Influence and Control - the Mortal Dillema

Vampires rarely "control," because such a tactic draws attention. Rather, they "influence," enacting their will not so much by executive decree as by quiet pressure and slow accomodation.
- The Gilded Cage, pp. 5-6.

Kindred with high influence can sway, and in rare cases even control [mortal pawns].
- V:tM Revised Edition p. 132.

Global plots and blatant "control" don't really suit the tone of the revised edition. Massive conspiracies have given way to greater realism [...] it makes the contributions of the mortals in the world irrelevant - which threatens the credibility of the Masquerade as a storytelling concept.
- the Gilded Cage pp. 5-6.

Elders with dupes on strings and Kindred who have completely suborned specific people in power - these are metaphors and no more [...] Indeed, as yet another self-proclaimed "controller" of this, that or the other makes her way onto the scene, the true masters of the Jyhad merely nod and smile, knowing that it's only a matter of time before such a short-sighted creature exposes herself and incurs the wrath of her "pawns," if not a righteous witch-hunter or more discreet Kindred.
- the Gilded Cage p. 6.

The Manus Nigram failed in part because its members forgot that history happens because of many personal drives coming together in unpredictable ways, and individuals ultimately act for their own reasons, for better or worse. On several occasions, the cult even dismissed the idea that those outside the cult had personalities, goals and motives - in short, that they were people. Those who were not of the cult were merely tools.
- LotN:R ST Guide p. 114.

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