OK. I was going to tell you about this abandoned house we have checked out on two occasions and post pictures. unfortunately, I have no idea what I did with the pictures and have forgotten much of our trips to the house.

The last time we visited the house, we wanted to test our mettle so we planted colored flags in each room and the basement. The idea was to watch a spooky movie in the attic and then take turns walking through the house collecting flags while the others waited in the attic. We watched The exorcist in the attic and while playing a tape of Linda Blair screaming obscenities, Dust took the first turn walking through the house with the camcorder grabbing flags as he went. Logan and I waited patiently as Dust disappeared down the stairs. Imagine our surprise when a couple minutes later we heard him yell and come running back up. He was saying something about something grabbing his shoulder as he was on the first floor and on his way back up. The freakiest part was that I could have swore I heard footsteps behind him as he came up the attic stairs. Needless to say, Logan and I skipped our turns and we made our way out of the house!

Stay tuned, some new friends want to check out the house with us so we are planning on making a return visit sometime in 2005.

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