Special Message from Jodi Ehlen

Hi, Big Sky Skiers (Say that 10 times real fast.)

I just would like to thank everyone who went down LOBO with me. That meant a lot to me to have so much support for my first intermediate slope ( I knew that I couldn' t screw up). It was such a great feeling to have people ski by and hear, "You're doing great" or "Keep it up, you're almost done" . The best feeling of all, was when I finished successfully and at the end of the slope there you all were cheering me on. I felt like I had just won the gold! Then we all did it again. Lois, the little speech you made at the party was very sweet and the presentation of the "Blue Boot Magnet" was great. We have a great bunch of people in our club. Thank you, for making my LOBO adventure a thing to remember!!!!!!!! Thank you.

(These are various nicknames I received that day. I love them all.)

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