
Player Information

Venue Name: Dark Citadel CN D06
Genre: the Domain is open to all Venues
* Camarilla/Anarch
* Werewolf
* Wraith
* Changeling
* Mage

Contact: Greg Paradis DST [email protected]
or David Fox DC [email protected]

Place/Time: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Regular sessions are currently held by the Chapters. Domain games will always be announced in advance.

Directions: Will always be announced in advance.

Characters cluster around fragile hope, but tragedy and despair threaten to tear it apart. Characters face their own personal darkness and many will fall to corruption or depression. Only a few have the ability to rise and they still must avoid other dangers, including the other characters. A dank, brooding atmosphere permeates the city and the eerie and mysterious cultivates a sense of paranoia. Almost a rule is that the more one learns, the more despair and fear set in. Violence stains the lives of many in Halifax, but when creatures gather, they do so in areas of relative safety.

Character restrictions and allowances:

Combat oriented characters are acceptable from a roleplaying viewpoint, but the focus is one social interaction, not combat. Excessive combat is frowned on and dramatic scenes will often take the place of challenges. Given the dedication required to play a Tremere in the global game, coupled with frequent misunderstandings about this Clan, the Cam/Anarch Venue has placed a DST approval restriction on these characters.
Characters with Flaws and Disadvantages involving appearance must costume appropriately to demonstrate this feature (for example, "wings" or "changeling eyes" in the Shining Host venue, or "nosferatu" in the Vampire venue).
Storytellers may not portray a character holding a position of the lead official in a given venue. currently, this means:
Cam/Anarch: Prince
Sabbat: [Pending]
Garou: Sept Alpha
Mage: Node Deacon
Wraith: [Pending]
Changeling: Baron
Hunter: N/A
Before standard characters enter play, the following is required (non-standard characters or characters with non-standard items will be delayed by the approval process) :
1. completed character with some explanatory notes. for example: if you take the flaw 'enemy' describe who and why. if you take 'can't cross running water' have a good reason.
2. concept and motivations ( vampires must explain hunting methods, changelings method of obtaining glamour.)
3. brief history. in many cases, this should include notes on where/why certain items came to be on your sheet.
4. description of residence and any possible defenses or items of importance.
5. anything else you feel is relevant to ensure the smooth flow of game.

Proxy rules: As per 5.1 Prime, with the addition that attempted Proxy-Kills will not be allowed without player consent, unless the player is already incapacitated or somehow unable to defend [Note: When traveling or proxying out of the Domain, a player is reminded they then fall under the Rules of that Domain]. Proxy characters may find themselves in reduced roles, depending on availability of storytellers and players.

Travel risks: the World of Darkness is not a safe place. Vampires are creatures of the city and travel is especially dangerous for their kind. Though Halifax is a port city, recent years have shown signs that something is monitoring Vampiric traffic at times. Wraiths have not had much difficulty since the explosion of 1917 created a maelstrom; however, Spectres recently emerged from the Nihil that remains at the site of the Explosion. After discovering a prominent Anacreon was a Doppleganger, the Hierarchy lost its firm grip on the Necropolis and now most take shelter in the Citadel. Heretics and Renegades do their best to find shelter and hide for the moment. Something is still out there, and a traveler might be the unlucky one to find it. Changeling was plagued by the Black Ships for over a century, and it is only recently that they have returned to the area. Though considered a frontier, travel for Changelings is not overly dangerous. Garou also find little difficulty in traveling, especially given their nature and preferred habitat.

Challenges: Minimal -- Role-playing and drama emphasized over rules and challenges. We may abbreviate challenges (such as in a large combat) by disallowing retests or by disallowing most challenges at all. This will be done only in the interests of speeding up the game and/or enhancing critical role-playing. The domain of Dark Citadel has a policy, which has been agreed on by the general membership, on the preference of narrated mass-combat scenes to contested challenges. In any circumstances where a character's life is on the line, the full rules will be used, regardless of the desire to speed up the game, unless the player waives this clause.

Storyteller Information

Venue Storyteller
Name: Greg Paradis
Title: DST
Address: Private
Telephone: Private
Email: [email protected]
Passed Thespis (y/n): pending

Style: Frequently very player-driven, with important scenes narrated. Players interact socially, many involved in local politics. Plots will allow them to explore their inner selves and investigate mysteries.
Antagonists: The true enemy is usually the self, though refusing to acknowledge this, characters will lash out and become each others' antagonists. Storytellers and players sometimes work together for new characters to fit the story, resulting in less need for NPCs. Finally: often, an unknown factor enters the equation.

Venue Rules:
Drama and narrated scenes take precendence over rules and challenges.
Visiting character & plot policy: Visiting characters should take note of all aspects of this venue sheet. of great importance is the element of mystery. Characters with high level lores will be reminded that such information is not given out freely or frequently; information from lores will frequently be disallowed to enter this Domain. Some plots will not be admitted based on the current situation of the Halifax Domain and the nature of the foreign plot.

Intrigue (politics and negotiation): 4
Action (combat and challenges): 2
Mystery (enigmas and investigation): 4
Drama (ceremony and characterization): 4
Darkness (probability of player character death or corruption): 5

Canadian Links:
CIA factbook on Canada.
Ceremonial Symbols of Canada.
Canadiana, the Canadian resource page.
When to fly the Canadian flag half-mast.

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