Be's Story

freakyniece: what??
BE: shes like all handcuffed to the         bed
BE: and like the phone rings
freakyniece: you kinky mo                   fo  ...and???
BE: and the answering machine            picks up and its her mom
freakyniece: LOL
BE: hahahahaha
BE: shes all like "corin call your              mom "
freakyniece: mom..hahahha
BE: its fucking funny as hell
freakyniece: were ya like stop and         listen?
BE: no i was all chokeing her                 pulling her hair with my cock           in her ass
freakyniece: oh hahahahahhahahaha
freakyniece: kinda hard to listen           with your cock in someones            ass
              CHERRY'S STORY
cherry_pauper: I can't fit in asian condoms
freakyniece: hahahha
freakyniece: they make asian condoms?
cherry_pauper: yes
cherry_pauper: they're little
cherry_pauper: I'm talking little
freakyniece: like finger rubbers?
cherry_pauper: yes
cherry_pauper: and it's made out of rice gelatin
freakyniece: hahahhaha
freakyniece: do they disolve?? or do ya eat em when your done?
cherry_pauper: you eat them afterwards
cherry_pauper: unless you're real fucken hungry
cherry_pauper: like that time in Nam
cherry_pauper: I was shot up in the leg by a greasy gook
freakyniece: hahahhahaha
freakyniece: and?
cherry_pauper: I dug a 6 foot trench with my bare hands and pulled leaves over me
freakyniece: hahahhahahha
freakyniece: and?
cherry_pauper: I radioed for help, but they had left for another mission
cherry_pauper: ...thinking I was dead or lost
cherry_pauper: which was almost true
freakyniece: hahahahahhaha
freakyniece: and?
cherry_pauper: well, every guy likes to have a keepsake for good luck
freakyniece: and yours was?
cherry_pauper: but I never had parents or anything to pass it down
freakyniece: ohhhhh...poor baby
freakyniece: and?
cherry_pauper: mine was the pack of condoms I bought in a shanghai deli mart
freakyniece: deli mart??
cherry_pauper: but we got called to duty before I could use them
freakyniece: bummer
cherry_pauper: yeah, behind the dead buffalo were horny girls
freakyniece: man..nam sounds fun
cherry_pauper: I tried to go back
freakyniece: but?
cherry_pauper: but after my rescue, they said my injuries were too severe
cherry_pauper: I was sent home with severance pay
freakyniece: well your leg WaS shot up.
cherry_pauper: I ate 11 condoms in that shithole trench
cherry_pauper: laid in my own piss and fecies for 6 days
freakyniece: 11?? what did you do with the 12th one?
cherry_pauper: I saved it to pass on to my offspring
freakyniece: ohhhh
freakyniece: so you still have it?
cherry_pauper: yeah, but it bothers me to talk about the war
The bad thing about this link  is , I have so much I can say, yet I dont care to share alot of my stories out of respect for my kids, who should live their whole lives without knowing SOME STUFF, ya know?
    I remember once the discussion of circumcision
came up as I sat on the patio with my mom and dad..AND grandma and grandpa. I was 7 months pregnant. My dad says, "so...if you have a boy, is he gonna be an elephant nose or a cone head? Of course I was like, "WHAT?, what r u talking about?. WEll..then Grandma says, "well jim (my grandpa) your a cone head", grandpa says.."No Ro (grandmas name) Im an elephant nose" my dad speaks up and says, "Im an elephant nose too"
     After realizing what they were talking about, I was like, "Thats too much information!"
clowning around!
A man goes into the doctors with a sausage in each ear,
and a potato chip up each nostril, and says "Doc I'm feeling really poorly". 

The doctor replies "I'm not surprised, you're not eating properly".
My deft floral arrangements have earned
me fame in international botany circles.  Children trust me.  I can hurl
tennis rackets at small moving objects with deadly accuracy.  I
once read Paradise Lost, Moby Dick, and David Copperfield in one
day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room that evening.
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