Harry Potter News
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   ~Finally in French~
Finally!  The book you've all been waiting for, the new Harry Potter book!  (Gasp!  The 6th book's out already?)  No, It's not the 6th book, it's the 5th book!  Hey, don't "Boooooo" me yet.  Cuz this is good news for the French.  "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" was finally out in French, 6 months after the UK version came out. 

The French people wanted to read this book so much that the English version became the only English book ever to top the best-seller list there.
~Role Rumores~
Someone has e-mailed me for the zillionth thime that the part of Professor Trelawney has been taken, telling me to change the page Fame part 3. Well, you know what...I'm not gonna!!  (Grins evily.)  About that EMMA CHAMBERS, she WILL NOT BE PROFESSOR TRELAWNEY!!! 

Studio insiders have said that scenes involving professor Trelawney won't be shot for a several months, and that no one has taken the part yet.  (Ha!)

Also, rumores have been flying that actress Anne Robinson will be nosey journalist, Rita Skeeter.  That's not confirmed yet though.
Anne Robinson
Emma Chambers
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