the air before he lurches to his feet, head still lowered as he stares up over his brow into the sea of milling bodies.  He knows.  There is no doubt.  Slow, measured steps carry him away from the shell and the hunt begins.

From the sands, Siani mmms as she watches the blue, openly admiring.  "I like the way that one moves.  Such... well... there's something quite lyrical about him.  That brown too... with those bandings of his.  Very nice, Val."

From the sands, Enchanting Lyre's Song Blue Dragonet  stumbles again over ungainly wings and creels his pain and confusion, landing in a graceless heap.  He struggles up again and stretches those wings wide.  He stands for a moment, his creels lowering in pitch until they sound almost like a croon.  More sure of himself now, he moves again, his natural grace reasserting itself.

From the sands, "Flad!" Juli pokes the gangly boy. He moves out of her way. "Better." She watches the eggs. Only a few left..."Maybe I'll make Linma some cookies when I get back," she thinks aloud.

From the sands, Ettia shifts again impatiently in spot, absently lifting up one foot to rub sole alittle with a wrinkle of her nose at reddening toes; "They should do /somethin/ for these sands.." is mumbled to no one in particular - nevermind that Tia turned down sandals when they were offered; and never mind everyone else is suffering same thing; it's /Tia/. Again a rocked hop is taken, hemming of far too large patchwork like robe flapping alittle with each movement of fidgeting girl.

Seli blinks at the blue, "He's going to need someone that can spend hours listening to him, I'll bet."

Yanger blinks and nods, "Yeah I would say."

From the sands, Shirar shifts to tug ineffectually at a strap that'd apparently hardened or something and is causing an awful chafing on her achilles tendon, all the while watching the dragonets. She studies the brown a bit, and nods a bit to herself in approval. "Nice moves there," says the huntress of the newborn hunter.

Lilian looks at Seli and giggles. "I think they will /have/ to listen." she says with a grin.

From the sands, Queen of the Sidhe Green Dragonet sweeps with imperious grace through the broken shards, turning her head so the shadows of her dark muzzle contrast with spectacular results against the soap-bubble gleam of her wings.  Eerie wailing creel bursts from her sisal-stroked throat, from atop the crest of a mini-dune.  She begins to whip through the remaining Candidates.  Clutchsibs are magnanimously ignored.  /They/ took some of the ones /she/ was supposed to have to choose from.  Who is kin to her, frail iron, tight-wound glass?  

Seli laughs softly at Lilian's response, "You're right, they won't have much of a choice."

Caeryn climbs up the stairs from the entrance.

From the sands, Keeper of the Scales Brown Dragonet trips lightly forward, never back, as he glides across the sands like a terran jackal on a moonless hunt.  That long, pointed muzzle sways left to right as he studies the ones between him and his goal.  No, no, and no again.. but he knows, oh yes.  And he will find the One.  Time in its own time.  The balance must be kept..

Karimma watches the hatchlings intently, she doesn't notice her hands gripped into white knuckled fists, her nail bitting into the flesh, Hope, hope....

From the sands, Mikhail moves his feet again, accidentally setting right foot down into sand.  "Ouch!" is exclaimed, but his attention remains on the remaining dragonets, fascinated by their movements across the Sands.

From the sands, Zella twiddles finger in the slightly cooler sand- there are, after all, benefits to being in the shadow of a larger candie. She pokes head out in concern at the squawl- was that a candie being mauled?- but withdraws head in relief as she spots the green's vocalizations.

Calia laughs at Lilian's words and nods "yes I believe your right." she chuckles and looks to the sands Blue and brown if you can call him that watched. Whose next? Who will they pick? Will it be /her/ Mikhail?

From the sands, Enchanting Lyre's Song Blue Dragonet 's movements become more sinuous as he winds his way through the scattered and smashed remains of shells, the tempo growing.  Harmony?  He aches for a duet.  Ah?  There?  Ah yes.  There.  He is sure now, the dance will lead him to those two, there.

From the sands, Jaren pulls at the neckline of his robe, to his consternation the pristine white now daubed with ochre brown sand and dampness from his self...he wrinkles his nose, a self-depreciating smile before gaze takes in brown.."Hmm..aggressive...dark.." he idly muses, before looking to Mikhail, and beyond to try to catch both blue and green in his vision, failing as it's one or t'other.. "Well, good luck, you large lump" is given teasingly to Mik, before he chuckles...

From the sands, A blink of dark-amber eyes is given to green's wail, furrowing brow for a moment as Ettia unconciously peers out more from behind ever hollowed Tillekian human wall, pinched impish features mulling into some odd concersion of wary curiousity. "She's....a different one...neh?" she comments towards Spryte and Zella - not that different is /bad/, just..different?

From the sands, Flad watches the brown. "I don't know," he grumbles at Juliana. "Afterall, there are still a few dragonets back." Juli shrugs. "Right," she just nods. Feet are firmly on the ground, but as she bends down to scratch her ankle, she still wobbles a bit. Shards, but balancing in sandals is hard.

From the sands, Sitric continues to watch the Brown, that lovely, blending brown, closly. But he does keep an eye out for charging dragonets. The sands would not look good with his blood upon it... And so he watches, shifting occassionally. No use getting baked feet, either.

Seli watches the blue dance, "Is he moving towards Mikhail? That would be so great!"

Seli giggles. "A blue dragon with his blue eyes...Could be an interesting combination if it happens."

From the sands, Spryte peers over as if her ears are not working correctly and nods, glance going from Zella back to Tia and back again. "Well she's loud, that's for sure"

Calia blinks and looks at Seli "Indeed it could. But then again MIkhail himself is a combination all his own." she replies to Seli with a grin. Gaze going to Lilian for a minute then back out to the sands.

Lilian sits watching the dragonets all finding partners... She looks at Mik hoping a dragonet finds him.

From the sands, Enchanting Lyre's Song Blue Dragonet  is there, at long last.  One tall...and one that towers far far above him.  His heart sings a staccato beat of joy and and adoration.  This is right.  He hesitates briefly...the music clamoring wildly.  Does *he* hear it?  Will he share in the dance?

From the sands, Darannan draws herself up, glaring; the long-fingered hands clapped over her ears ruins the somewhat frightening pose.  "/Stop/." Dar demands of the green.  "Stop it right /now/!  Look--you're hurting people's ears.  Though the Harpers should have an instrument that sounds like that..."  She rather enjoys that weird noise, but others certainly do not.

Seli sits closer to the edge of her seat, watching the blue. "He /does/ seem to be heading towards Mik...."

Lilian holds her breath while crossing her fingers....please...please....

From the sands, Mikhail watches the progress of the blue, heart beating loudly in his ears.  "D'ye think he's comin' this way, Jaren lad?" he asks, softly, stilling his scuffling feet despite the torrid heat emanating from the Sands.

From the sands, "Loud, yes..but sometimes th' how ya get things in life, I suppose." Is Ettia's echoed comment in return to Spryte, doe-eyed gaze following green with a wary interest.

From the sands, Queen of the Sidhe Green Dragonet gives the lanky girl a sidelong glance, and keens her hunger, her rage, her demand for perfection.  The wailing note is held, shivering, for longer then those tiny lungs should be able to uphold it.  Who heeds the call?

From the sands, Keeper of the Scales Brown Dragonet stops dead in his tracks and a moment is spent shaking off the remnants of the past.. sand and shell scatter to the four winds before he hunkers back down and sweeps a gaze over the white robed lot.  That wirey head is tossed back as he lets loose a near-howl, then shifts fluidly towards the west.. and his ultimate goal.

From the sands, Jaren eyes Mik the best he can, a chargrined look before a smile, and a step back to let the little one claim his prize...uncertain tone "He is, I think..." close now the little blue, and tension causes creased brow and erepresent drip off chin..

From the sands, And thus the dance will continue; Enchanting Lyre's Song Dragonet sways to his own inner music.  He pauses, taut with longing, a low and vibrating thrum emitting from his infant throat.  Yes.  His eyes travel up - and up - to the sky, to *his* eyes, steady pools of aquamarine.  They will not stay above him for long.  The duet has begun.  With a glad cry, he lowers his small head and butts it into Mikhail's knees.

Seli jumps at the browns cry, "I hope /he/ impresses fast! Maybe then someone can quiet him..." then another yell, "Yes! Mikhail! You did it!"

From the sands, Zella pokes head out once more in vague irritation. All this swualling... really, can't they keep it down! And then as her cover is claimed, she adds her own voice to the ruckus: "Congrats, Mikhail!"

Ardal thought Harpers were supposed to Impress blues, not Herders.... but it seems the Herders are giving that the lie today. The lad goes so far as to whoop as Mikhail Impresses, Craft solidarity strong.

Shirchon cheers again! He raises his hand to hi5 his twin. "He did it! Mikhail got it!"

Lilian stands up she smiles happy that the little blue chose Mik, "Congratulations Mik!" she shouts.

Mirchon woos! They're rich, they're rich, they're financially secure! At least, until they run across the bubbly stand. "Woo! Alright! Yay Mikhail!"

From the sands, "Will someone /do/ something about that 'un?" Ettia mumbles, trying not to show passive care for green dragonet as she peers out slowly from her lucking place, features registering careful hidden thoughts as always. Then pausing to glance up as Mikhail impresses with a alittle bob of head in nod, "G'nough, Mikhail!"

Calia blinks stunned and just sits for a moment then a cry of glee "Mikhail! Grats!!!!" she almost dances where she's at. uh oh...give it time to sink in.

From the sands, Mikhail blinks, startled, then herder's head bows to the call of the song centred in front of and below him, and drops to his knees, oblivious to the sand's heat.  "I hear it, too, Eurydath!" he exclaims, arms encircling his new-found partner like Orpheus and his love.  Except this time there is no return to the Underworld...

From the sands, Darannan slides flat-footed toward the green.  "Come on, can't you just go to whoever it is, instead of screaming?  My ma always told /me/ to."  Standing at the bottom of Queen of the Sidhe's mound, she holds herself stiffly, making a pushing motion.  Wrist swivels slightly as she turns to catch some hint of movement, leaving her palm upwards, an entreaty.

From the sands, Sitric manages a wave, and a voiced Congratulations. Then, his gaze Inevitably returns to the Brown. /That/ brown.... Whomever impresses will be a Lucky person. Very lucky. Though he starts a bit at the sudden burst of speed. Obviously, the little guy knows what he wants.
From the sands, "Shardit..." Juli tugs at her robe. The minute redfruit stains around the neck hole  are still sticky. She pulls a limp strand of klah-hued hair from one stain. "Hey, Mik Impressed!" Elbows Flad. "Congrats Mik!" And she still hasn't convinced him to put his finger in a pot of boiling water.

From the sands, Spryte covers her ears as the green bellows her rage over the sands..shells, it's enough to wake the passed on. Eyes peer up and around hulk in front trying to see just who the green is calling for, before glance is given towards another large frame and the moment of Impression "Mik? Oh Mikhail, congratulations"

From the sands, Zella glances at Spryte and Ettia, bemused. "Now where can we hide?" She shrugs, and starts piling up a new sand mound, though perhaps she won't need it- there are, after all, only two left. And each making as loud a noise as they possibly can, to Zella's irritation.

With a huge smile, you hear Seli say, "And there not but a few hatchlings left! Talk about cutting it close. But the Herders did well today."

From the sands, Queen of the Sidhe Green Dragonet shrills a moment longer, and she looks, startled, at the Candidate with the dyed red hair.  Well, she came to the Queen this far, and she is asking...

From the sands, Shirar watches that brown with something akin to admiration. "A fine youngster," she murmurs. No one to hear her being all sentimental or anything. "Certainly seems to know what he wants in life." Pity she's not sure of the same.

From the sands, Beryl undulates as Queen of the Sidhe Green Dragonet paces with an airy step across the Sands, talons scoring the scuffed hummocks left by other's tread.  With a sudden, violent leap, she launches herself into Darannan, wings spread like a striking falcon's.  Her talons, though, are carefully fisted as she looks the girl in the eye.  Impression!

Kindria smiles as Mikhail impresses and smiles.

From the sands, Jaren steps back from the couple, a sigh, but friendly grin given anyhow, a mumoured "congratulations" as from his expression, the man wouldn't hear anyhow....a wry look, and shake of head...hope gone, but shrug not bitter..

From the sands, Keeper of the Scales Brown Dragonet noses through the bodies, not exactly gentle with some, yet keenly aware of others.. the balance must be kept, you see.  Still, when he strides up to Flad a moment of confusion flashes across that pointed brow.  No, not quite...

From the sands, Ettia glances up with a blink as the green finds her lifemate, tilting her head alittle with a brief look of some unknown thought before shrugging alittle, turning attention in swing of head towards the other dragonets that remain - waiting.

Calia nods to Seli voice soft "Aye but they did." two turns...what a long time for the impatient herder lass. What's gonna happen now?

From the sands, "Hsst, Juuulliiii..." Fladaminago is frozen. Positively. Juli has her back turned
looking up in the galleries. Not for her family, of course. Just...looking. That way, she won't be seen by those dragonets. "What /is/ it, Flad?" She does note, however, that her delightful shadow is staying still for once.

From the sands, Darannan is flat on her back, staring up into luminous eyes, wisps of faery fire that beckon her even as they awaken her warning sense.  "Tuathath, I said to be quiet, not to... Oh.  Tuathath."  Bright hair is askew as D'annan squirms under those sharp talons.  "If you want me, Tua, you need to let me up.  I can't begin living at," a sigh, "the Weyr with you squashing me."

From the sands, Westward he has traveled across the burning hatching sands to reach his predestined goal, passing shards and kin as her soul calls to him, and he replies. Keeper of the Scales Brown Dragonet rises up to full height before Juliana, 'sails surrounding her in a protective embrace, as feather and heart balance for all eternity.

From the sands, Mikhail beams, tanned face crinkling in complete joy as he turns towards his friend Jaren.  "This is Eurydath, Jaren, Eurydath."  The name is said very musically as Mik finally rises and begins to lead his lifemate towards the other weyrlings.

Calia smiles softly and looks to Seli 'Looks like he did it."

Ardal lifts his head, finally. "It's over?" the soft voice questions no-one in particular.

From the sands, Siani sighs, perhaps a little sad as the last impression is made.  Her grin is still wide, however, and she reaches over to hug Valora.

From the sands, Zorya squeezes V'zan's hand.  "Here goes nothing."  Her smile is bright, and her eyes even brighter.  "You ready?"

From the sands, Sitric grins. Good Choices, Good Dragons, Good Riders. Now, about those Egg Shards....

From the sands, Katrina smiles at the Weyrlings, then at Siani and Valora "Congratulations, you two. Beautiful clutches, both."

From the sands, Valora returns the hug before sinking down to finally .. actually /sit/ on that rocky outcropping. One thing, though.. hands cup her mouth as she yells out, "What's his name, Jul?"

From the sands, Zella starts to cry one congratulation, spots another, and halts in confusion. Ok, let's take this one at a time... "Congratulations, D'annan! Congratulations, Juliana!" She kicks her sandpile over; it's not needed anymore.

Karimma releases her long held breath, she makes a quick exit down the stairs, wanting to be there when he comes out.

Karimma takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

From the sands, Juli is surrounded. "Wh-wh-what?" She turns to face the source of those wings, those wonderful wings -- no matter how many colors they have. "Anuith," she chides, joy shining in her eyes. "What took you so long?"

From the sands, Ettia edges a step out of her lurking spot as dragonet hatching disapaites, twisting lips into a odd little quirk of unknown expression as she slinks more out, "Well...guess we made it, eh Spryte?"

From the sands, Spryte beams at the rest of the Impressions and sighs, time to go home, back to the warmth of the south.

From the sands, V'zan swallows reflexively despite parched throat.  It's done.  He half-turns to look up into the whirling eyes of his lifemate, recalling when their eyes first met, "Well, Noswaith, looks like we've come full circle, eh?"

From the sands, Siani laughs, "Oh yes.. his name.. I'd almost forgotten.. Anuith.. handsome."

Brekka Whoo hoos and claps "Way to go Juli!!!!" Brekks grins and claps

From the sands, Siani slips off the outcropping and wades through sand and shells towards the group of candidates left standing, gesturing them close.

From the sands, Jaren smiles over to Mikhail, and a look to the stands, before looking back at him "Eurydath? Fine looking fellow...good luck in the weyr, ok?" he smiles, and winks "Maybe I'll even get to come and see you sometime" gaze swept 'round bowl, and a move to the sides..a smile to Jul as he passes, with a wink...better join the ringside seats..

Riain takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

Ieryne takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

Lilian smiles as the last dragonet is impressed.... Mik and Em are up here now....

From the sands, Spryte nods at her cousin with a smile "We sure did " her eyes spot the Weyrwomans gestures and she steps closer to hear what she has to say.

Atuarre takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

Kindria smiles as the impression finishes and it becomes time for a long dragon flight home with a sigh she looks at the tiny bundle of sleeping blue 'lizard in her arms, she's just happy that she's got this little fella and her runner...not much else matters to her.

From the sands, And the dull drome, and the nagging of the holders, Ettia flicks gaze around one last time with alittle shrug as she wanders a slinked step after cousin towards Siani.

From the sands, M'hail grins and walks towards Siani, as Eurydath follows crooning in hunger now.

From the sands, Atuarre ventures hesitantly away from the bowl entrance.

From the sands, Shirar notices Siani, but more, she notices escape out to the blessed cool. So she goes to the beckoning weyrwoman silently.

Tomias stands, and streches, walking around, trying to negotiate the crowd.

From the sands, Jasper appears from **BETWEEN**

From the sands, Sitric , scooping up a load of shards, wanders over towards the Weyrwoman. Eyes are bright as he looks up, and grins. "Hello!

From the sands, Atuarre walks over to Mikhail, smiling. "I'm going to miss you down at Herder." she says, faking a mournful tome.

From the sands, Jasper backwings to land on Jaren's shoulder, his blue tail wraps around his neck for a secure hold.

Kindria smiles upon tiny Orpheus in her arms and a soft whisper, "Time to go home little one. It's all over and you'll be wanting food."

From the sands, M'hail waves to Atuarre, and turns to walk towards the other weyrlings...

Kindria takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

From the sands, Anuith rumbles, and J'lia smiles. "Food soon," she says, motioning her lifemate, /her/ lifemate, to follow.

Tomias takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

From the sands, Tuathath reluctantly lets /her/ eccentric flutterminded D'annan up, moving those razored talons carefully as she steps down.  Danna rises, dusting herself off, and beckons Tuathath on, eyes shining watered grey, hands busy with those glorious wings.

From the sands, Siani glances at Attuarre and smiles, "I'm sorry.. no visitors on the sands please."

Lilian sees Atuarre go out on the sands.... She then thinks about going and seeing Mik and Em too. They will be at the festivities after in a while no doubt... She looks at Calia and Seli. "Want to go to the festivities?"

Calia stands "Go to the party?

Calia grins at Lilian and nods "Sure."

From the sands, Siani rounds up the remaining candidates, "Let's return to the barracks and get away from this sharding heat."

Seli nods to Calia and Lilian, "I'll be down later."

Lilian smiles and nods, then starts off down the steps to the living cavern.

From the sands, Katrina smiles up at her own lifemate, "Come on, love. Let's go fly."

[Log Ends]

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