These are the records of the Whateley family of Jerusalem, Maine, as gleaned from the Whateley Family Bible. These are dangerous pages, for some knowledge burns in the brain long after the book has been dropped. History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.

Welcome, and share some of the happiness you bring...

Nicodemus Deuteronomy Whateley is the prodigial and prodigal son of the Family. Nicodemus holds a great mastery of necromancy, and died of tuberculosis moments before his embrace into vampirism. One of the few Catholics amongst the Family, he also greatly admires the world outside of Jerusalem, and has been slowly losing ground to his "less civilized" Beast.
Solomon Artemus Whateley was a medical doctor and coroner. Now deceased, Solomon researched intimately the way living and unliving bodies function, and where the lines between life, undeath, and death truly lie.
Basil Leviticus Whateley is a proud lawyer and artist. Basil has been granted the Sight; the ability to see the innermost soul of his subject, and capture it on canvas (Auspex).
Astoreth Revelation Whateley stands as a favoured son of the Church. Astoreth is Solomon's twin brother, but walked a different road. His metaphysical understanding is prodigious.
Jebediah Whateley rests but fitfully. A deceased advisor to Nicodemus, Jebediah is generally quiet and reserved, but is prone to occasional emotional outbursts, occasionally leaving charred corpses.
Nebuchadnezzar Whateley is the deceased 'head of security.' Neb is the perfect guard-hound, with patience, and the ability to watch, and howl if there is danger with the tortured voice of the tombless.

Here you may find brief histories of the Whateley family in its sojourns from the darkest times to the present day. You may find records of births and deaths, and further lives. Names and faces, some too hideous to be seen by human eyes.

Wilhelmina Whateley, born 1804, died 1932, current matriarch of the Whateley family. Embraced by her second husband, Hector Augustus Giovanni, who is now deceased, she holds ominous powers granted her by God and her Blood. She is the first amongst all of the Family, and none supersede her will.
Melanie Whateley-Mac** married recently into the family, becoming a devoted and loving wife to Thedrick. She lives and works with Nicodemus in pursuit of family interests abroad.
The Ferryman, or the Figure in Black, is a mysterious guide and ally who 'serves' the Family's leaders by providing intricate knowledge and alliances in the Underworld. None know his true origins, nor has he ever offered such information. Instead, he quietly assists the Family from behind the scenes, rarely if ever taking direct action.
The Haborym is a spectral right hand to Astoreth's work, a Dark Angel heralding the coming of the Rapture.

A brief timeline of Whateley History:

1346 - Robert Whateley seized fiefdom in Cambrian Mountains of central Wales. Several times, angry mobs were repulsed from his gates. Stories of strange lights and inhuman noises on Samhain and Candlemass.

1528 - Giovanni Clan promise the Camarilla they'll stay out of kindred politics.

1642 - Rise of Oliver Cromwell and the Lord Protector's New Model Army. Whateleys fled to the New World aboard ship, ancestral fortress put to the torch.

1692 - Whateley Clan leaves Salem Massachusetts. Some move to Dunwich, others go to Maine and found the village of Jerusalem.

1804 - Wilhelmina Whateley, the current matriarch, born in Jerusalem.

1928 - The Dunwich Horror.

1932 -Hector Augustus Giovanni marries Wilhelmina Whateley (who appears to be roughly fifty years of age), becoming Hector Augustus Giovanni-Whateley, and the Clan "absorbs" the Whateley line. Vampirism spreads swiftly through the ranks of the Family.

ST Whateley Questions - and the answers.

[what is the current state of Hector Giovanni?]
Great Uncle Hector is deceased, and great-grandmama is a widow. On the other hand, there's been vague references that he still has his thumb in the pie, so to speak, so he's still active somehow, even if he is living in a bottle, or acts as a coatrack in the shadow-mansion.

[what's the story on Solomon's children (i only vaguely remember how he had children, and remember something unnatural about their growth rate i think)?]>
Solomon had two kids (well, Solomon's WIFE had two kids). Lucifer takes after his father (not Solomon) and is the one who grew and developed swiftly - passing greadeschool within six months and entering seminary after about a year (? more or less). Thedrick was dead at birth, although weighing around 100 lbs at the time. He's since gotten up, but still looks and weighs the same; like a nine or ten year old.

[who is the Whateley that MeLaNIE married?]
She married Thedrick, Solomon's "other" son. As mentioned, Thedrick's dead. Not a vampire, necessarily, not risen, necessarily. Just dead. And walking.

[do we want to assign a generation to Mother, or leave it vague?]
She's been set at eighth for a while now, and she's the lowest generation in the family (except for dead uncle Hector August Giovanni). That limits the rest of us, as well as the run of possible power abuse.

[ooc:jason cam#9933-033]
andrew 9933054

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