Report from Snowmass

Wow! What a trip! A little powder, lots of sun, and a great group of skiers made the Blue Ridge Ski Council's Winter Carnival in Aspen/Snowmass a terrific time. Thirty FSC skiers from seven states converged at Snowmass on January 24th, and were treated to a sizeable snowfall over the next 24 hours--a good way to begin the week. Over the next six days, it was easy for everyone to find just the right challenge, with four very different mountains to ski. The Victorian mining town of Aspen and ESPN's Winter X Games provided additional activity.

The NASTAR race was a highlight of the trip. Mike Redding, FSC Race Coordinator, worked hard to ensure the club had the advantage by being first on the course. Fifteen skiers raced for the club, with two (Mike Bailey and Jim Schiller) winning NASTAR silver medals and nine (Connie Wiley, Lois Rose, Wes Rogers, Bob Cote, Joe Behun, Dave Taylor, Steve Chase, Wally Morton and Mike Redding) winning NASTAR bronze medals. Lois Rose placed second in her category in the entire BRSC and was awarded the Council's Silver Medal. Two first-time racers, Jodi Ehlen and Lyn Rogers, plus Shirley Grant and Rae Ehlen also went for the gold. Lyn was recognized at the BRSC Awards Banquet for her outstanding performance. Overall, the club finished in fifth place, out of eight clubs.

In addition to BRSC welcome and farewell parties and FSC get-togethers, Mike Redding coordinated an enjoyable evening out for the club at the Crystal Palace Theater in Aspen, where dinner was followed by Capital Steps-style entertainment.

On Saturday, January 31st, it was hard to leave Aspen, but everyone packed up skis and boots for the journey home. The second large snowfall of the week closed airports and delayed most flights. Our Dulles-bound skiers found their way home that day, thanks in large part to Bob Myse who was able to arrange a bus to Denver. Those from Florida, California, Georgia and Massachusetts also arrived home safely, no doubt with tales to make the trip even more memorable.

This year's trip is over, but it's never too early to think about next year. The 2005 Winter Carnival will be in Breckenridge, CO. Start waxing those skis and Think Snow!

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