Heli-Skiing in Canada

By Ray Mees

Most of my friends said "Are you nuts, jumping out of a helicopter? You're crazy!" My wife would agree, but my heart said "Ray, you've wanted to do this from the time you watched your first Warren Miller movie." Too bad I waited to turn 60, but I've still got a few good turns left in me. I had promised myself and made a to-do list of things I must do before I hang up my boards.

FSC members Mike Bailey, Heidi Hamrick and I joined 7 other people from the Columbia Ski Club and 6 of us joined 5 other experienced skiers along with a Canadian Mountain Holidays guide to form one group. There was a total of 3 groups. I could not have picked a nicer group of people with which to ski. Final verdict; it's going to be hard to beat this, my friends. Words cannot describe it. It was like an out of body experience.

Every part of the whole experience was amazing. The helicopter pilot was amazing. I can't believe some of the places we landed! If the weather was good, we were in heaven. If it was real bad, we called it a day. The food was 5-star. It's going to be hard to go back to a chair lift, for sure.

See ya on the slopes!

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