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Ever heard of Creation Science Evangelism? It is the defense of the Biblical creation with modern science. Evolution is taught as fact all over this country and NASA spends millions each year trying to prive it. There is NO scientific defense for it. In fact, there is much more evidence to support CREATION! Here is a link to some more information.
Dr. Dino

My favorite quote is from The Gulf Islands National Seashore museum in Pensacola, FL where a sign reads "We know that native americans have lived here for 10,000 years even though the first evidence is from 5,000 years ago." 5,000 around the flood of Noah and the tower of Babble!

My own theory is this. After the incident at the tower of Babble, the Bible says people were scattered all over the earth. Literally, all over the earth. Some smart asians started the Chinese New Year at that time. The Chinese New Year corresponds very well to the Biblical flood and the tower of Babble incident. Interestingly enough, it matches with the Gulf Islands National Seashore "Evidence" of first inhabitants.

Solar Power!

It's a fact that every day, the sun shines on most of the United States. Why not tie our energy future to the sun? If it goes out, we're all in big trouble!

Here is my list of solar advantages:
  • No delivery costs involved
  • No taxes to be paid
  • No international dependencies (we all get the sun)
  • Use existing roof surfaces
I propose a $0.05 cents per gallon gax tax to help create incentives for home builders, home owners, companies, and automobile manufacturers to switch to solar energy and the use of electric vehicles. The United States needs to become the world leader in solar technology. A dramatic switch to solar energy would greatly reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

Why not electric cars with solar panels on the roof and dashboards? The batteries would re-charge during the workday.

I have added some links on the left to my favorite renewable energy sites.

Updated 04/12/06 FH
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