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1 It was almost 6:30 by the time we left my house Saturday evening. We stopped at Burger King to grab a bite to eat. We arrived at the Hollow as it was getting dark. There was barely enough light to see our surroundings. We began by driving around the dirt roads that snake their way through Rehmeyer's Hollow, looking for a good place to set up our tent (and anything unusual). The first "unusual" thing that happened was when I parked my car on one of the little one lane bridges and yelled "come to me" three times. (I read on the internet about a place where if you turn your car off and yell come to me 3 times a ghost will appear and your car will not start until morning. This has nothing to do with Rehmeyer's Hollow, but we thought hey, if it works there it might work here too) Well, we didn't see anything out of the ordinary but all three of us thought we heard a womans voice! Then we thought we heard men talking. (wierd). I'm sure it was just the sound of the water below us playing tricks on our over active imagination. My partners weren't so sure about my explanation. We started the car (no problem) and drove off. We finally chose to camp up a little hill on a trail that appeared to be a driveway at one time. There was an area that may have been a house, then the trail went around behind the house and eventually up a rather steep incline. We carried our supplies up the hill and set up on the trail behind the house. We couldn't carry everything in one trip, so we all went back down to get the rest of our stuff. On our second trip up the trail to our campsite, our flashlights were drawn to the left of the trail to a row of trees. We couldn't believe our eyes when we saw a noose hanging on one of the branches! It was a little unnerving, especially since our tent was relatively nearby. Mike and Dust theorized that the noose wasn't there on previous trips past it, but it looked to me like it was hanging there for quite sometime. We finished unloading our things, then moved the car to a less-conspicuous location. At this point we decided to go on our walk. We walked up the steep trail directly behind our tent, then walked further into the hollow. We took a trail that led to the stream but it got too muddy so we turned back to the road. All in all our walk was pretty uneventful. About three times we heard high pitched squeeking sounds that we assumed were bats. By the time we made it back to our tent it was nearing 12:00. while standing around our tent we heard a really strange squealing sound off in the distance. We have no explanation for that. We got the tent organized and were settled in by 12:00. We then conducted a seance. Nothing happened, or so we thought. We didn't hear anything at the time of the seance but a couple days later, Dust listened to the tape and heard something pretty freaky. After asking "who are you?" there was silence for a few seconds then you can hear a female voice. It appears to be saying "Mary". Click here to listen to a sound clip of the mysterious voice. We have no idea who Mary could be. Eventually we got to sleep. We were awakened at 1:48 by the sounds of people talking. (actually I was awakened by Dust shaking me and telling me there were people outside) The voices were getting pretty loud and we thought they might come up to our tent, but after a couple minutes, they got into a car and took off. Around 4:00 there was a Great-horned Owl near our tent hooting it's head off. I thought it was never going to stop. Sooner or later we managed to go back to sleep despite the owls best efforts to drive us insane with it's incessant hooting. About an hour later we were awakened again, this time by the wierdest sound I think I have ever heard. The sound is best described as a blood curdling scream. (which is bad enough in itself, but when you factor in night time, woods, and Rehmeyer's Hollow, it was downright creepy) I have decided that the screaming sound was caused by a barn owl. Click here to listen to the sound. (Dust and Mike aren't buying the bird explanation). After the screaming stopped, we managed to get a little more sleep. When morning arrived we packed up our things and left Rehmeyer's Hollow. I was uncomfortable because of the rocks that our tent was on, we heard people talking, owls hooting, something making a screaming sound, and to top it all off I had a headache. But hey, I think we all had a good time and a memorable experience to boot. Was that our last trip Hex Hollow? Maybe. That depends on if we are once again summoned by the Witch of Rehmeyer's Hollow.

Here is a picture of the campsite in the morning. There is something very unusual about this picture (a misty apparition). Is this a camera flaw, adverse weather conditions or something supernatural? Click here and judge for yourself

Our first visit to Hex Hollow (just me and Dust)

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