The LOTR Movie Script Part One

The Prophecy

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Han mathon ne nen
Han mathon ne chae
A han nostron ned wilith

The world has changed
I feel it in the water
I feel it in the earth
I smell it in the air
Much that one was, is lost
For none now live who remember it.

It began with the forging of the great rings.
Three were given to the Elves:
Immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings.
Seven to the dwarf lords:
Great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls.
And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of men who, above all else, desire power.
For within these rings was bound the will and power to govern each race.
But they were, all of them, deceived; for another ring was made.

In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged, in secret, a master ring.
And into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life.

One ring to rule them all.

One by one, the free lands of Middle-earth fell to the power of the ring.
But there were some who resisted.

A Last Alliance of Men and Elves marched against the armies of Mordor.
And on the slopes of Mount Doom they fought for the freedom of Middle-earth.

Elrond: Tangado haid! Hado i philinn! (Hold positions! Fire the arrows!)

Victory was near, but the power of the Ring could not be undone.
(Sauron appears and wreaks havoc) It was in this moment, when all hope had faded, that Isildur, son of the King, took up his father's sword.
Sauron, the enemy of the free peoples of Middle-earth, was defeated.
The ring passed to Isildur, who had this one chance to destroy evil forever.
But the hearts of men are easily corrupted, and the ring of power has a will of its own.
It betrayed Isildur to his death
And some things that should not have been forgotten, were lost.

History became legend, legend became myth,
and for two-and-a-half thousand years, the Ring passed out of all knowledge.
Until, when chance came, it ensnared a new bearer.

The ring came to the creature Gollum, who took it deep into the tunnels of the Misty mountains.
And there, it consumed him.

Gollum : It came to me, my own, my precious...

The ring brought to Gollum unnatural long life.
For five hundred years, it poisoned his mind.
And in the gloom of Gollum's cave, it waited.

Darkness crept back into the forests of the world.
Rumor grew of a shadow in the East, whispers of a nameless fear.
And the Ring of power perceived: its time had now come.

It abandoned Gollum.
But something happened then, the ring did not intend.
It was picked up by the most unlikely creature imaginable:

Bilbo : What's this?

A hobbit, Bilbo Baggins of the Shire.
Bilbo : A ring?

For the time will soon come when hobbits will shape the fortunes of all...

The Shire, 60 years later

Frodo: You're late!
Gandalf: A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
Frodo: It's wonderful to see you Gandalf!
Gandalf: You didn't think I'd miss your Uncle Bilbo's Birthday?
Frodo: What news of the outside world - tell me everything!
Gandalf: Everything? You are eager and curious for a hobbit - most unnatural. Well, what can I tell you. Life in the wide world goes on much as it has this past age, full of it's own comings and goings. Scarcely aware of the existence of hobbits, for which I am very thankful.
Gandalf: Oh, a long-expected party. So how is the old rascal. I hear it's going to be a party of special magnificence.
Frodo: You know Bilbo - he's got the whole place in an uproar.
Gandalf: Oh well, that should please him.
Frodo: Half the Shire has been invited.
Gandalf: Good gracious.
Frodo: He's up to something.
Gandalf: Really? Mmmm...
Frodo: Alright then, keep your secrets. Before you came along, we Bagginses were very well thought of.
Gandalf: Indeed.
Frodo: We never had any adventures or did anything unexpected.
Gandalf: If you're referring to the incident with the dragon, I was barely involved. All I did was give your Uncle a little nudge out of the door.
Frodo: Whatever you did, you've been officially labelled a disturber of the peace.
Children: Gandalf, Gandalf... fireworks...
Frodo: Gandalf, I'm glad you're back.
Gandalf: So am I dear boy, so am I.

Bilbo: No thank you. We don't want any more visitors, well-wishers or distant relations.
Gandalf: And what about very old friends?
Bilbo: Gandalf?
Gandalf: Bilbo Baggins.
Bilbo: My dear Gandalf!
Gandalf: Good to see you - one hundred and eleven years old, I wouldn't believe it. You haven't aged a day.
Bilbo: Come on, come in. Welcome, welcome. Tea? Or maybe something a little stronger? I've got a few bottles of the Old Winyards left. 1296 - very good year. Almost as old as I am, it was laid down by my father. What say we open one, eh?
Gandalf: Just tea, thank you.
Bilbo: ...expecting you last week...not that it matters, you come and go as you please... You've caught me a bit unprepared, I'm afraid... I could make you some eggs if you'd like. Gandalf?
Gandalf: Just tea, thank you...
Bilbo: Ah, right. You don't mind if I do?
Gandalf: No, no, go right ahead...
Lobelia: Bilbo, Bilbo Baggins!
Bilbo: I'm not at home I've got to get away from these confounded relatives, hanging on the bell all day, never giving me a moments peace. I want to see mountains again, mountains, Gandalf. And then find somewhere quiet, where I can finish my book. Oh tea...
Gandalf: So you mean to go through with your plan then?
Bilbo: Yes, yes, it's all in hand. All the arrangements are made.
Gandalf: Frodo suspects something...
Bilbo: Course he does, he's a Baggins, not some blockheaded Bracegirdle from Hardbottle.
Gandalf: You will tell him, won't you?
Bilbo: Yes, yes
Gandalf: He's very fond of you...
Bilbo: I know, he'd probably come with me if I asked him. I think in his heart, Frodo's still in love with the Shire, the woods, the fields, little rivers... I'm old Gandalf. I know don't look it, but I'm beginning to feel it in my heart. I feel...thin, sort of...stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday, a very long holiday, and I don't expect I shall return. In fact, I mean not to�

Outside Bag End, before the party, Bilbo and Gandalf smoke some pipeweed.

Bilbo : Old Toby, the finest weed in the Southfarthing. Gandalf, my old friend, this will be a night to remember!

The Long Expected Party

Frodo: Go on, Sam - ask Rosie for a dance!
Sam: I think I'll just have another ale
Frodo: Oh no, you don't... Go on...

Bilbo shares his adventures with some young hobbit children.

Bilbo: So there I was, at the mercy of three monstrous trolls, and they're all arguing amoungst themselves about how they were going to cook us, whether we'd be turned on a spit, or whether they should sit on us one by one and squash us into jelly But they spent so much time arguing the whether-tos and why-fors that the sun's first light crept over the top of the trees - poof - and turned them all into stone.

Merry and Pippin steal fireworks from Gandalf�s cart.

Merry: Quickly�No, no, the big one, big one...
Pippin: Done
Merry: You're supposed to stick it in the ground
Pippin: It is in the ground!
Merry: Outside!
Pippin: This was your idea
Frodo: Bilbo. Bilbo, watch out for the dragon
Bilbo: Dragon? Nonsense, there hasn't been a dragon in these parts for a thousand years...
Pippin : That was good.
Merry : Let�s get another one
Gandalf: Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took. I might have known

Various: Speech, Bilbo... Speech, speech
Bilbo: My dear Bagginses and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks, Grubbs, Chubbs, Hornblowers, Bolgers, Bracegirdles, and Proudfoots...
Everard Proudfoot: ProudFEET!
Bilbo: Today is my one-hundred and eleventieth birthday.
Various: Happy Birthday!
Bilbo: Alas eleventy-one years is far too short a time to live amoung such excellent and admirable hobbits. I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. I, uh..., I... have things to do... I've put this off for far too long I regret to announce, this is the end. I'm going now - I bid you all a very fond farewell. Goodbye.

Bilbo enters Bag End, takes the Ring off his finger and Gandalf appears behind him.

Gandalf: I suppose you think that was terribly clever...
Bilbo: Come on, Gandalf, did you see their faces!
Gandalf: There are many magic rings in this world, Bilbo Baggins, and NONE of them should be used lightly.
Bilbo: It was just a bit of fun. Oh you're probably right, as usual You will keep and eye on Frodo, won't you?
Gandalf: Two eyes, as often as I can spare them...
Bilbo: I'm leaving everything to him.
Gandalf: What about this ring of yours, is that staying too?
Bilbo: Yes, yes, it's in an envelope over there on the mantlepiece No, wait... it's here in my pocket... Isn't that, isn't that odd... After all, why not, why shouldn't I keep it...
Gandalf: I think you should leave the ring behind, Bilbo. Is that so hard?
Bilbo: Well, no... and yes Now it comes to it, I don't feel like parting with it. It's mine, I found it, it came to me!
Gandalf: There's no need to get angry...
Bilbo: Well, if I'm angry, it's your fault! It's mine, my own, my precious
Gandalf: Precious? It's been called that before, but not by you...
Bilbo: Argh! What business is it of yours what I do with my own things?
Gandalf: I think you have had that ring quite long enough.
Bilbo: You want it for yourself!
Gandalf: Bilbo Baggins!!! Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks!! I am NOT trying to rob you... I'm trying to help you.
Bilbo: *whimper* Gandalf: All your long years, we've been friends, Trust me, as you once did, mmm - let it go...
Bilbo: You're right Gandalf... The ring must go to Frodo. It's late, the road is long. Yes, it is time...
Gandalf: Bilbo...
Bilbo: Hmm?
Gandalf: The ring is still in your pocket...
Bilbo: Oh, yes... I've thought up an ending for my book: And he lived happily ever after, to the end of his days.
Gandalf: And I'm sure you will, my dear friend.
Bilbo: Good-bye, Gandalf.
Gandalf: Good-bye, dear Bilbo.
Bilbo: (singing) The road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began...
Gandalf: ...Until our next meeting

Gandalf is sitting near the fire.

Bilbo's voice: It's mine, my own, my precious
Gandalf: Riddles in the dark...

Frodo gets in.

Frodo: Bilbo, Bilbo...
Gandalf: My precious
Frodo: He's gone, hasn't he. He talked for so long about leaving, I didn't think he'd really do it. Gandalf?
Gandalf: Hmm..., Bilbo's ring... He's gone to stay with the elves. He's left you Bag End, along with all his possessions. The ring is yours now. Put it somewhere out of sight.
Frodo: Where are you going?
Gandalf: There are some things that I must see to...
Frodo: What things?
Gandalf: Questions, questions that need answering.
Frodo: You've only just arrived. I don't understand...
Gandalf: Neither do I. Keep it secret, keep it safe.

We hear Gollum getting tortured and see the nine Nazgul leave Minas Morgul.

Gollum: Shire, Baggins!

Gandalf rides to Minas Tirith to find out more about the Ring.

Gandalf reads: The year 3434 of the Second Age,
Here follows the account of Isildur, High King of Gondor,
and the finding of the Ring of Power.
It has come to me, the one Ring.
It shall be an heirloom of my kingdom.
All those who follow in my bloodline shall be bound to it's fate, For I will risk no hurt to the Ring...
It is... precious to me, though I buy it with great pain
The markings upon the band begin to fade.
The writing, which at first was as clear as red flame, has all but disappeared. A secret now that only fire can tell.

Black Rider: Shire...? Baggins...?
Farmer Maggot: There's no Bagginses here. They're all up in Hobbiton. That way.

Rosie: Goodnight...
Frodo: Goodnight, Sam...
Gandalf: Is it secret? Is it safe?
Frodo: Ahh...

Gandalf throws the envelope with the Ring into the fire.

What are you doing?
Gandalf: Hold out your hand, Frodo. It's quite cool...

Gandalf puts the Ring in Frodo�s hand.

What can you see? Can you see anything...
Frodo: Nothing, there's nothing... Wait... There are markings. It's some form of Elvish. I can't read it.
Gandalf: There are few who can... The language is that of Mordor, which I will not utter here.
Frodo: Mordor?
Gandalf: In the common tongue it says:

One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them.
One Ring to bring them all,
and in the darkness bind them!

Gandalf: This is the One Ring. Forged by the Dark Lord Sauron in the fires of Mount Doom. Taken by Isildur from the hand of Sauron himself.
Frodo: Bilbo found it... in Gollum's cave...
Gandalf: For sixty years, the ring lay quiet in Bilbo's keeping, prolonging his life, delaying old age, but no longer Frodo. Evil is stirring in Mordor. The ring has awoken. It's heard it's master's call.
Frodo: But he was destroyed, Sauron was destroyed...
The Ring: (whispers)
Gandalf: No, Frodo, the spirit of Sauron endured. His life force is bound to the ring and the ring survived. Sauron has returned. His orcs have multiplied. His fortress of Barad-D�r has been rebuilt, in the land of Mordor. Sauron needs only this ring to cover all the lands of a second darkness... He is seeking it, seeking it; all his thought is bent on it. The ring yearns, above all else, to return to the hand of it's master. They are one, the Ring and the Dark Lord. Frodo, he must never find it...
Frodo: Alright, we put it away. We keep it hidden. We never speak of it again... No one knows its here, do they? Do they, Gandalf?
Gandalf: There is one other who knew that Bilbo had the ring... I looked everywhere for the creature Gollum, but the Enemy found him first... I don't know how long they tortured him, but amidst the endless screams and and inane babble they discerned two words... Gollum: Shire... Baggins...
Frodo: Shire? Baggins? But that will lead them here... Take it Gandalf, take it! You must take it!
Gandalf: You cannot offer me this Ring...
Frodo: I am giving it to you!
Gandalf: Don't... tempt me, Frodo! I dare not take it. Not even to keep it safe. Understand, Frodo, I would use this ring from a desire to do good, but through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.
Frodo: But it cannot stay in the Shire.
Gandalf: No... no, it can't.
Frodo: What must I do?
Gandalf: You must leave and leave quickly.
Frodo: Where? Where do I go?
Gandalf: Get out of the Shire... Head for the village of Bree.
Frodo: Bree. What about you...?
Gandalf: I'll be waiting there, at the Inn of the Prancing Pony.
Frodo: The ring will be safe there?
Gandalf: I don't know. I don't have any answers, Frodo. I must see the head of my order. He is both wise and powerful. Trust me, Frodo, he will know what to do. Travel only by day... and stay off the road.
Frodo: I can cut across country easily enough...
Gandalf: My dear Frodo. Hobbits really are amazing creatures. You can learn all that there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet, after a hundred years, they can still surprise you... Get Down!

Gandalf pulls Sam though the window inside.

Confound it all, Samwise Gamgee! Have you been eavesdropping?
Sam: I ain't been droppin' no eaves, sir, honest. I was just cuttin' the grass under the window there, if you follow me...
Gandalf: A little late for trimming the verge, don't you think?
Sam: I heard raised voices...
Gandalf: What did you hear? Speak!
Sam: Well, nothin' important... that is, I heard a good deal about a Ring and a Dark Lord and somethin' about the end of the world... But, please, Mr. Gandalf sir, don't hurt me... don't turn me into anythin'... unnatural!
Gandalf: No? Perhaps not... I've thought of a better use for you�

Crossing the fields

Gandalf: Come along, Samwise. Keep up... Be careful, both of you. The enemy has many spies in his service. Birds, beasts... Is it safe? Never put it on, for the agents of the Dark Lord will be drawn to it's power. Always remember, Frodo, the Ring is trying to get back to it's master - it wants to be found.

Sam: This is it...
Frodo: This is what?
Sam: If I take one more step, it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been.
Frodo: Come on Sam... Remember what Bilbo used to say: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out�
Bilbo: It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to...


Saruman: Smoke rises from the Mountain of Doom. The hour grows late and Gandalf the Grey rides to Isengard, seeking my counsel. For that is why you have come, is it not, my old friend?
Gandalf: Saruman...

Saruman: ...You are sure of this?
Gandalf: Beyond any doubt!
Saruman: So the Ring of Power has been found...
Gandalf: All these long years it was in the Shire, under my very nose.
Saruman: And yet you did not have the wit to see it. Your love of the halfling's leaf has clearly slowed you mind...
Gandalf: But we still have time, time enough to counter Sauron, if we move quickly...
Saruman: Time? What time do you think we have? Sauron has regained much of his former strength. He cannot yet take physical form, but his spirit has lost none of it potency. Concealed within his fortress, the Lord of Mordor sees all... His gaze pierces clouds, shadow, earth and... flesh. You know of what I speak, Gandalf. A great eye, lidless, wreathed in flame...
Gandalf: The Eye of Sauron...
Saruman: He is gathering all evil to him. Very soon he will have summoned an army great enough to launch an assault on Middle-Earth.
Gandalf: You know this? How?
Saruman: I have seen it...
Gandalf: A palantir is a dangerous tool, Saruman.
Saruman: Why? Why should we fear to use them?
Gandalf: They are not all accounted for, the lost seeing-stones. We do not know who else may be watching...
Saruman: The hour is later than you think - Sauron's forces are already moving. The nine have left Minas Morgul.
Gandalf: The Nine?
Saruman: They crossed the River Isen on Midsummer's Eve, disguised as Riders in Black.
Gandalf: They've reached the Shire!
Saruman: They will find the Ring, and KILL the one who carries it!
Gandalf: Frodo!
Saruman: You did not seriously think that a hobbit could contend with the will of Sauron. There are none who can. Against the power of Mordor, there can be no victory. We must join with him, Gandalf. We must join with Sauron. It would be wise, my friend...
Gandalf: Tell me, 'friend', when did Saruman the Wise abandon reason for MADNESS !
Saruman: I gave you the chance of aiding me willingly, but you... have... elected the way of ... PAIN !!

Crossing the fields�

Sam: Mr. Frodo? Frodo?? Frodo!! I thought I'd lost you...
Frodo: What are you talking about?
Sam: It's just somethin' that Gandalf said...
Frodo: What did he say?
Sam: Don't you lose him, Samwise Gamgee, and I don't mean to.
Frodo: Sam, we're still in the Shire - what could possibly happen...

Merry and Pippin appear from the corn and run right into Sam and Frodo, knocking them down.

Pippin: Frodo! Merry, it's Frodo Baggins!
Merry: Hullo, Frodo!
Sam: Get off him... What's the meaning of this?
Pippin: Hold these

Pippin puts some vegetables in Sam�s arms.

Sam: You've been into Farmer Maggot's crops...
Merry: I don't know why he's so upset, it was only a couple of carrots�
Pippin: ...and some cabbages ...and those three bags of potatoes that we lifted last week ...and then the mushrooms the week before.
Merry: Yes, Pippin, my point is, he's clearly over-reacting.

They arrive at the edge of a cliff and all hold still until Sam runs into them and knocks them down the hill.

Pippin: Ooh, that was close...
Merry: I think I've broken something�
Sam: Trust a Brandybuck and a Took!
Merry: What? That was just a detour, a shortcut...
Sam: A shortcut to what?
Pippin: Mushrooms!
Frodo: I think we should get off the road... Get off the road! Quick!

They hide beneath some tree roots and the Black Rider stands over them, smelling them. Frodo wants to put the Ring on but Sam stops him. Merry throws one of the bags filled with vegetables into the bushes and the Nazgul races after it.

Merry: What was that?
Sam: Anything?
Frodo: Nothing...
Pippin: What is going on?
Merry: That Black Rider was looking for something... or someone... Frodo?
Pippin: Get down!
Frodo: I must leave the Shire Sam and I must get to Bree.
Merry: Bree�Right, Bucklebury Ferry - follow me...

The hobbits run away from one of the Black Rider, which is chasing them through the woods. Three of them make it fast to the ferry but Frodo is slower and is nearly grabbed by the Rider.

Pippin: Get the ropes, Sam!
Sam: Frodo! Run Frodo! Frodo!
Pippin: Frodo!

Frodo jumps and lands on the ferry. The Nazgul screams and joins two other Riders. Together they ride away.

Frodo: How far to the nearest crossing?
Merry: Brandywine Bridge, 20 miles.

The hobbits arrive at the gates of Bree.

Frodo: Come on.�
Gatekeeper: What do you want?
Frodo: We�re heading for the Prancing Pony...
Gatekeeper: Hobbits, four hobbits. What business brings you to Bree?
Frodo: We wish to stay at the Inn. Our business is our own.
Gatekeeper: Alright, young sir, I meant no offense. It's my job to ask questions after nightfall. There's talk of strange folk abroad. Can't be too careful...

They walk through the streets of Bree and finally arrive at the Inn.

Frodo: Excuse me...
Butterbur: Good evening, little masters! If you're seekin' accomodation, we've got some nice cozy hobbit-sized rooms available, Mr. ...?
Frodo: Underhill. My name's Underhill.
Butterbur: Underhill? Hmm...
Frodo: We're friends of Gandalf the Grey. Can you tell him we've arrived?
Butterbur: Gandalf? Gandalf? Oh yes, I remember - elderly chap, big grey beard, pointy hat! Not seen him for six months...
Sam: What do we do now?
Frodo: Sam, he'll be here, he'll come...

The hobbits take place at a table to eat and drink.

Pippin: What's that?!
Merry: This, my friend, is a pint!
Pippin: It comes in pints?! I'm getting one!
Sam: You've had a whole half already!

Pippin heads towards the bar to get himself a pint.

Sam: That fellow's done nothin' but stare at you since we arrived.
Frodo: Excuse me? That man in the corner - who is he?
Butterbur: He's one of them Rangers, dangerous folk they are, wanderin' the wilds. What his right name is I've never 'eard, but 'round here he's known as 'Strider��
Frodo: Strider...
Ring: Baggins�Baggins�Baggins!
Pippin: Baggins? Sure I know a Baggins - he's over there. Frodo Baggins. He's my second cousin once removed on his mother's side, and my third cousin twice removed on his father's side, if you follow me...

Frodo jumpes up to make Pippin stop talking.

Pippin: Steady on, Frodo...

Frodo slips on the wet floor, loses his balance and while he falls the Ring slips on his finger. He disappears. He enters the World of Sauron and sees the Eye. He hides in a quiet corner of the Inn and takes the Ring off. In the distance the Nazgul cry�

Strider: You draw far too much attention to yourself, Mr. 'Underhill'.

Strider pushes Frodo up the stairs to his own room

Frodo: What do you want?
Strider: A little more caution from you... That is no trinket you carry.
Frodo: I carry nothing.
Strider: Indeed. I can avoid being seen if I wish, but to disappear entirely, that is a rare gift.
Frodo: Who are you?

Strider: Are you frightened?
Frodo: Yes.
Strider: Not nearly frightened enough - I know what hunts you.

The other hobbits get inside.

Sam: Let him go, or I'll have you, Longshanks!
Strider: You have a stout heart, little hobbit, but that will not save you. You can no longer wait for the wizard, Frodo. They're coming.

The Black Riders crash down the gate towards Bree and ride through the streets. They enter the hobbits� room and attack them with their blades. When they pull the blankets back however there are only feathers and torn cushions. The real hobbits are in Strider�s room but they wake up by the Wraiths� screams.

Frodo: What are they?
Strider: They were once men, great kings of men. Then Sauron the Deceiver gave to them Nine Rings of Power. Blinded by their greed they took them without question, one by one falling to darkness. And now they are slaves to his will. They are the Nazg�l, Ringwraiths, neither living nor dead. At all times they feel the presence of the Ring, drawn to the power of the One.They will never stop hunting you...

The hobbits and Strider leave Bree by morning.

Frodo: Where are you taking us?
Strider: Into the wild...
Merry: How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf?
Frodo: We have no choice but to trust him...
Sam: But where is he leadin' us?
Strider: To Rivendell, Master Gamgee. To the House of Elrond.
Sam: Do you hear that? Rivendell! We're goin' to see the Elves!
Strider: Gentlemen, we do not stop till nightfall.
Pippin: What about breakfast?
Strider: You've already had it.
Pippin: We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?
Merry: I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip.
Pippin: But what about elevensies? Luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?
Merry: I wouldn't count on it...

Strider throws some apples at them.

Merry: Pippin!

Scene : Orthanc

Saruman: The Power of Isengard is at your command, Sauron, Lord of the Earth.
Sauron: Build me an army worthy of Mordor�
Orc: What orders from Mordor, my Lord? What does the Eye command?
Saruman: We have work to do...

Outside in Isengard, the Orcs are taking the trees down. On top of Orthanc Gandalf awakes in the pouring rain.

Orc: The trees are strong my Lord. Their roots go deep...
Saruman: Rip them all down!

Scene : Weathertop

Strider: This was the great watchtower of Amon S�l; We shall rest here tonight..

Strider gives the hobbits swords.

Strider: These are for you; keep them close. I'm going to have a look around. Stay here!

Frodo sleeps for a bit but wakes up in the middle of the night by his companions eating.

Merry: Want a tomato, Sam?
Frodo: What are you doing!?
Merry: Tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon...
Sam: We saved some for you, Mr. Frodo.
Frodo: Put it out, you fools! Put it out!!
Pippin: Well, that's nice - you got ash in my tomatoes!

We hear the cry of the Nazgul. They are already right beneath the hobbits� shelter. The halflings flee to the top of Weathertop. The Nazgul follow and drive them together.

Sam: Back you devils!

They resist bravely but finally only Frodo is still left. He slips to the ground and puts the Ring on. He sees the real faces of the Wraiths. The Witch King raises his Morgul blade and stabs Frodo in the left shoulder.

Sam: Frodo!

Strider arrives and defeats the Nazgul�for now.

Sam: Strider! Help him, Strider!
Strider: He's been stabbed by a Morgul blade. This is beyond my skill to heal - he needs Elvish medicine.

Strider picks up Frodo and the hobbits flee through the woods.

Strider: Hurry!
Sam: We're six days from Rivendell - he'll never make it!
Strider: Hold on Frodo�
Frodo: Gandalf!

Scene : Orthanc

Gandalf still sits on top of Orthanc. A moth flies towards him and he captures it. He whispers something to it and the little animal flies away again.

Scene : On the road to Rivendell

Sam: Mr Frodo? He's goin' cold!
Pippin: Is he going to die?
Strider: He's passing into the shadow world - he'll soon become a wraith like them...
Merry: They're close...
Strider: Sam, do you know the Athelas plant?
Sam: Athelas?
Strider: Kingsfoil?
Sam: Kingsfoil - ah, it's a weed...
Strider: It may help to slow the poison - hurry!

They take off into the woods with their torches to look for it. Aragorn finds some and is crouching down to cut off a sprig when we see the point of a sword held to his neck.

Arwen: What's this? A Ranger, caught off his guard?

Back at the clearing, Frodo sees a bright light and Arwen arrives on Asfaloth. She bends down and talks to Frodo in Elvish.

Arwen: Frodo, Eim Arwen, tehlien leth ei. Lasto beth nin, tolo dan na ngalad. (Frodo, I am Arwen. I come to help you. Hear my voice, come back to the light)
Merry Who is she?
Arwen: Frodo...
Sam: She's an Elf...
Arwen: He's fading. He's not going to last. We must get him to my father. I've been looking for you for two days.
Merry Where are you taking him?
Arwen: There are five wraiths behind you. Where the other four are, I do not know...
Aragorn: Dartho guin berian. Rych le ad tolthathon. (Stay with the Hobbits. I'll send horses for you.)
Arwen: Hon mabathon. Rochon ellint im. (I'll take him. I'm the faster rider.)
Aragorn: Han meriobien. (The road is too dangerous.)
Pippin: What are they saying?
Arwen: Frodo fir. Ae athradon i hir, tur gwaith nin beriatha hon. (Frodo is dying. If I can get across the river, the power of my people will protect him.) I do not fear them.
Aragorn: Mi aisling. (My darling.) Ride hard! Don't look back!
Arwen: Noro lim, Asfaloth! Noro lim! (Run fast, Asfaloth! Run fast)
Sam: What are you doin'? Those wraiths are still out there!

Arwen rides Asfaloth across some open lands. Then the Black Riders appear and get closer to Arwen. She is able to stay out of their reach.

Arwen: Noro lim, Asfaloth! (Run fast, Asfaloth!)

She gets away from them long enough to get to the Ford of the Bruinen first. Arwen raises her sword from the far side of the River and the Nazg�l pause on the other side and raise theirs also.

Nazg�l: Give up the halfling, she-elf.
Arwen: If you want him, come and claim him!

The Nazg�l start to cross the River.

Arwen: Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer: Rimmo nin Bruinen dan in Ulaer! Nin o Chithaeglir, lasto beth daer: Rimmo nin Bruinen dan in Ulaer! (Waters of the Misty Mountains, listen to the great word: Flow waters of Loudwater against the Ringwraiths!)

A huge wave arises and sweeps the Nazgul away.

Arwen: No! Frodo, no! Frodo, don't give in, not now! What grace is given me, let it pass to him, let him be spared, save him...
Elrond: Lasto beth nin, tolo dan na ngalad. (Hear my voice, come back to the light.)

Part Two of the script


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