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Remember It All

Remember it all,
Every laugh,
Every tear,
Every time someone breaks your heart.
Remember them all,
The ones who hated you,
The ones who lied to you,
The ones who tore you apart
But remember the ones who love you
Always count the most.
They�ll never hurt or cause you pain.
They treat your feelings like porcelain,
And guard you like you are priceless.
For you are,
There is no price on you,
Or on a love this strong
For without you,
Someone would be lost.
A single leaf in an autumn breeze.
Or a snow flake in the month of May.
And without you a heart would be broken,
Like crystal,
Dropped on a concrete ground.
You�re gone,
Like a whisper in a crowded room.
No one hears you... but no one forgets.
A Thousand Years

They say love lasts forever.
Some say forever and a day.
Aphrodite looked for eternal love,
she looked in every way.
Aries loved her, he always would.
His feeling he could not express.
Searched for the way to express them best.

She fell in love with another man.
Now Aries has a different plan.

His love will last forever,
but her life will not.
He couldn't tell her how he felt.
About him she forgot.

Aries bought a .45
Like in desert storm, you see.
Loaded it with just one shot,
should be all he needs.
Leaves the house at quarter to.
Locked the windows and doors.

His train leaves at 12:15.
Won't be coming back no more.

His love will live forever,
btu she has to die.
Aprhodite crumpled to the floor,
all she did was make him cry.

A thousand years, a lifetime
A thousand years of pleasant tears,
A thousand year of pointless pain.
A thousand years then it disappears
Joe: Hey goes it?...well i put u on here first because u weren't on my other!
Yer great dude...especially now that you talk to me!..and..yer the greatest football player ever ..haha...have a good one!
Amanda: Hey hunnie, wats up? you owe me one dudette....holy crap do u ever!...u kno wat i am talking about times good times. ttyl
Kelso: Hey kels, this is like me third website! * screams/sings "I'D DO ANYTHING"* was so funny!
Shane: Hey dude...wats up? well...yer a great hockey player..but u need to stop getting hurt....not that u do it in purpose..but yea..u get NEW JERSEY IS TAKIN THE CUP!!!! ....HELL ur words ..peace
Kurtis: Hey get the pretty purple writing....FEEL PROUD!!!!! spike red one spike blue lol...ahahaha. we are freaks anonymous....i'm angela, she's kelso, he's kurtis!...omg...Billy or Justin? many not the sharpest spike on the bracelet....have a good one dude.
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