All About Me!

Hey! Welcome to what is possibly the most boring page on this site, and it's hard to be more boring than the others!
Yes, this waste of space is a page about.... *drumroll*... ME! Yawn.

The Basic Crap

Name : Lauren
Nicknames : Jo, Loz, LJ, PC LJ, CSJS (last three all thanks to lfc message boards!)
Age : 16
Marital Status : Single
Family : Mum, Dad, sister and 2 bros
Lives : England
Occupation : Freedom, but not for much longer
Pets : (Here we go...) 3 cats, 1 guinea-pig, 7 fishy things (if they're still alive), 1 dog, 1 chinchilla, 1 hamster and my horse, Star

More Crap.

Song I'm listening to right now : Coldplay | Amsterdam
Football Team : Liverpool FC, in case no-one knew!
Food : Pizza, Cheese, Chips
Drink : Always Coca-Cola!!!!
Animals : Horses, Chinchillas and Cats
Bands : Red Hot Chili Peppers, Creed, Feeder, Blink 182, Nickelback, Weezer, Muse, Nirvana, Puddle of Mudd, Greenday, Coldplay, The Beatles, Silverchair (yay Adam!)
Waste of time : Going on the net of course!
Hobby : Horse riding

A Thingy I was sent, so will answer here!
1. What time is it? 20.57
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate : Lauren Joanne Adamiecki
3. Nickname(s): Jo, Loz, LJ
4. Parents names: Jill and Michael Adamiecki
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 12 - haven't had them 4 a while!
7.Pets: See the list above if you wanna know!
8. Eye colour: brown
9. Hair colour: brown
10. Piercing : just ears
11. Tattoos: nope
12. How much do you love your job? What is this "job" you speak of?
13. Favourite color: Blue, Black, purple
14. Hometown: Nottingham
15. Current Residence : Nottingham
16. Favourite food: Pizza, Chocolate, and chips sadly
17. Been to Africa? Nope
18. Been toilet papering? Now there's an idea!
19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? No
21. Croutons or bacon bits? Neither
22. Sprite or 7UP? Coke! lol
23. Favourite Movie: God, I dunno!
24. Favourite Holiday: Summer! No school for 6 weeks!
25. Favourite day of the week: Saturday
26. Favourite word or phrase: Dude (Lou's fault), Not too bad, it's funny because it's true!
27. Favourite Toothpaste: Aquafresh
28. Favourite Restaurant: Pizza Hut, Frankie n Bennys
29. Favourite Flower : i don't know...
30. Favourite Drink: Coke
31. Favourite sport to watch: Football, Horsey stuff
32. Preferred type of ice cream: Vanilla
33. Favourite Sesame Street character: The Grouch's Pet worm, who's name i dunno...
34. Disney or Warner Bros.? Disney, hands down!
35. Favourite Fast Food Restaurant: McDonalds
36. When was your last hospital visit? About 6 years ago
37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Blue
38. How many times did you fail your drivers test? none... coz i haven't taken it!
39. Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this? About 6 people sending me that damn virus!
40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? nope
41. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Pft... pass.
42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Internet. TV
43. Friend that lives the farthest away from you? Jeanie, i think
44. Favourite TV show: Friends
45. Last person you went out to dinner with: Louise .... lol
46. Last Movie you saw at a theater: I don't remember....
47: Are you sexxy? : : dies of laughter : :
48: What was your First car?: Haven't had one yet :(
49: Time when you finished? 21.16

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