

This web site details my journey into the depths of hi-fi audio. I have two projects running concurrently right now--an amplifier and a speaker set. My previous brush with higher end audio was a Linn Classik mated with Tannoy m2 speakers. The sound was decently involving. The Classik was a great little integrated amplifier with integrated CD player, rated at 75w into 4R. 

My interest in speaker building was piqued first by seeing a Solen ad in the back of an old Stereo Review. I was directed to, and saw many speaker building parts. I also learned of Madisound, another dealer of speaker parts and kits. I also started lurking in the Madisound speaker discussion forum. I saw a design I wanted to pursue--a speaker similar to the ProAc Response 2.5. Since I didn't have $5400 lying around, I decided I would try my hand at a speaker similar to the Response 2.5.

I liked the idea of building one's own speakers. Not only do you spend less money than certain commercial speakers, but you usually get better sound. Obviously there is a major time commitment necessary to build speakers, but time is something I have right now, as I am taking a year of from school.


HTML, pictures copyright 2001 Fred Kim. Last modified 11/2/01

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