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 I love reading fantasy books. Sword and sorcery, Dragons and Heroes, Damsels in distress, all that type of thing. My favourite author is David And Leigh Eddings, Particularly The Belgariad and The Mallorean series I have below. If you click on to the cover art it will take you to Amazon so you may purchase and enjoy. 

The Belgariad

Pawn of Prophecy
The story begins in Aunt Pol's kitchen at Faldor's farm where Garion is being raised. The main theme of the books is about how it is to grow up and to break up with one's old life. From his safe life at the farm, Garion is being thrown into a new life controlled by a thousand of years old prophecy - the prophecy of his and the world's destiny...


Queen of Sorcery
Garion starts to realize his own role in the world. He's playing a much more significant role than he could ever imagine - the fate of the world lies in his hands...


Magician's Gambit
Ce'Nedra has problems believing that the prophecy speaks of the truth. Is Uncle Wolf really the legendary sorcerer Belgarath and who is Garion? A simple country boy on a dangerous journey? Garion and Ce'Nedra start to realize that their purpose for the world is far more complex than they first believed.


Castle of Wizardry
The orb is recaptured but more remains. Ce'Nedra's task is even greater than she can imagine. A great war is approaching and in the center is Garion and Ce'Nedra. A princess and a country boy?


Enchanter's End Game
The moment of the prophecy is quickly approaching and Garion has to reach Cthol Mishrak in time to fight the evil one eyed god - Torak. Ce'Nedra has become the leader of an army, that has to prevail at all costs.


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The Mallorean

Guardians of the West
Garion has now fulfilled his task (or so he thinks) and has slain Torak. Garion and Ce'Nedra are now king and queen of Riva and the world seems to be in order again. But they don't get much time for relief. Something new and unknown is afoot and Garion and Ce'Nedra's son is kidnapped. A new adventure lies in front of them...


King of the Murgos
The kidnapper has been traced down to Nyissa and Garion and Ce'Nedra are chasing her all the way to lands of the Murgos. The Dark Prophecy didn't vanish when Garion slew Torak, instead it took control of a Grolim - Zandramas. Who plans to use the child in rite to ensure the Triumph of the Dark Prophecy. In the despair Garion and Ce'Nedra finds new alliances and the hope still remains...


Demon Lord of Karanda
Garion's enemy, Zakath of Mallorea, holds them captives. As the chances of finding Zandramas are getting smaller Garion sees that Zakath is far more civilized man than he thought. But Zakath refuses to let them go and the only key to where the final Event will occur is Cyradis, a seeress from Kell...


Sorceress of Darshiva
Zandramas is still one step ahead and she has more than Garion and his furious wife to worry about. In order to succeed her task she has to be at the Place Which is No More before the king of Riva. Although she has great forces at her disposal Garion and his wife still threaten her in their endless pursuit.


The Seeress of Kell
The final event is getting closer and Garion still has no clue where the Place Which is No More is located. The only person who can tell that is Cyradis, the seeress from Kell. In order to find out where the place of the event is, Zandramas uses her black magic to force that knowledge from one person of Garion's party. Although the long odds are on Zandramas' side, Garion will never give up his son. No matter what happens...


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The Prequels

Belgarath the Sorcerer
Throughout his 7000 year long life, Belgarath has beheld Events and things no other man has seen. This is Belgarath's own story about the world, from his own birth to the birth of Garion. An enthralling story about the Belgariad/Malloreon world


Polgara the Sorceress
Polgara is not as old as Belgarath but in this book we see her own story. A story that is quite different from Belgarath's. This book reveals the answers to some of the questions about Polgara that one might have. For example, what happened during the years when she lived in Vo Wacune?


The Rivan Codex
The Rivan Codex is not an ordinary Eddings book, it's a summary of the Events that have occurred and additional information on the history, gods, people of the Belgariad/Malloreon world. It's quite like J.R.R.Tolkien's Silmarillion. If you love Eddings' books, this is a must-have.


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