Report From Innsbruck

Febrary 11th-18th, 2006

After skiing the Silvretta Arena out of Ischgl, Austria, with Bob Myse, Bob Schwab and relatives for a pleasant week, Catherine Moncure, George Moncure and Jim Dow ventured to Innsbruck, Austria. Our inn keepers at Innsbruck spoiled us by providing us with excellent accommodation and food, and provided us with a multitude of activities. These included skiing to eight different ski areas, touring old town Innsbruck, the Swaroski Kristallvelton Crystal World, the Silver Mines (Silberbergwerk), a night of Triolian music and dance, and a 5 kilometer (over 3 miles) moonlit tobogganing run at Axamer Lizum, the site of the Winter Olympics for 1964 and 1976. One of the skiing highlights was the greatly expanded Stubair Gletscher, offering multiple groomed runs wedged between towering mountain landscape. All of this was enjoyed on a bright sunny day. Although the skiing terrain was not overly demanding, the presence of God*s beauty was beyond explanation. The free bus suttle drive to the various ski areas gave a picture of Austrian landscape from small town to the countryside. Friday, after an early morning light snow of six to eight inches, the bright sun rays reflected in all directions, making the landscape a winter wonderland. The bus drive to the ski area Kuhtai was nature*s joy. Most every evening was packed with activities including the last evening of our stay, with a treat by the Innsbruck Symphonic Orchestra with a taste of Bartok, Copland and Mussorgski. Austria has left us all with positive images and times, excellent food, good social attitudes and evidence of the conservative treatment of their environment.

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