Fort Weyr's Fall 1999 Hatching (Part 4)
Saturday, November 6, 1999

Gold Tanrhith & Brown Anuith

The World of Pern(tm) copyright (c) 1967 by Anne McCaffrey.
The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.

Log courtesy of Arnica
POV from the Galleries

From the sands, Kells picks a gooey shard of Warth's shell from her robe and flicks it away into the pile lining the sands. "Eewww..."

From the sands, Pentala stomps forward one, two, three steps. Small steps, due to the insignificant size of the Candidate in question. "There's nothing /in/ there," she insists loudly and irritably at the green dragonet, eyes glaring daggers. Throwing daggers, for distance isn't decreased, for a certain queen might be upset by the approach. Harassing the dragonet? Naw...

Caitlin looks over the sands "Is that all the eggs now?  Just one more impression?"  She smiles as she looks at all the happy  pairings on the sands.

From the sands, Wrong move, girl.

Kaila turns towards Caitlin, nodding. "I think so." Well, you're looking at the sands, aren't you Kaila? Oh yeah.. The sands. She turns again towards the sands, readopting her position of vigil.

From the sands, Brazen Harpy Green Dragonet ceases scavenging amongst the discarded remains of her brethren's recently-abandoned shells, once more turning her rapacious gaze towards the remaining throng of candidates. No longer does she cautiously circle, however, as predatory gaze fixates upon obscured emerald eyes. A swift approaches brings the vulturine creature closer, until mottled sails reach forth to claim Pentala as her prey.

From the sands, Zorya stretches and nods.  "Wine," she murmurs.  "Yes.  That sounds lovely."  She smiles fondly.  "There now, Kerryn, that wasn't so hard, was it?"  Sharp eyes follow Pentala with a gleam.

Valora peers down over the railing and nods back at Cait.  "Unless that green was searching for more eggs 'neath all those shards."

From the sands, T'zi ignores the undesirable new pair in favor of trying to keep Pentala and the independant green in sights.  "Shells, ..why are /they/ more interesting than /Penta/?" she demands, near stamping a foot.  Brat resurfacing?  Well.  She's hot.  Rash is hung- "Oo!  Penta!  OOo!" *BOUNCE*

Laytonal sighs.  "Well, Pentala Impressed after all, despite the agonizing wait."

Kaila nods. "Finally." There. Done with. Kaput. For now, anyways. She waits to hear a name.

From the sands, As Pentala moves forward, Perrie turns towards Kell.  "Has /any/ dragonet looked up /any/ candidate's robe?"  Perrie sniffs, loudly; lips presses together, in a pount.  "What's the fun in being a candidate if no one gets their robe-looked-up?  Oh, it's over now.  We can eat!  Comiserations -- I mean, ah, congratulations Pentala!"

From the sands, Kindri looks over the sands as she sits down, tears surface to her lifemate was waiting for her this tired and full of pain she tries to get up but is just too tired, hot and weak to move from the sands...let alone clap...tho she just gives a smile to Pentala, and then sighs.

Sara takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

From the sands, Kells 's last hopes fall like the so-many shards lining the sands. Despite this however, she gives Penta a cheer. Eat?  

Laytonal sighs wistfully.  "I pity the unsuccessful leftovers."

Caitlin grins "I was wondering what that green was up to.  She seems to be interested in something."

From the sands, J'lia grins just a bit. "Free," she whispers to herself, patting Anuith's comforting side. "Lovely clutch, dear. I'm proud of you. Can we sleep in the weyr tonight?"

Zella screams quietly to herself in the corner. "Penta Penta Penta. /Green/. We're gonna /die/. We're gonna /die/." Help.

Kaila nods, adding her own sympathetic sigh. "In that case, I'm glad I wasn't with them."

Laytonal adds, "I don't know how I'd feel."

Laughter escapes as Alakan leans foward more, huge grin breaking out across his face "I /knew/ she would impress!"

From the sands, Tanrhith crooooooooons blissfully as her youngest daughter finally impresses her chosen.  Kerryn nods and takes a deep breath.  "They're yours now, Zorya.  And V'zan's, I guess.  I'm going to change and rest, but see you at the celebration later, I hope?"  The young weyrwoman gives her friend a smile and moves away, towards the remaining handful of unpicked candidates.

Unfortunately close to Zella's corner, Keani stirs. "Wha'?" she asks blearily, then blinks wearily. "Wan' mama." she mutters, glancing over the sands. Mutter is soon forgotten as the child spots Penta... with a green. "'Enta 'pressed!!!"

Kaila quirks an eyebrow. "I do.. I'd be terribly disappointed. I would cry, I know it." she says, sighing. The previously hidden journeyman healer walks up to Kaila, and starts poking at her. "C'mon.. Time to go." Kaila doesn't budge, but turns back to the sands. The journeyman sighs, and Kaila giggles softly.

Laytonal smiles when he hears the little girl's comment.

Kestrel heaves a sigh -- relief mixed with satisfaction, "Ahh. Another successful hatching complete." Hearing Laytonal she smiles a little, "I wouldn't call them 'leftovers'. It may just mean that their mate wasn't on the sands this time. Obviously the search dragons considered them important enough to stand. Tact, apprentice, tact." She reminds and instructs gently.

Alakan offers a grin to Keani "You were right, we were both right...wasn't purple though."

Zella scooches downward, toward Keani... And Alakan. "I would advise running now, both of you. Flee. Escape the immediate area." And take her with you! Please!

From the sands, Kindri looks to Kells with tears in her eyes..."I knew it...I wasn't meant to be a rider. Are you going back to the hall?"

Laytonal nods at Master Kestrel admonishment.

"See? Told you she'd go to a Southerner," M'arc gloats.  "Aye, aye, aye.  You're right.  Don't have to rub it in," Muire grumps, but with a smile on her face.  "C'mon.  We'd best get her home."  She nods to the sleeping child the man carries.  "Unless you wanted to stay for one?"

Valora smiles and nods at Kestrel's words.  "You have the right of it, dear Masterharper."

From the sands, V'zan rouses himself from his silent observation as the final hatchling Impresses.  He flashes Kerryn a quick smile, then turns to survey the new Weyrlings and their lifemates.  The smile widens.  "Look at all the fresh new victims to torture, Zor."

From the sands, "I didn't Impress!"  That's offered in a chirpy voice towards Kerryn; Perrie seems to have more energy now than ever.  Doesn't she /ever/ get tired?  "Can we go eat?  D'you think there's wherries?  Meatrolls?  And can I drink some wine -- C'man will be busy, so he won't know, and he won't spank me, and I've never drunk much wine before, 'n don't I deserve it after /all/ those chores?"

From the sands, P'tala falls to her knees to aid the dragonet, even though height needs no shortening. Arms encompass an insistant neck and she glares at all, recovering quickly. "Indeed. And you're making me hungry. Silly thing." She sniffs. "Oh, right. Celaenoth!" she crows upwards, then says, "Happy? Oh, no, of /course/ it's not all your fault. My fault too. Let's go!" And with a happy skitter, youngest pair makes its way across the sands.

Keani peers blearily up at Zella. "Why?" she asks innocently. "'Enta friend." That, in Kea's philosophy, was everything. So it doesn't make sense for her to run away...

Caitlin smiles as she listens to Kestrel's words and nods in agreement.  "It wasn't their time just yet."

Zoshan turns his gaze away from the sands and back into the galleries scanning over it slowly

From the sands, Kells bites her tongue and swallows hard to keep back the threatening tears. She will /not/ cry! "Yeah, I guess I will...did I tell you I made Journeyman?" She won't meet Kindri's eyes.

From the sands, C'man lifts his chin somewhat defiantly. "Throw your worst at us." Mael nods his assent.

Zella wrinkles nose. She's /eeeeeeevil/. -Um, in a nice way. "Cel- Celaenorf? Calneoth? How fitting. I can't pronounce either of 'em." Grumble.

From the sands, Zorya shakes her head with a smile, guiding a young girl and her little green.  "Torture indeed."  She gently shoos and then raises her voice.  "Come on, you lot.  Let's get some meat into these beasts."

Alakan rolls his eyes at Zella "I'm hardly gonna run from my sister, I think its wonderful that she impressed a green." crystal eyes shift back to the sand "Celaenoth, what a wonderful name."

From the sands, Kindri looks to Kells, "Well congrats...I made Sr. Apprentice the day I was searched..." She tries to stop the tears and manages to do so only to feel horrible.

From the sands, Kerryn chuckles quietly and joins Kells, Kindri, Perrie and the last few standing.  "Absolutely.  There's plenty to eat  and drink in the living caverns."  Which reminds her.  She turns and calls out loud to those in the stands.  "Thank you for coming and everyone's welcome to celebrate and rest in the living caverns!"  And back to those in white, she nibbles a lip and motions.  "What say we get off this blistering heat, guys?"

Zoshan walks slowly towards Kestrel "Excuse me?"

Kaila nods to the Weyrwoman, making a motion to stand. She's pointedly ignoring the impatient j-man behind her.

Caitlin laughs and stands up and brushes herself down "Hmm maybe I will just burn this outfit."  She looks over the sands and grins "If its over I better get something different to wear, more fitting than this."  She runs her fingers through her hair "And maybe a haircut then people won't think I am some strange demented person."

From the sands, T'zi turns gleeful eyes from P'tala and her lifemate, face falling slightly as she glances towards Kindri, Perrie and Kells.  Frown tugs down her ecstasy, but a threat is heard, from V'zan and Zorya, and she looks over thattaway.  "Oh.  Food.  Yes."  Rashkaeth croons hopefully, nearly leaping from his sedate position to be first in line for food.

Kestrel grins and echoes Cait's nod, "By the first egg, how many times was Brekka chosen to stand? And finally, there he was in this clutch. They just kept coming back for her until the right clutch came along." Turning, she tilts her head, "Yes? Can I help you?"

Zella glances up at Alakan in only-half-feigned horror. "You're her /sister/?" Gasp. "And you're gonna tell her I said that, and she's gonna-" Rapidly mounting terror is suddenly broken, allowing relief. "Oh, but she's confined to th'Weyr for a turn or two, so I'm okay." Whew.

From the sands, Kindri sighs and can barely move let alone think about getting up, she's a mess and she knows only a numbweed bath will cure her physical pain but not the fact that she's only going to end up back where she started...

From the sands, "What's wrong?  I hear tell that dragonets share your mind with you, 'n it sounds horrible, so we're lucky, don't ye think?"  Perrie is /oh/ so helpful -- the comment is aimed towards Kindri and Kells, before the girl nods her head eagerly.  "I think my feet are nearly cooked t'leather.  Wonder if I could eat 'em.  Maybe not.  So, we're going off the sands?"

Valora lifts a hand to Cait.. "Can you spare a moment?  You too, Kestrel."

Zoshan bows politly to Kestrel "I'm interested in joining harper hall"

From the sands, Kindri looks up to Perrie and Kells, "I can't move..."

From the sands, P'ros was, unfortunately, not paying attention to Zorya's suggestion/order about feeding, so Uralith directs his attention with a none-too-subtle nudge.  "Uh?  Oh."  Still in a bit of a daze, he directs Uralith along side him, one hand resting on the young dragon's neck, just behind his bronze head.

M'arc may spare a longing glance toward the bowl exit, and the partygoers filing out that way, but he's got a toddler to think of now, so he only offers a wry smile, shakes his head, and heads back up toward the 'ledges and the dragons perched thereon.  Muire follows after, stifling a yawn.  "S' late, anyway."

From the sands, J'lia, in black, goes off the Sands with a jubilant cry--well, not really. Actually, she slips up Anuith's side, and the pair departs for...wherever. Likely so she can change before eating something.

Kaila decides, in spite of the j-man, to stay and celebrate the newest weyrlings and the clutch being so succesful.

Muireann mounts the distance up to the viewing ledges.

Alakan laughs "Nah, don't worry, your secret is safe, I wont' tell her."

Trill appears from **BETWEEN**

Andante greets Trill with a quiet chirp.  Hello.

From the sands, P'tala beams, cheeks blooming with a fresh blush. "Celaenoth, I don't think-" Blush increases. "No- yes, well, sure." Green, smugly, bounds ahead of her lifemate, greeting her siblings with a whuffle.

From the sands, Taking P'aul firmly in hand, "Enough with the gas, dear," Zorya firmly herds weyrlings and dragonets both off of the sands.

Kestrel smiles at the youngster and nods, "Very well, but perhaps you could find a ride to Harper Hall? I'm afraid I'm rather busy at the moment." She speaks politely, "We should be looking at taking on a bunch of new apprentices in a few sevendays time. I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me." She nods to Valora, "Certainly, Valora. I'm eager to speak with you."

From the sands, Zorya escapes the heat of the sands.

From the sands, C'man nods as a hand rests on brown head. "Yes...yes I understand, Mael. We'll go. You need to eat. I think I may in a moment." He spares a look to the others, then places that hand behind blue touched wings. "Come along."

From the sands, Kells smiles wanly at Perrie. "Oh, I don't know Perrie..I think it'd be kind of nice."

From the sands, C'man escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Maelotath escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, P'ros escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Celaenoth escapes the heat of the sands.

Zoshan nods "Of course, thanks for your time"

From the sands, P'tala escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Uralith escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Br'kka whispers to Kirlith. "C'mon I'm as hungry as you are."

Caitlin smiles and nods at Valora "I am sure I can spare a moment or two for you Valora, if you excuse the rags."  She sherugs "At least they are clean, its only a recent layer of road dust."

From the sands, As'lan escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Niergoth escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, A'suil escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Br'kka escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Kirlith escapes the heat of the sands.

Sanoreh takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

From the sands, Sindrath escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, T'zi escapes the heat of the sands.
From the sands, Rashkaeth escapes the heat of the sands.

Trill warbles at Laytonal! come on !

From the sands, S'tric rises, and makes his way towards dinner. With Ysgyth at his side.
From the sands, S'tric escapes the heat of the sands.

Zella escapes the immediate area. She's going home. Now. -Weeeell, maybe she can stay for just a /few/ festivities...

Kaila heads out, making well sure that the j-man doesn't see /where/ she's going.

From the sands, Ysgyth escapes the heat of the sands.

Kaila takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.
Zella takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

Torin stands and stretches, a small, wisftul smile on her face as she shifts the sleeping Adrian on her shoulder, looking to her husband.  "Still awake?"

Valora nods and rises with a stretch.  "Perhaps I might have something you could borrow, Cait.  And as always you are morethan welcome to make the Weyr your home away from home.. if only for a hot tub and a handfull of soapstone."

From the sands, V'zan escapes the heat of the sands.

Caitlin nods and half bows "That would be my pleasure. lead on Valora."

From the sands, Kells sighs. "Well? Are we leaving, or what? I'm /dying/ of the heat!"

Valora heads out and down through the throng...

Laytonal looks around one more time, then leaves for the stairs.

From the sands, Kindri looks to Kells and the others with a sigh. "I wish I could stand..."

Alakan slips to his feet and hmms, glancing over the crowd before asking of Keani "Whered your mom take off to?  I'm sure you'd like to get back to her and all."

Valora takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.
Kestrel takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.
Laytonal takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

Ciaran stands and straigtens out his jerkin before heading out.

Caitlin takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

From the sands, Kerryn watches the weyrlings slip out, and smiles warmly at those left.  A hand is offered out to Kindri helpfully.  "C'mon.  It's much cooler outside, I promise."

Keani takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.
Ciaran takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

Zoshan sighs and turns to head back

Zoshan takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

Trill disappears **BETWEEN**

From the sands, Kindri looks to the weyrwoman trying to hold back her tears as she tries to stand, her legs shaking.

From the sands, Kells rolls her eyes. " C'mon. You take left, and I'll take right."

Alakan takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

Sanna takes the stairs down towards the bowl exit.

Alexandrea watches the new Weyrlings leave, and still sits quietly while the galleries slowly empty.

From the sands, Kerryn helps Kells hoist Kindri up to her feet.  "Plenty of cold wine and juice and stuff, and some soothing music, a cool breeze.."  With her free hand, she shoos the others on ahead, gentle smile lingering.  Tanrhith lingers to snuffle around the shards.

From the sands, Kindri looks to Kells, "I guess there's a next time...but these robes need to be thicker." She tries to make light of the situation for herself as she gets up with help and then tries on her own. "I can do it..." Kindri balances as she walks off the sands. "Home will be nice."

[Log Ends]

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