Dear Mr. Jack Thompson, Hello. I am a 13-year-old honor student from Louisiana. I have many friends, all of which are nice, caring, and outgoing people. I am extremely sensitive to real-world violence and sex. I am a Roman Catholic, and I love God and follow his teachings as best as I can. And... you ready for this? You sure? I am a gamer. A so-called "hardcore" gamer too. Among my favorite games are Halo: Combat Evolved, Deathmatch Classic, and Full Spectrum Warrior. Not once have I had the urge to bring a gun to school and shoot somebody. Not once have I had the urge to brutally rape and murder everybody in sight. Not once have I had the urge to do anything violent or sexually deviant in my community. This may come as a shock to you, since you stereotype all gamers as "masturbatory" deliquents with no lives. I'm sure some are. I've come across them online while playing my games. There are 10-year-old children who play Halo 24/7, using the F-word, sexual orientation-based insults, and other inappropriate language online every day. Every gamer is aware of their existence. But that doesn't mean that every gamer is like them. There are many respectable, working citizens that play videogames who NEVER use bad language or become overly aggressive during the course of a play session. I know many of these gamers personally. These are the kind of people that feel bad for swatting flies. It simply isn't fair to judge all gamers based on a few pre-pubescent short-tempered twits. Also, while we're on the subject of unfair judgement, I'd like to address the issue of the Columbine shooting. You have accused gamers of all training for a massive school shooting like this on their "murder simulators" on multiple occasions, and I feel that this is an inhuman, black-hearted thing for you to do. You are essentially linking me to the Columbine shootings. You are saying that I am a loose cannon, who at any moment could crack and bring a gun to school, shooting every person I see with murderous rage and excitement. This is a disgusting thing for you to say, and I didn't think even you could stoop so low as to say it. You are exploiting a terrible tragedy simply so you can have another one of your half-baked reasons for banning all media with a gun. And speaking of exploitation... the incident with you and is absolutely horrifying. You are willing to exploit the tragic suicide of a young boy for your own personal goals. This is just as bad as if you killed the boy yourself. You're using his death to advance your anti-violence crusade, just as you're using the deaths of other people just like him. And if you like this country so much, why are you ignoring the fact that it was made reality by a series of brutal, unforgiving Native American slaughters? None of these lands would be ours if we hadn't ended the lives of thousands of Indians who were peacefully living out there lives, now would they? How does that make you feel, Jacko: your beloved peaceful America was made possible by VIOLENCE. Now, it has come to my attention that you have been recently receiving death threats randomly from many gamers around the world, and I am truly sorry that you've had to put up with that. I personally feel that these gamers have done nothing but strengthen your cause by exhibiting such rage and shocking hatred toward you. I do not want you to die. I do not want to shoot you, or see you suffer in any way. I merely want you to consider the fact that maybe, just possibly, you are wrong. Not EVERY gamer is a violent, cursing, out-of-control person. Some are, yes. But there are adults like that too. You can't ignore that one, because it's true. Pwned. On Wikipedia, you are quoted as saying that the Qu'ran promotes the killing of innocent people. Good job, you've just offended the world's fastest-growing religion, and said something so vile and cruel that I now feel the need to stop calling you Jack and start calling you Jackass. One last thing: From a CBS News interview: Q: Are parents paying attention to what their kids play? A: Nope. OK, my father, who is a kind, caring radiologist in his forties, plays Halo and loves it. We often play together when it's rainy outside and there's nothing else to do, or when I get home from school and have no homework. Parents not paying attention to the "murder simulators"? Puh-lease. I realize I've touched on many points in my post and at times may have drifted away from my original subject, but my ultimate messages are as follows: Do you deny mature people, even if they are under the age of 18, the civil right to be entertained by video games? Do you, yes or no, REALLY think you should, as a "man of God", exploit the tragic suicides and murders of hundreds of teenagers for your own personal goals? Do you believe every kid who plays games will become a murderous, raving lunatic? And lastly, are you anti-Muslim, or just such a conservative Christian that you are unwilling to accept any other existing religion? See you 'round, Jackass. Yours truly, Anonymous P.S. You are quoted on Wikipedia as saying, "Rather sad, but wholly predictable, that a bunch of video game whackos wouldn't understand or wouldn't care that "pixelante," a word I coined is a contraction of pixel vigilante. It is a perjorative term that puts anyone in that category in a category with the KKK and skinheads.". Gee, thanks for comparing me to the KKK and neo-Nazis, Jack. When I play Halo tonight, I'll be sure to remember to make a white pointy hat to wear and shave my head to better fit your description. (That's sarcasm, by the way.)