Some time in the Past ...
Karl sat on the roof of Duke Tower in downtown Halifax, the Night breeze blowing cold that normally would chill humans indoors. But he and his companion that evening had no worry of the cold. They were already dead.
So, this Ventrue comes in, acting like I did over a year ago. He says he wants this city to be stable. He says He wants us � Children � to continue doing what we are doing without worrying about the Princedom.
He is an elder he says. I believe him.
Getting up and pacing, Karl continues his Monologue at his confidant, who sits and listens.
And I�ll be damned how that Nosferatu of his found ALL my havens ! All of them ! Bastard ! Well .. time to buy that Yacht I have been looking at.
Seeming to agree, his companion indicates he should continue.
So why should I do it ? I have been Prince more often than I have had a shit in the last fifty years. In the short term, I loose Status,Prestige, and the title.
Sitting again, he continues : But What I gain is so much more. Now I am not the Target, the Sabbat can chase this Elder around, and I can go back to doing what I do best. Solving people�s Problems.
What a headache that was .. all those acknowledgments .. used to take half of my night. As well, without hands on approach, I lost touch with the city. Too many Kindred have profited from my ignorance. Now I can go back to selling my services. Like the Time I retrieved those artifacts from the bottom of Oak Island ? Or Freed Christian de la Coix ? Now those were fun times. No Worries about offending people, just working for other people, solving conflicts .. and maintaining the Masquerade.
But why ? Why should I give up ? Can Halifax Survive without me?
At that statement his companion made no remarks� no consoling empathy. Karl Stewed in those thoughts.
Because it is how the system works. Elders rule .. neonates struggle over scraps. The Ventrue said that was the order .. and I knew it. Elders rule for their age brings them wisdom we lack.
BUT, I took him aback when I said
But the Sabbat are conquering North America with Neonates. And you don�t know what it�s like to be one, so how are you going to counter them ? That took him aback ! I then proceeded to advise him that while he studied Halifax, moving into to take it over and �Back into the proper fold of the Camarilla�, Terrorists destroyed the economy of North America for a single day. And while he seduced his next meal � America had reduced Afghanistan to nothing.
Humans move Fast m�lord� and neonates are just as fast. They move, breathe and live the fast pace. Decorum and patience are not known to them. And their tenacity is unbounded. You cannot predict nor counter that, because you cant think like them. Or relate.
Why would I want to? He said. I replied : You keep your enemies close. Knowledge is power, as your resourceful sheriff has proven. They may fear and respect you .. but they will never understand what it is like to be alive for centuries. And you cannot Fathom the actions of Children. So you are at an impasse.
We talked for longer, but I think we both know how Halifax is. We have no middle Grounds. We have our elders returned. Some awoken, others from afar. Our Ancillae are too few to create a lasting bridge.
So let him rot in his throne .. I for one have a life to live.
At that, The ex Prince placed the small skull back into its box, and leapt of the Building, falling some thirty odd floors before the glider kicked in, and he cruised off over the harbor into the moonrise...


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