Mammoth Mountain Adventure

By Rae Ehlen

When the month of March finally rolled around, 21 of us were anxiously awaiting a ski adventure to Mammoth. For some of us, with this being our only big trip, and the trip occurring later than usual, the first couple weeks in March were anxious, to say the least. With Friday, the 16th, finally on us, we were all prepared to begin our western journey on the 17th. Unfortunately, only 9 of us were so lucky. The other 12 of us, 10 who were flying out of Dulles, and 2, Gene and Denise Buckwalter, who were flying out of Philadelphia, had to endure the fate of a cancelled flight (prematurely I might add), not getting rescheduled until Monday afternoon. Although the Buckwalters arrived several hours earlier, the rest of us were finally in our Mammoth condos at around 1:00am PDT (which is 4:00am EDT, YYYAAAAWWWNNNN!!!!!)

So, on Tuesday morning, we were FINALLY able to begin skiing, with the other 9 having two days in already. Although we lost two days, we were still able to salvage an excellent trip.

Tuesday was mainly off and on snow showers, allowing fresh tracks all day. Although conditions were good, visibility was limited, forcing closure of many of the trademark bowl areas of Mammoth. Many of us partook of the complimentary mountain tours available.

Wednesday was a little clearer, allowing me to explore some of the more challenging terrain. Chair 22 stands out in my mind, although I was still wondering if I was going to experience the bowls.

Not to worry, however, since Mother Nature did eventually cooperate. With sunny skies the last couple of days, I did finally make it to the Cornice bowl area, and I was not disappointed. Gorgeous views, excellent terrain, and not to mention, great Apr�s Ski! What more could you ask for?

Many thanks to Wally for allowing us to share the wisdom of his experience with the mountain, as well as arranging the group dinner at Whiskey Creek. Although, there was a mix-up with our reservation, they were still able to accommodate us, and because of their mistake, we got a complimentary dessert. Are you sure you didn�t plan that, Wally?

As usual, we ended the week with a pizza party, after working up a huge appetite all week. (Bigger than usual, since most of us were making up for lost time).

Wally, again, thanks for organizing an excellent trip, making my, and many others�, first experience at Mammoth a great one!

Think Snow!

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